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Hundreds of workers protest against Italians/Foreigners 'taking jobs'...

Apparently those on Jacobs Babtie contracts (they being the main contractor at Lindsey) have walked out at H point early this morning - if this spreads through the Jacobs Babtie workers then thing is going to go massive, they've got a finger in every pie going - every road build, every PPP/PFI project, every new hospital, every new school, refuse removal, transport...

edit: and it's becoming abundantly clear that there's been a blacklist operating for those involved in the last wildcats in feb
more details of the latest sackings here:

"It is clear now that the LOR bosses are using this dispute (caused by their own mis-management and their reneging on agreements made in February) to seek revenge for their forced climbdown by the strike earlier this year.

Taken with the leaked ECIA advice to employers on subverting the official union strike ballot, the bosses have declared war against the trade unions, shop stewards and the NAECI agreement.

That is why we appeal for your support. Unity is strength. Together we will win. AGAIN.



* Continue the Strike at LOR until 51 redundancies withdrawn
* Place pickets at all LOR gates and appeal to tanker drivers not to cross
* Call for solidarity strike action across all NAECI sites

Fiddlers Ferry (since Monday), Aberthaw (300 walked out yesterday), Conoco (2-300 walked yesterday and joined LOR pickets), Dragon, BOC Scunthorpe & Hartlepool Power Station

Ferrybridge, Stanlow, BP Saltend, Eggborough, West Burton, Cottam, Ratcliffe, Staythorpe, Wilton and maybe more."

More on the leaked ECIA document at the link above...
Solidarity spreading...

Wildcat strikes had already spread to several power stations and other terminals in the past few days as thousands of workers took sympathy action.

There were reports that contract workers at the Staythorpe power station in Nottinghamshire and Ferrybridge power station in Yorkshire walked out early on Friday after hearing the news.

One of the sacked Lindsey workers said: "We are asking for support from workers across the country which I am sure will be given. Total will soon realise they have unleashed a monster.

"It is disgraceful that this has happened without any consultation.

"If they get away with this the rest of the industry will crumble and it will be like a turkey cull. Workers will be decimated and unskilled employees from abroad will be brought in on the cheap, treated like scum and sent back after the job is done.

"There is a serious possibility that the lights will go out because of this. We just cannot stand by and see workers discarded like an oily cloth."

Text messages being sent to workers across the country read: "Cometh the hour, cometh the man. Your support is now needed more than ever. If you are supporting our brothers across the country thank you. If you're not yet out just remember next time it could be you. We must fight this NOW."

Contract workers at power stations took action yesterday at Fiddlers Ferry in Cheshire, Drax and Eggborough in Yorkshire, Ratcliffe in Nottinghamshire, Didcot in Oxfordshire and Aberthaw in South Wales.

Contractors at a BP refinery near Hull also joined the strike action.

The dispute flared when a contractor laid off 51 workers while another employer was hiring staff at Lindsey, which was hit earlier this year by unofficial strikes over jobs for non-UK workers.

Around 1,200 contract workers at the terminal have been taking unofficial action all week as efforts to convene talks floundered.

Interesting report on SU site. I linked to an SP report above which included the contents of the SP's 18th June leaflet

The SU site reports:

"Copy of the Socialist Party leaflet put out on the 18th. It seems Bear Facts have started using our leaflet. When some of the comrades got to the sites they discovered groups of workers were giving out our leaflet themselves!"

Photos on the BBC website show pickets holding signs saying Trade Union Jobs and Pay for ALL Workers and NO to cheap labour, YES to workers rights etc. That's good - the ground is being cut away from the more reactionary slogans seen previously

http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/humber/8108434.stm (note the contradictory reporting with the quote from the 'on the spot' reporter as opposed to the image directly above...)
Just by way of a note, I did notice the news coverage of the sacking totally failed to mention the reason behind the strikes.
Excellent, shouldn't be difficult to find some people who are actually prepared to work given the current unemployment levels.

Anybody know if this, reported in Friday's Times is accurate:
Lindsey, one of Britain's biggest oil refineries, was hit by mass industrial action in January over the use of foreign workers. Hundreds of construction staff walked out after the company brought in Italians and Portuguese to build a new unit rather than use local employees.
A representative of Unite told the BBC last night that staff had believed there was an agreement not to cut any jobs while those foreign contactors were employed.
Not trusting the capitalist press, I'm prepared to believe it's not. I hope it isn't.
Forwarded from the Campaign Against Immigration Controls

Bob Archer,

Press and Website Officer,
National Shop Stewards Network


Subject: Solidarity with Sacked Lindsey Workers Monday 4-6pm

Following our conference today the Campaign Against Immigration Controls (CAIC)
calls for the immediate reinstatement of the workers who were sacked by Total,
Jacobs and other subcontractors at the Lindsey Oil refinery in Lincolnshire
last Thursday night.
We are calling a solidarity protest at the Total headquarters in Watford on
Monday 22nd June, 4-6pm.
Why is our campaign supporting these sacked workers?
• We support the rights of all workers - regardless of their nationality or
immigration status - to organise in the workplace to protect and improve their
wages, conditions and livelihood.
• CAIC activists include many migrant workers whose conditions of work are
very precarious, like cleaners. These workers are often servicing the offices
of the rich and powerful but paid a pittance. Again and again migrant workers
who organise unions and fight for a living wage are victimised and sacked and
sometimes face detention and deportation. The Lindsey workers have also been
victimised for fighting back to protect their jobs. CAIC activists are also in
the GMB and Unite unions in struggle at Lindsey: we say that all workers should
make common cause against the bosses.
• CAIC supports the freedom of movement of workers. But we are opposed to
people being pushed around and uprooted by the bosses or their state. It is
clear to us that the posting of workers from Europe like this, housed in
barracks segregated from the rest of the workforce, is about breaking up
existing unions in order to undermine hard-won agreements and set in motion the
race to the bottom. We need workers' organisation and solidarity across borders
• CAIC believes that there is plenty of useful work to be done. It is only
our insane capitalist economy, run for private profit, that makes desperately
needed projects unprofitable and sets worker against worker, from the same or
different nations. The Government should STOP THROWING MONEY AT THE BANKS and
invest in socially useful, clean and green industries and instead.
* Directions

Or Meet at Euston Station 3pm, call 07843 945 005
Messages of support

From Joe Higgins, Member of the European Parliament, the Socialist Party, Dublin, Ireland.
“The threatened sacking of 900 Lindsey workers by the Total oil company is an absolute outrage. As a newly elected MEP I will be raising your case in the European parliament. I would like to add that I will also be calling for the EU directives on ‘posted workers’ to be withdrawn as soon as possible because they are a licence for European companies to undermine trade union pay and conditions as part of national agreements”

Solidarity from Sven Naessens, Union Convenor at Total, Antwerp, Belgium.
“Will give support with email now, leaflet on Monday, and discussion with our management on why you have been sacked. The national union secretary has sent emails out to refineries in Belgium”

Rail, Maritime & Transport Union (RMT) from Alex Gordon (NEC)
“Solidarity to sacked Lindsey workers. We support your cause. Union jobs for trade union members.”

Matt Wrack, General Secretary of Fire Brigades Union
“Please pass on solidarity greetings to all sacked Lindsey workers from the Fire Brigades Union. Please let us know anything we can do to assist – including financial support, physical support on pickets or whatever is needed. We will circulate any such information throughout the union”

Dave Nellist, Socialist Party Councillor in Coventry
“Please pass on to your members that we in the Coventry trade union movement will be doing all we can to build support for your campaign for reinstatement”

Message to Gibbo (Keith Gibson) from young LOR striker!!
“We’ll beat these all day – we’ll step it up a gear next week. I’m not giving my life, my kid’s life, or my girlfriend’s life up for no-one! We’ll win together. We’ll get a slice of the pie instead of the crumbs they want to take away from us. We will win!”
The deadline for re-applying for jobs (i.e the attempt to split the workforce) was this morning -anyone hear anything post it up plaese.

Tommorow is supposed to be a ntional day of action and also a national protest outside LOR- address:

Eastfield Road
DN40 3LW
Hundreds of sacked oil workers have continued their protest outside the Lindsey Oil Refinery, by burning their dismissal notices in an act of defiance against French oil giants Total. Six hundred and fifty workers were sacked by Total, which runs the facility in North Lincolnshire. They were given until 5.00pm today to reapply for their jobs.

BBC (got vid)

Elsewhere, workers across the UK have walked out in sympathy. They include:

• 400 workers at two LNG plants in west Wales - South Hook and Dragon

• 200 contractors at Aberthaw power station in the Vale of Glamorgan, south Wales

• 200 contractors at Drax and Eggborough power stations near Selby, North Yorkshire

• Workers at Fiddlers Ferry power station in Widnes, Cheshire

• Contract maintenance workers at the Shell Stanlow Refinery in Ellesmere Port, Cheshire

• 60 contract maintenance workers at Didcot A power station in Oxfordshire

Activists have said they expect thousands of workers to take action in the coming days in support of the sacked workers.

Any more?
Latest newsletter from SP:



"By dismissing 647 LOR workers,Total have declared war on trade unionism and the NAECI agreement. This dispute is no longer just about 51 sacked workers, its about the future of our industry. The employers want to break the solidarity of construction workers and smash effective trade unionism so that they can get rid of the national agreement to bring in cheap labour and drive down wages to boost their profits."
According to the SP website, “[w]hilst we have had dozens of messages of support from other unions and other countries, Tommy Hardacre, our UNITE national officer, sent an email to regional officers on June 17th asking them to tell shop stewards at other sites not to support LOR’s action!

We have also been told by a reliable source that he has alleged that the strike is politically motivated by a socialist party.”

See more at http://www.socialistparty.org.uk/latest/7465

but further information from today (23rd):

Lindsey workers got a huge boost today as around 2,000 strikers and supporters marched and rallied outside Total’s oil refinery. The pressure of spreading unofficial action (Sellafield, Longannet power station and Coryton oil refinery have joined over 20 sites taking action) has forced both the GMB and Unite unions to now officially support the dismissed 647 workers. Union flags decorated the march giving a real feel of trade union power. At the rally GMB General Secretary Paul Kenny pledged “A solution we will have. A sell-out we won’t. And there will be no solution without all the dismissed workers being re-instated and the 51 sackings being rescinded.” Then he pledged £100,000 for a hardship fund which Unite will have to match.

Tommy Hardacre, the aforementioned Unite national officer also declared Unite’s official support for the sacked workers.

Total’s mass dismissals have back-fired on them. They have clearly been rocked by the spreading strikes and support for the Lindsey workers. Having insisted that there would be no negotiations until a return to work, they are now “actively encouraging” the contractors to seek talks. Workers are hopeful of a breakthrough but prepared for the long haul if that’s what it takes.

So that means GMB official support - which is useful
I don't think BNP support in the area can be wished away. See this election result from North Lincs in the recent European elections.

*sigh* who says "it can be wished away"

The difference between us and you is some of us are fighting to build an alternative pole of attraction in disputes like this one - unlike you, you cheap and distorted shot merchant who's only idea of 'activity' is try to desperately score 'holier-than-thou' 'points' on obscure (in terms of their relationship to such struggles...) bulletin boards.

Thread after thread with the same non-point - setting up a straw man to knock down - you are like a broken record, captain - yet you have the blind arrogance to accuse others of such...
If this bulletin board is that obscure why do you honour it with your presence and particularly with almost daily communiqués from the central committee of your particular Trotskyist sect? Building "an alternative pole of attraction", my arse, you're just trying to build your vanguard party. Some of us here know all about Trotskyists and how you operate, jumping on any bandwagon that's rolling.
If this bulletin board is that obscure why do you honour it with your presence and particularly with almost daily communiqués from the central committee of your particular Trotskyist sect? Building "an alternative pole of attraction", my arse, you're just trying to build your vanguard party. Some of us here know all about Trotskyists and how you operate, jumping on any bandwagon that's rolling.

850 workers are sacked.

What do you do? - you spend you time making sectarian crap up. Easy labels read out of books for do-nothing idiots.

Some who delude themselves they are on the left are utterly irrelevant to real movements. You illustrate this point yet again and still you have the gall to point at other folk when you should be looking closer to home. I suppose it takes all sorts of inflated egos.

Your arse? - its what you talk out of
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