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How much evidence is there of long term high level UK paedophile ring?

Not surprising to see Rochdale council in the news again:


Rochdale Council misled police looking into alleged paedophiles linked to a residential school by withholding a report detailing claims of serious sex abuse there, a former detective says.

Det Supt Bob Huntbach, who is now retired, led inquiries into people linked to Knowl View School in 2000 but says he did not see the 1991 report.

Mr Huntbach says arrests would have been made had he been given it.

The council says it will not comment until it has completed its own inquiry.

Mr Huntbach said he asked Rochdale Council for all the relevant paperwork but claims he was never given the unpublished report, which detailed serious sexual abuse at the school.

Neil Wilby@Neil_Wilby
Met Police take another step towards gutter as they set out to smear woman who alleged rape by ex-cabinet minister: exaronews.com/articles/5267/…

On the same front:


Guidance issued to police forces across the UK says that detectives should seek "corroboration of the accounts given by both the victim and suspect".

Sources close to Operation Fernbridge told Exaro that, from the outset, it adopted the highly unusual strategy of only arresting suspects when there is enough evidence to bring charges.
Simon Danczuk is appearing before the home affairs select committee next week, and says he will name names if asked:



So which Committee member will pop the question?

...that is: which will resist the pressure not to "abuse Parliamentary privilege", as it will be framed?
Patrick Rock charged:


A former senior adviser to the prime minister has been charged by police over child abuse images.

Patrick Rock was arrested at his home in London in February after Downing Street officials contacted officers.

The 63-year-old was questioned by investigators from the newly formed National Crime Agency.

Mr Rock was deputy head of David Cameron's policy unit at the time of his arrest and they have known each other since the late 1990s.

They worked together as special advisers.
My older friend was a foster mother, she was hearing lots of horror stories and finally broke the North Wales Childrens Home scandal to the media and wider world, power and paedophilia, it was similar to what is alleged in the London one.
Simon Danczuk is appearing before the home affairs select committee next week, and says he will name names if asked:


I'm not exactly surprised that in the event this doesn't seem to have lived up to the hype. Not that I can blame him for trying to draw attention to the issue by making such teasing comments to the press in advance. Anyway I'm off to look at the detail of what happened to see if he was being clever or dropping disguised hints with any of his answers, but if there is anything like that it will probably be hard for me to draw attention to it without falling foul of the law.
Well I certainly wouldn't want him named unless a time comes when its clear no attempt at prosecution will be happening, just in case it messes with the legal case. I'm not sure I completely buy into Exaro's thinking that naming the person would get Cameron off the hook in terms of a far-reaching inquiry, possibly quite the opposite. I certainly support there being an overall inquiry, but I have some doubts as to how effective it would be, as I suspect it would be prone to the same problems as separate inquiries have been, and I've yet to see an inquiry that had aspects of 'security agency' stuff in it where everything really came out in the wash.

Did he actually make a statement on 30 June? The Exaro piece you linked to says he is considering Exaros points, not that he declared he wouldn't name names.

Anyway I think there are some further developments that I will post about very shortly, so don't worry about that question if you don't have time, since that particular aspect is already out of date now anyway.
Disgraced Rochdale MP Cyril Smith wrote to the BBC in 1976 criticising its investigations into the “private lives of certain MPs”.

The politician, who died in 2010 and has been accused of abusing children, expressed “deep concern” about a probe into an alleged South African campaign to discredit members of parliament.

In another letter, Smith urged the then Home Secretary, Merlyn Rees, to ensure the BBC was not using public money for “muck-raking”.

Former children’s minister Tim Loughton told the BBC the former Rochdale MP’s letters were “bully-boy tactics”.

“It was an abuse of position that somebody as an MP was saying, ‘You shouldn’t look at us, we’re above the law,”’ he said.

Well I certainly wouldn't want him named ................................
The BBC news has followed on the link I was watching the football on and maybe he did name the person but not in context, I just heard a name that has appeared on some sites as being the ex-cabinet member :hmm:
The BBC news has followed on the link I was watching the football on and maybe he did name the person but not in context

I can't go there, but I know what you are talking about.

Meanwhile, since I did have a good look at stuff that happened to MP Geoffrey Dickens back in the day when he named a name, I suppose I should note some press interest a few weeks ago in what drugs Danczuk took in the past. However since his ex-wife seems to be central to those stories, I will not jump to firm conclusions about the timing of these stories.

eg: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...led-nights-wife-defends-cleavage-selfies.html

I won't repeat myself yet again about the Geoffrey Dickens stuff, but I've gone on about it before so a search for that name should yield my previous posts.
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What kind of reasons would Danczuk have for not having mentioned this kind of thing before?

The dossier and who Dickens gave it to are not news, and indeed the fact the dossier went missing has been the subject of much earlier press stories and an internal inquiry.

Just one example:


Danczuk probably mentioned it now because it was the right opportunity to, and to have it make the news. I would not be at all surprised if he has mentioned it in the past too, but since internet search results are now heavily skewed towards todays utterings, I'll have a bit of trouble finding out. Certainly his campaigning on these issues has gone up several notches over time.
Brittan's statement.

Brittan said on Wednesday: "As I recall, [Mr Dickens] came to my room at the Home Office with a substantial bundle of papers. As is normal practice, my private secretary would have been present at the meeting.

"I told Mr Dickens that I would ensure that the papers were looked at carefully by the Home Office and acted on as necessary. Following the meeting, I asked my officials to look carefully at the material contained in the papers provided and report back to me if they considered that any action needed to be taken by the Home Office.

"In addition, I asked my officials to consider a referral to another government department, such as the attorney general's department, if that was appropriate.

"This was the normal procedure for handling material presented to the home secretary. I do not recall being contacted further about these matters by Home Office officials or by Mr Dickens or by anyone else."

Leon Brittan passed concerns raised by a campaigning MP about alleged paedophiles at Westminster to the police, it has emerged.

The former home secretary asked officials in the 1980s to "look carefully" at a dossier handed to him by MP Geoffrey Dickens.

The Home Office says a review last year concluded that the matter had been dealt with properly.

But it said the dossier was not "retained".

and Guardian news ticker

Former home secretary Lord Brittan issues new statement clarifying position on 1980s paedophile dossier, saying it was handled appropriately. More details soon …
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