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Hundreds of workers protest against Italians/Foreigners 'taking jobs'...

Socialist Party report on victory at Total. It appears that all strikers have been reinstated, and that the workers who were originally made redundant will be offered jobs.


The role of the LOR shop stewards and the strike committee was crucial in giving a clear uncompromising leadership. The shop stewards committee, under the suggestion of Socialist Party member Keith Gibson, was expanded into a strike committee in the second week of the dispute. By the end it included three Socialist Party members.
The Socialist Party produced an almost daily newsletter that offered suggestions on the way forward for the strike, several of which were adopted. These newsletters were taken in their hundreds by pickets to other sites as far afield as Teesside, Elsmere port, South Wales and Nottinghamshire. As workers looked for ideas and showed their support for the Socialist Party 93 copies of The Socialist were sold during the course of fortnight.

In other words, it was us that done it!
Great result and fair play to the SP for their support and involvement in it. Unlike others at least they had the nounce to look at this through a class analysis.
In other words, it was us that done it!

15 paragraphs. You take one and claim that is all that was said.

People are then meant to take you seriously.

You really are a bit of an arsehole arn't you?

What was actually being said was - those workers are open to socialist ideas over nationalist slogans when such progressive ideas are on offer - with a case in point. Not only that but it was the tactics and strategy put forward by those socialists, and taken up by those workers, as their own, that WON the dispute in less than a week - a serious attack on all trade unionists completely brushed aside by a serious approach to class politics. A concept lost on an idiot like you though...
You publicise your party, claim the credit, try to recruit more members.
It's despicable.
These workers don't need your "support".
not in his party, but I would say it's absolutely essential, if the lessons were learnt, they need to be spread, and create more victories amongst the working class that it is desperate for them.
not in his party, but I would say it's absolutely essential, if the lessons were learnt, they need to be spread, and create more victories amongst the working class that it is desperate for them.
That's just the point I was trying to make. The working class can and should fight these necessary battles themselves without interference from politically motivated groups seeking to exploit these struggles for their own political ends, which in this case are pretty dubious in that they as trotskyists they want to eventually impose on the working class the sort of state capitalist dictatorship and cooption of the unions into the state that existed in Russia already under Lenin and Trotsky.
That's just the point I was trying to make. The working class can and should fight these necessary battles themselves without interference from politically motivated groups seeking to exploit these struggles for their own political ends, which in this case are pretty dubious in that they as trotskyists they want to eventually impose on the working class the sort of state capitalist dictatorship and cooption of the unions into the state that existed in Russia already under Lenin and Trotsky.

And as you showed in practice - your 'point' was a crass, trite, artifical and false one.

The political concerns of the SP members who LED that dispute, respected for their tactical nouce and therefore chosen by their members was always FIRST and FOREMOST achieving the best for those they represented, fought alongside and live the same lives as. Your understanding of the SPs political outlook is only slightly 'deeper' than you 'concern' for the strikers.

Your 'point' - even when falsely, hypocritically and snidely put across, as it was (and as you always do...) - will be of absolutely no interest or relevance to those workers facing the loss of their livelihoods. You ACTUALLY treat these workers as though they are stupid. passive dupes of fantasy 'leninists'. Actually , they can think for themselves you idiot....

You could not give a flying fuck for those workers, only for your petty, fanciful sectarian opinons - so don't bother faining concern for their interests, you dishonest, hypocritical wanker. The fuckin irony in trying to attack the fantasy 'sectarian' interests of the 'leninist' straw men you try desperately to knock down in such a completely and ACTUALLY, in practice, sectarian and idiotic manner seems completely lost on you... but, hey, thanks for continuing to show up the utter bankruptcy of your own 'ideas'.

It is your own utterly bankrupt passivity and do-nothing hypocricy that is 'despicable' - it makes any 'crimes' you desperately try and pin on the SP pale into insignificance by comparison

Is that clear enough?
That's just the point I was trying to make. The working class can and should fight these necessary battles themselves without interference from politically motivated groups seeking to exploit these struggles for their own political ends, which in this case are pretty dubious in that they as trotskyists they want to eventually impose on the working class the sort of state capitalist dictatorship and cooption of the unions into the state that existed in Russia already under Lenin and Trotsky.

hi jean luc ,, interested if u affiliated to anything .. i guess on paper i would be close to many of your position re leninism etc but on this i disagree on 2 reasons .. 1) many political activists are w/c and involved so are not outsiders ,. while there are instances of activists being forced to go against their TU instincts to follow a line equally parties like SP follow what workers have done 2) in almost all cases workers w/c are not ready with all the ideas, partly becuase they have not studied political history ( which of course can leasd to the wrong conclusions) but also becuase not being in an mutual aid organisation they are not able to resist reformism or compromise or whatever .. while part of me maybe thinks the spontaneous theory of revolution may be correct and all activists shoudl do something else and let people get on with things my experiance is that people are extremely grateful for help
hi jean luc ,, interested if u affiliated to anything .. i guess on paper i would be close to many of your position re leninism etc but on this i disagree on 2 reasons .. 1) many political activists are w/c and involved so are not outsiders ,. while there are instances of activists being forced to go against their TU instincts to follow a line equally parties like SP follow what workers have done 2) in almost all cases workers w/c are not ready with all the ideas, partly becuase they have not studied political history ( which of course can leasd to the wrong conclusions) but also becuase not being in an mutual aid organisation they are not able to resist reformism or compromise or whatever .. while part of me maybe thinks the spontaneous theory of revolution may be correct and all activists shoudl do something else and let people get on with things my experiance is that people are extremely grateful for help

my guess - He's a SPGBer - but not active (if any of them can be considered 'active'...). I think you have very little in common

either that or he is a starship captain (federation...)
my guess - He's a SPGBer - but not active (if any of them can be considered 'active'...). I think you have very little in common

either that or he is a starship captain (federation...)
hey i LIKE the SPGB!!:D .. well i think i do .. on a few levels .. the idea you need a majority before you move to revolution as opposed to a Blanquist/Leninist 'putschist' position .. and i am sure we agree on leninism and trotskyism in general .. and i suspect i could trace ideological roots back to them and the glasgow anarchist commnists of the 1920s! actually not sure i know that much about 'em tbh though .. some Kudos of being the oldest left current in the UK!

but yes they seem very sectarian sadly and don't seem to actually do anything :)
while part of me maybe thinks the spontaneous theory of revolution may be correct and all activists shoudl do something else and let people get on with things my experiance is that people are extremely grateful for help
I think you are right here. People on strike, etc are grateful for help as long as it's without evident strings. That's what happened in the 1970s with Tony Cliff's group (then IS, now the SWP). They helped the shop steward's movement of the time with research, publicity, printing, etc and some of the stewards joined the Cliff group. But they proved not to be dupes. When Cliff tried to impose Leninism on them they wouldn't swallow it and in the end Cliff had to expel them for "economism". I predict the same thing will happen with Militant's shop steward and trade unionist recruits (as, maybe, when they try to impose the "New Workers Party" line on them -- see the thread on this). We'll see. In the meantime I suppose there's no harm in militant trade unionists using Militant for their legitimate trade union ends, as long as they do it "without illusions" as some no doubt are doing. Trade unionism is in fact a higher degree of working class consciousness than Leninism, a product of the backward conditions in Tsarist Russia.
I think you are right here. People on strike, etc are grateful for help as long as it's without evident strings. That's what happened in the 1970s with Tony Cliff's group (then IS, now the SWP). They helped the shop steward's movement of the time with research, publicity, printing, etc and some of the stewards joined the Cliff group. But they proved not to be dupes. When Cliff tried to impose Leninism on them they wouldn't swallow it and in the end Cliff had to expel them for "economism". I predict the same thing will happen with Militant's shop steward and trade unionist recruits (as, maybe, when they try to impose the "New Workers Party" line on them -- see the thread on this). We'll see. In the meantime I suppose there's no harm in militant trade unionists using Militant for their legitimate trade union ends, as long as they do it "without illusions" as some no doubt are doing. Trade unionism is in fact a higher degree of working class consciousness than Leninism, a product of the backward conditions in Tsarist Russia.

Lenin dies and goes to hell.

Satan, puts his soul into a cauldron with boiling water, and shuts the lid.

After a week, there is turmoil in the pot. Satan lifts the lid and finds the souls shouting: "it is way too hot in here! we want out, long live the revolution!"

so he takes Lenins soul out and throws him into the pot with boiling oil. Again after two weeks a turmoil. He checks the pot and finds the souls shouting: "it is way too hot - it stinks - we want out! long live the revolution"

so again Satan takes Lenins soul out and puts him into the pot of heated shit. No 3 days pass before the turmoil. "This is no living condition! It stinks, its hot we want out! Long live the revolution!"

At the end of his wits, Satan calls Saint Peter n Heavens.

"Pete, listen, few weeks ago i have been sent Lenins soul, and obviously this was a mistake. He doesnt fit in, he protests and creates tourmoil. Must be he belongs up to you, i suppose"

St. Peter agrees and Lenins soul is transfered to heaven

one week passes, two weeks,

after 2 months, Satan cannot hold back, and calls St. peter again.

"So, how is Lenin doing up at yours ?"

"Good you called Satan, I meant t thank you for ages. Lenin indeed is a great addition up here. He is playing cards and chess with me and the other angels; we have debates and discussions. Life is jolly!"

"You play cards, and chess and debate ? But what does God say to that?"

"God ? What God ? God does not exist!"
I don't know about his soul, but I thought that when he died his body was embalmed and put in a mausoleum, just as they used to do with deceased Roman Emperors. And Trotsky despite being a westernised intellectual went along with this. Having said this, I agree Lenin would have turned in his grave if he knew.
I don't know about his soul, but I thought that when he died his body was embalmed and put in a mausoleum, just as they used to do with deceased Roman Emperors. And Trotsky despite being a westernised intellectual went along with this. Having said this, I agree Lenin would have turned in his grave if he knew.
new dispute at Uskmouth Power Station

"I would like to appeal to all construction workers on behalf of the unemployed cosntruction workers who have been demonstrating outside Uskmouth Power Station this week, highlighting the fact that local workers are being discriminated against & the Blue Book agreement is not being adhered to at the plant.

The 2 demos we have had this week as been well attended of around 80 - 100, but we need to show our strength and feeling over further attacks on our national agreements. We are also getting support from other unions from outside the industry such as the RMT & NUM. We are also producing a letter in Polish, German and other laguages to appeal to the workers on site whose lives are at threat because of the lack of health and safety. Union officials on adjoining site at Uskmouth are also trying to find out if they are getting the correct rates for the jobs.

There is a further demo next Monday 24th August start 6.00am, within the first week of September there will be a National organised union demo where there will be free coaches laid on to get workers from around the country to come down on Mass.

I will let everyone know the exact date and more details by the weekend. The situation at Uskmouth needs to be resolved Siemens and management are getting away with blue murder.

Mike John
Union Strike Threat At Major Energy Plants

12:19pm UK, Friday September 04, 2009

Britain faces a new threat of fuel shortages and power cuts as workers at some
of the country's biggest oil refineries and power stations prepare to strike.

Total Oil Refinery Workers Rally

The bitter row over foreign workers sparked wildcat strikes earlier this year

Shutdowns could come after union members voted over whether to stage official
action over the hiring of cheaper foreign labour.

The result of a ballot of GMB union members was revealed to employers earlier
this week, including energy groups BP and Shell.

Sky News understands that the vast majority of the 7,000 GMB union members at
seven locations across the country have voted in favour of industrial action.

The ballot follows months of wildcat strikes sparked by the use of foreign
workers at the Lindsey oil refinery in Lincolnshire.

Fellow union Unite, which represents the remainder of the 30,000-strong
workforce, has also been balloting its members.

The results are to be announced next week, but Sky News has been told that they
will show overwhelming member support for strike action.

Union officials are due to meet with employers later but it is understood that
workers' leaders are determined to take action to force companies to stick to
national collective pay deals.

The unions are also pushing for a pay rise, a national register of workers'
skills and an agreement to allow union representatives to bring up grievances on

It is likely the two unions will co-ordinate any decision over walkouts.

The seven sites at risk are BP's Forties pipeline facility at Grangemouth, the
Ineos refinery at Grangemouth, Sellafield, Shell's refinery at Stanlow, RWE's
power plants at Staythorpe in Nottinghamshire and Aberthaw in South Glamorgan
and Chevron's refinery in Pembroke.
Union Strike Threat At Major Energy Plants

All been building for some time now:


"The mood was one of workers' solidarity, as one worker said: "We are not against Polish workers, we are against those above them". A steward reported that when he was working in Plymouth, Polish workers went on strike with British workers and joined the union because they found out that the company was exploiting them. The union then won them improved pay and conditions.

A solidarity appeal in Polish, Hungarian and German has been produced by Socialist Party members for workers to join the union and support the campaign of British and Irish construction workers for jobs on the site.

Subsequent protests have been smaller but the anger has not dissipated. Workers are gearing up for a big protest on 7 September, when workers from all over the country will be rallying at Uskmouth."
From: Cardiff Rail
Sent: Monday, September 07, 2009 12:02 PM
Subject: Uskmouth Blockade, 7th September 2009

Brothers and Sisters, Just a quick report about the blockade at Uskmouth this morning. Held in at the Uskmouth plant, on lower wages and poorer conditions than they would have to pay UK workers. It was well attended, with somewhere between 150 and 200 protesters taking part. We formed up just outside the main gates at about 5.30am, and successfully prevented any of the morning shift workers from getting into work between then, and just before 9am, when the Police moved the protesters back.

Organised by UNITE, the GMB were also present to show solidarity, as well as the Socialist Party, SWP, Youth Fight For Jobs, and of course the RMT. A couple of people promoting the BNP as "a viable protest vote" were also present, but their hateful diatribe was poorly received by all those present. There will almost certainly be more protests at Uskmouth (and Aberthaw and Milford Haven too) although details of when they might be haven't been released yet.

Click on the links for a few photos: -

And one of the ominpresent rozzers!!


Sky News is also running the story at: -


Thanks to all who sent messages of support and solidarity - these were passed on to the UNITE Officials present. Please don't hesitate to get in touch if you need any further details.

Best wishes to you all as always, Greg
Greg Harrison
Secretary - RMT Cardiff Rail (0294) Branch 118 Court Road Grangetown Cardiff CF11 6SE
Email: cardiffrail@rmt.org.uk
Website: www.rmtcardiffrail.org.uk
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