Currently buying anything is really difficult, take away have all stopped, placing personal orders anywhere is next to impossible. People are now mostly reduced to 团购ing, where 20+ people from the same 小区 place a large order together directly with a supplier, but we've been informed today that even that is getting shut down now. Apparently this 团购ing, is suspected to be the main way Corona is spreading now as picking up and distributing these supplies are basically the only interaction between people now.
Been doing daily rapid self-tests these last few days, but our 小区 is somehow still finding new cases after 4 weeks of being locked down, believe it or not.
The atmosphere in the city seems to be reaching a boiling point, lots of complaints with regards to how the government has (not) handled this:
* Super slow reaction to the spread of cases, they were still trying to isolate 小区 by 小区 when it was obvious that it was all over SH. This strategy might have worked with Delta, but with the latest Omnicron variants there is no way you can stop it like this...
* Lack of supplies, people unable to buy what they need and the government is not providing much/anything
* Shitty conditions at the huge temporary quarantine centers for the "asymptomatic cases" (which is 98% of the cases according to the official numbers)
* No clear plan, lack of communication regarding the future. Before the city-wide lockdown, some 小区 (e.g. ours) were closed 48 hours for testing, but never got opened again afterwards. Again, no communication as to why or when it would open.
* Horror cases like a dog getting beaten to death due to the owner being taken to quarantine.
* A lot of people in SH's salary depends on actually working, if you dont work you dont get paid/get just your "base" salary.