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How much evidence is there of long term high level UK paedophile ring?

I have to say that I am most upset that almost all of the answers to the 'why did Savile not get done at the time?' questions of recent years have since been vividly demonstrated in court cases, underlining the point that most of these factors are still in strong effect despite the outrage. Charity work, famous witnesses giving glowing character references, alleged victims credibility being questioned, etc etc.
And the Eye today:

Lord Gnome said:
5 Number of supposed "victims" of Nigel Evans MP who did not complain to police, two of them actively opposing his prosecution, which critics claim was pushed through because of his high-profile status

144 Number of victims of Cyril Smith MP who did complain to police, with his prosecution blocked by Crown Prosecution Service due to his high-profile status

A bit disingenuous, Lord Gnome, since some of the 5 still hope for careers in the Conservative Party...
Telegraph running more Danczuk claims...

An “influential” politician who is still sitting in Parliament allegedly visited a guest house at the centre of a child sex investigation, the Labour MP who exposed Cyril Smith has claimed.

Simon Danczuk last week published a book on Cyril Smith which reignited the scandal over the former Liberal MP, who used his power and influence to abuse hundreds of boys for over four decades.

He told The Telegraph that during his investigations he interviewed a man who was sexually abused by Smith at the Elm Guest House when he was 16-years-old.

The man gave him the name of another parliamentarian who had visited the guest house, describing him as a “much bigger fish” and significantly “higher up the food chain”.

Mr Danczuk said he is convinced that there was a “network of paedophiles” operating in the Commons who helped to protect Smith.

He said: “I think some of these people are still in Parliament. I don't think it's substantial, but everything would indicate that ring has existed for some time."
GMP confirm they are now investigating evidence of a cover-up of Smith's sexual abuse.

However, the BBC understands that Greater Manchester Police are now reviewing whether there is evidence of a cover-up at Rochdale Council, which was one of the local authorities that ran the Knowl View school.

...and I seem to have missed this gem from Clegg last week...

Sir Cyril Smith should be stripped of his knighthood Nick Clegg has said, as he failed to offer a Liberal Democrat investigation into decades of child abuse alleged to have been carried out by the former Liberal Democrat MP.

Mr Clegg said when he heard about the allegations he ordered his party whips to question every Liberal Democrat MP and peer who was in the party when Smith l was an active politician. No Liberal Democrat politician admitted to knowing anything about the allegations sexual abuse before 2012, Mr Clegg said.

The Liberal Democrat leader said his party had also checked through old documents relating to the Liberal party that are stored in a warehouse outside London but found no evidence.

Yeah, right. This will all look really good when the truth does emerge.
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GMP confirm they are now investigating evidence of a cover-up of Smith's sexual abuse.

Links to Paul Flowers being made today (alleged suppression of a report). Must admit I'm surprised Smith's brother Norman hasn't come under more scrutiny. He was mayor of Rochdale mid 80s and a senior councillor throughout much of this period. Have a feeling he was actually Chair of the Social Services Committee ffs (though my memory might be fault and a quick search doesn't help). Just to be clear, for the legalities, I'm not suggesting he covered anything up or intervened in any way for his brother - even if I did find him deeply unpleasant. It's just you'd have thought journalists would have focused on him as a matter of course.
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You won't see much scrutiny of living people in the press, not until they've been investigated, arrested or charged by authorities. Norman Smith has stuck his head above the parapet by criticising the allegations against Cyril very strongly, but I really doubt anyone in the press will throw anything at him unless investigations lead in that direction.
You won't see much scrutiny of living people in the press, not until they've been investigated, arrested or charged by authorities. Norman Smith has stuck his head above the parapet by criticising the allegations against Cyril very strongly, but I really doubt anyone in the press will throw anything at him unless investigations lead in that direction.
I probably didn't put it very well, I'm not expecting them to come out with speculative accusations, I just thought it was interesting he hasn't had more of a buffeting or been doorstepped too much. Anyway, we'll see where it goes (and again, I'm not suggesting or hinting there's anything there to be found). Suppose the press are in a post-Savile era - but also a post-McAlpine era.
“I don't remember... It was the press office wot dunnit... It was a long time ago... Everyone knew about it...That's all I knew about it...They never asked me...It was a different era...” etc, etc, etc.
He only knew what was in Private Eye; he didn't acknowledge that he'd read the material from the Rochdale Alternative Press...which seems a little odd/remiss in the circumstances. He asked Smith about the Eye allegations. Smith told Steel that the police had investigated and found no case to answer; so Steel took it no further.

Several times he said that of course back then corporal punishment was legal; he was picked up as to what a local politician was doing administering it. Mostly he came across as being concerned to defend himself, rather than express any regret over Smith's apparent actions and his own inactions; at one point he raises his voice to make the point that the Liberals were a political party not a detective agency.

He also made sure to say a number of times that he had no locus of control regarding Smith at the time the original offences were alleged to have taken place.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
Danczuk said something interesting on Today as well yesterday. The Rochdale "Independent" Inquiry is looking at a period from 1961 - 1995 but Danczuk said that he knows of victims who approached the council well in to the 2000s and he felt it was still looking to cover up what Officers etc knew (the implication I guess being that current officers could be picked up in a longer time frame)

Martin Digan was interviewed on WATO yesterday as well and was very damning of GMP, essentially saying they have had significant amounts of info he gave them in 1994 which they did nothing with and they are now effectively investigating themselves which he clearly had no faith in.
He only knew what was in Private Eye; he didn't acknowledge that he'd read the material from the Rochdale Alternative Press...which seems a little odd/remiss in the circumstances. He asked Smith about the Eye allegations. Smith told Steel that the police had investigated and found no case to answer; so Steel took it no further.

Several times he said that of course back then corporal punishment was legal; he was picked up as to what a local politician was doing administering it. Mostly he came across as being concerned to defend himself, rather than express any regret over Smith's apparent actions and his own inactions; at one point he raises his voice to make the point that the Liberals were a political party not a detective agency.

He also made sure to say a number of times that he had no locus of control regarding Smith at the time the original offences were alleged to have taken place.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
Guardian running with this now...

Smith said..."The accusation in the [1979] Private Eye version of the report was simply that he was administering corporal punishment to these boys which he should not have been doing."

and then reportedly said..
"Not a single story emerged, not even a rumour emerged, about him misbehaving as an MP. If that had happened of course we would have enquired."

If someone was ever asked 'what are the power relationships that exist in local politics?', my answer would be 'they are the relationships that allowed Cyril Smith to rape children and get away with it'.
Don't suppose we'll be seeing much of this image on any campaigning literature...


One year into his leadership (2008) Clegg wrote to the paedophile Smith on the occasion of his 80th...
"You have been a towering figure - not only in the political advancement of the Liberal Party, but also in the wider cause of liberalism.
"You were a beacon for our party in the 70s and 80s and continue to be an inspiration for the people of Rochdale and many others.

and then 2 years later, on the occasion of the peadophile's death eulogised....
Cyril Smith was a larger-than-life character and one of the most recognisable and likeable politicians of his day.
I am deeply saddened to hear the news of his death today, and offer my sincere condolences to his family and friends.
Everybody in Rochdale knew him not only as their MP but also as a friend.
He was a true Liberal, dedicated to his constituency, always showing great passion and determination.
Cyril was a colourful politician who kept the flame of Liberalism alive when the party was much smaller than it is today.
Rochdale and Britain have sadly lost one of their great MPs, and I think we can safely say there will never be an MP quite like Cyril Smith again.

In true LD tradition Clegg has subsequently said...

“I would never have dreamed of saying the things that I said about Cyril Smith on his 80th birthday and when he died if I was aware of the truly horrific nature of the actions which he is alleged to have undertaken over a long period of time.”
Steel thinks this represents a description of "...administering corporal punishment..." which "...was not illegal..." and is/was excusable because "You have to remember that this was a different era."


There is a name being banded around on the lesser loon conspiraloon sites - a huge name in New Labour no less - but will probably in time just be another of those big names that inhabit the fringes and never see the light of day.
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