My neighbours are already doing this. ...
You'd have 10 people one day and then another 10 people the next day unless groups were marked with indelible ink or branded or something.
Barcodes are the way foward
Yep. innit.
An example group might be two 'nuclear' families with young children, and a couple of grandparents. They would be treated, and would treat themselves, as one household, and would have no more contact with people outside that larger household than they do now.
It's an imaginary story from the Mail. Well, they may well have talked to somebody who talked about it.
It would mean, in practice, that the people who don't give a shit, of whom there seem to be many, would be empowered to do whatever the fuck they like. But then they are all doing whatever the fuck they like already....
This is probably already unofficially happening anyway tbh - neighbours have had a bbq with friends over and are all now pissed in the hot tub.
See loads of this type of flaunting social distancing when I’m at work delivering.
Yarse... innit.
I think that's 'allowed' already isn't it?
I think the risk of transmission is probably very low for my neighbours tbh but no curtain twitching needed it's all been very in the open - garden renovations have involved lots of coming and going and noise, some of it through our garden as we have a shared access path.
Given that my partner is shielding, I am a bit pissed off about it, but I accept that the risk is minimal.
Is it...?
This shit is pissing me off, the assumption stuff. Not you, them. The burden of care falls on me/you to consider and weigh up the is it isn't it a risk.
(I ended up crying in Tesco this afternoon because apparently I was the only human being in the place who cares / is vulnerable )
Yeah, I imagine he wasn't called 'Mr Ibiza' purely for his love of dance music either.
... innnottitt...etc
Sure, it's allowed, but it's a fairly arbitrary allowance. Lets be honest, someone who's been isolated as a household for a month other than essential shopping trips visiting another household that's been doing the same isn't at any more risk of spreading infection than me and the kid's mum's household (less in fact - her partner is a teacher and is in regular contact with the kids of key workers).
Fatigue is setting in and lots of people will making these calculations and will be assessing the risk as low and breaking lockdown so, unless the government actually want to enforce a hard lockdown - which they don't really have the resources to do - I can see the logic in there being some guidelines in an attempt to stop a free for all.
And the people who don't give a fuck won't give a fuck either way...
innit. And I suppose people are thinking "If I've not got it by now I aint gonna and the lockdown has protected me so Im safe". Pragmatic assessment is goomg to be a primary and crucial aspect of whatever happens next. And for the foreseeable future too.
Btw where the fuck is @butcherapron right now?
One person gets it then they'll be infecting up to 10 people in close proximity at a time.
This sounds like one of those ideas that sound good when it is being discussed in a meeting room somewhere but won't survive contact with reality.
If I look in the mirror I can see the flaw in this plan straightaway, Mrs Q and I have 4 children, my youngest daughter, my son and his girlfriend live with us, my other 2 daughters live within a few miles of us with their partners, 9 adults in total. If it's no more than 2 households do we have to choose between our daughters? Do children count? My eldest and her husband have a 3 year old which makes 10 and she is expecting another late July that's 11 bit of an awkward number that.
The parents of my son's girlfriend and middle daughter's fiance both live far away so that's OK but my eldest's in-laws live even closer to us than my daughter does and we get on very well with them, they're as much a part of the family as their son who is an only child. So does my daughter have to choose which set of parents they sign up with?
And we're not unique most people are part of a network of family and friends once we move past stay with the same household any restrictions are just going to collapse.
The lockdown always had a limited life, We're social animals and the current rules are inflicting an ever increasing cost financially, socially and mentally on an ever increasing number of people. It was intended to buy time and it has bought some but not enough.
Even as a single person living alone the parameters of all this are shock and lazy as hell.
A friend has just (yesterday) been diagnosed with terminal cancer. No idea they had cancer, had tests, was kept in, told they have weeks to live. They know more than 10 people, who each know more than 10 people , most of whom know her too if only by reputation. So who are her ten people? Who are my ten people.
It's nonsense, derived from the notion that there is no such thing as society,
The last thing I want is to lose my excuse for not having to visit my parents
Ha! Innit tho!
You're not alone in that. I'm sure there are plenty of psychologists already licking their pencils and pondering the introductions to their bestselling books about the new and exiciting kind of trauma they've discovered. In reality it's not new at all, and the effects of this kind of ongoing, continual pressure and powerlessness are well known. The fact this is barely mentioned by the government or media, and we hear instead the possibility of easing lockdown for the sake of the economy doesn't help IMO. It was 'protecting the economy' that got us to this parlous state in the first place. And now surprise surprise those nations that prioritised protecting people instead are starting to head back towards normality, while we're stranded in both economic and social purgatory.
Reports and warnings from Italy
The lockdown is taking its toll on the country's mental health.
The COVID-19 outbreak has been wearing down Italians, who have lived under a strict lockdown since March 9. How bad the psychological consequences are depends on how long the crisis lasts. But there is help.
There's going to be a whirlwind wake of emotional PTSD stuff following for this for everyone everywhere.
Brace! brace! brace! etc.