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Celebrating a landmark birthday under lockdown

Me and Mrs K were going to have a joint official 135th birthday last April in St. Ives. We'd booked a biggish house and invited 9 others for a five day bash. All had to be cancelled, as was our subsequent fortnight in Dorset, week in Liverpool, week in Norwich, seeing Patti Smith in Bath and Stewart Lee in Plymouth. On the bright side we have managed to keep our bank balance in the black. If all our plans had actually gone ahead I've got no idea how we'd have been able to afford it all.
My OH's birthday tomorrow.
Got nothing planned / available (other than a delivered / takeaway - probably fish n chips and a couple of drinks).

What this household will do is have a "Royal" birthday for whoever hasn't been able to properly celebrate during the pandemic, maybe a joint one ... sometime later in the year, hopefully, we will all go some where nice for a meal [we do have a couple of favourite places in mind].
Suitable presents will follow, all in good time.
musicians/actors/athletes might be a bit bored by now. if she got any special idols, drop them a line and se if they could record a personal greeting or call her up or something? esp if you decide to watch some show live.
I celebrated my 50th last March in lockdown, had a, our first, Zoom party. Looks like I shall be celebrating my 2nd lockdown birthday this year too.
Missus had her 50th via Zoom in December.

We celebrated both (pre Zoom party with friends/family) simply with homemade cards and a lovely meal, then got pissed.
The other week me and a friend went on our bikes to some local woods. We (ok, he) built a fire and we cooked veggie sausges and marshmallows and drank tea from a flask. It was my favourite event of the year so far, was just lovely to be outside, listening to and watching the fire, and being in new surroundings rather than in the house. Would something like that be possible?
Thanks - got a garden but don’t want to upset the neighbours. There was hugging and puffing on the local Facebook group when people let off fireworks at New Years.

involve the neighbours. make'em all come out and sing happy birthday and toast her. everyones home doing nothing anyway. either you supply the drinks or byob.
By tradition, we are doing nothing special for Mrs Tags birthday in a few weeks, but, it's our wedding anniversary next week (midweek).
NO, the neighbours do not know and they will not be singing Etc. I have just ordered afternoon tea for the day, to be delivered. One of Mrs Tags favourite things. Even in London, finding a quality one, with a mix of sweet and savory to be delivered mid week, even without alcohol,
does not come cheap. Be warned :eek:
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