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Hundreds of workers protest against Italians/Foreigners 'taking jobs'...

you dont think redundant workers should get any priority over anyone else?

Thats decades of TUism down the drain
Which is pretty much what the strike is over. Sub-contracting is the enemy, not italians
So all the BJ4BW/'Put UK workers first' placards didn't exist? The demand that employment go to 'locally skilled' labour did not exist? The video interview of strikers demanding that European labour be used as a last resort did not exist?

Remarkable. Truly remarkable
wriggle wriggle.

That IS what the strike is over, sub-contracting.

You've ignored everyone elses largely patient response to you, and just keep posting and reposting the same thing, even tho the point has been answered over and over.

It's not a very honest way of debating your point. You're not prepared to listen to anyone else, you just want to shout RACIST, even tho their is sweet fa evidence of racism.

I'm not gonna waste another moment pretending to argue with you on this, you've got your fingers far too far down in your ears and can't hear anything other than what you want to hear.

Racist..... Just look at the racism and xenophobia dripping from that quote!!

If only those thick working class types understood every nuance, dot, comma and underline of socialist internationalism

*sighs* - *goes to weep in corner*
you just want to shout RACIST, even tho their is sweet fa evidence of racism.
Absolute dishonest crap. I've not called anyone a racist on this thread. I have said that there are nationalist demands at the heart of the strike's aims, and that's quite a different thing
If only those thick working class types understood every nuance, dot, comma and underline of socialist internationalism

*sighs* - *goes to weep in corner*
You pair are some double act. Neither could speak a straight word if you tried
Absolute dishonest crap. I've not called anyone a racist on this thread. I have said that there are nationalist demands at the heart of the strike's aims, and that's quite a different thing

You have said you would not support those strikers because of their racist slogans. You have repeatedlty tried to present them as racists (along with the entire news media in the uk and apparently across europe) - that's a definate thing that puts you on a definate side.

Am I being dishonest with this statement?
Absolute dishonest crap. I've not called anyone a racist on this thread. I have said that there are nationalist demands at the heart of the strike's aims, and that's quite a different thing
they always do this wind up bullshit, no point in trying tro have an honest debate.:rolleyes:
You have said you would not support those strikers because of their racist slogans. You have repeatedlty tried to present them as racists (along with the entire news media in the uk and apparently across europe) - that's a definate thing that puts you on a definate side.

Am I being dishonest with this statement?
Totally dishonet. I have never said they were racist. Find me a single example of where I did. I have patiently explained why key demands of the strikers aim at favouring British workers over others and I have clearly said I support them fighting against job losses and for more jobs to be created - but not to exclude other nationalities from work.

Socialists should tell the truth. I'm appalled at the self delusion that's gone on here
Socialists should tell the truth. I'm appalled at the self delusion that's gone on here

Of course, you don't do 'snidey' do you?

I am sure 'the workers' will eventually thank you for being the beacon of the 'truth' and support in struggle that you are
It's not a very honest way of debating your point. You're not prepared to listen to anyone else, you just want to shout RACIST, even tho their is sweet fa evidence of racism.
Sorry, but Spion hasn't shouted 'racist' at all. I don't understand why you and dennisr keep saying he did. :confused::confused:
they always do this wind up bullshit, no point in trying tro have an honest debate.:rolleyes:

so completely unlike you're squirming and wriggling, mutleys desperate digging for evidence of racism even when its unconnected to the strike, and MC2.5's posting up glove puppets!

You total hypocrite.
You have said you would not support those strikers because of their racist slogans. You have repeatedlty tried to present them as racists (along with the entire news media in the uk and apparently across europe) - that's a definate thing that puts you on a definate side.

Am I being dishonest with this statement?

Yes, sorry, but that's not an honest assessment of what Spion said.
some Euro MEPs have written some joint statement:

Today MEPs from UK, Germany and Italy, representing Socialists, Greens and European Left Groups threatened to veto this year's incoming European Commission.

Glyn Ford (Labour, SW England) said: "The situation is clear, if we are to end 'social dumping' within Europe we must change the law. British and other European workers should not have to compete within factories and companies with those forced to work for lower wages and in poorer conditions".

He added: "Talking is not enough. Here MEPs say we will veto the incoming Commission unless they commit to the necessary changes".

Caroline Lucas (Green, SE England) said: "It's vital that we resist the attempts of those on the far right who are using these disputes to stir up racism and xenophobia. Instead of blaming "foreign workers", we should be challenging the rights of multinationals to undercut local pay rates and exploit workers. It's clear that the Posted Workers Directive needs to be revised, so that its original intention, to provide equal treatment for all workers, is upheld."

Stephen Hughes (Labour, NE England) added: "We believe it's important that British, Italian, Portuguese or any other EU workers should have the freedom to move, live and work in any EU country. But we do not accept that any worker should be open to exploitation as a consequence of exercising the right to free movement. Such workers should be guaranteed the same pay, terms and conditions as indigenous workers."

The MEPs have produced a Written Declaration to express their position, co-signed also by Italian Socialist MEP Luisa Morgantini and Green Germany MEP Elizabeth Schroedter.

whatever vetoing the European Commission would mean in practice :confused:
Sorry, but Spion hasn't shouted 'racist' at all. I don't understand why you and dennisr keep saying he did. :confused::confused:

him and his nuances

the workers he refused to support because of their 'reactionary, zenophobic etc etc demands' were not actually 'racist' then - he was simply implying (repeatedly) that they were non-racist folk whom he could not support?

are you saying he was only implying they were 'reactionary' or 'zenophobic' or whatever else was implied - you can delete as appropriate - so thats OK?
Sorry, but Spion hasn't shouted 'racist' at all. I don't understand why you and dennisr keep saying he did. :confused::confused:

substitute nationalism if you like, makes little odds. Spion has decided his position on the basis of some placards that are no longer used, and one news clip - despite the explicit and obvious bias of the beeb. Either way, he isn't prepared to listen to any counter-argument
And there was was me thinking you said:

must have been some other "Resistance" (sic) MP3

although full credit for saying nothing when it mattered

another 'voice of truth' cutting through the crap and lies of the entire boss media set-up

oh, hold on...

I have barely said anything about the bosses media set-up lies etc.

I did say you were a wind up bullshitter, and U immediately proved it by twisting my post. Well done!.
there's certianly some evidence of racism/xenophobia among some - SOME - of the strikers, which should be extra reason for the left to support the strike, because otherwise the bnp are going to fill that vaccuum and more left leaning workers will find themselves pretty isolated.

for fucks sake, not everyone knows as much about politics as we do, (which is not much tbf) - not all of them are likely to have spent time debating the finer points of socialism, like most people they probably have their views but are apolitical, some are probably mildly prejudiced, but thats hardly a reason to cry racism at all of the strikers and push them into the arms of the fash ..
substitute nationalism if you like, makes little odds. Spion has decided his position on the basis of some placards that are no longer used, and one news clip - despite the explicit and obvious bias of the beeb. Either way, he isn't prepared to listen to any counter-argument
You forgot to mention the demand for 'locally skilled' labour to be employed that formed part of the strikers demands. You try to smear as useless the actual words of the striker who said that Euopean labour should be used as a last resort because they were on the BBC, tho clearly unedited.

I never used to worry about the possibility of Stalinism if we had a revolution here. But the 1984-like denial of plain facts makes me think I was wrong
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