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Good things Trump has done as President


Well-Known Member
I'm starting this thread out of curiosity, because I've yet to hear anything. Judging the acts rather than the man, has he done anything which improved matters, either domestically or globally?
Oh I've got another good one... he has demonstrated to the historical revisionist constitution fetishists 'we have the greatest system in the world' that the emperor has no clothes. The idea that the US system of government could self-correct, because it was so perfect, to ensure that a Trump like figure could never win through mechanisms like the electoral college has been exposed as totally hollow. Really astonishing that anyone on earth, let alone nominal liberals, ever believed that a system of government imposed by slave owning oligarch white supremacists would somehow automatically prevent someone like Trump from winning. An even stupider idea than 'the market will sort it out'.
Hobbled what Reed calls 'the left-wing of neoliberalism', the future doesn't belong to them... assuming there is much of one left, but the left-wing of neoliberalism was only ever going to accelerate prospects of the end of humanity through climate change or nuclear war at a somewhat slower pace.
I would have said "make the Democrats reflect on their utter uselessness and change", but even that seems beyond him.

To be fair, that is beyond the Democrats themselves. Since the election they have failed to account for their loss, Hillary Clinton's crappy new book being the latest in this exercise in denial.
The idea that the US system of government could self-correct, because it was so perfect, to ensure that a Trump like figure could never win through mechanisms like the electoral college has been exposed as totally hollow. Really astonishing that anyone on earth, let alone nominal liberals, ever believed that a system of government imposed by slave owning oligarch white supremacists would somehow automatically prevent someone like Trump from winning. An even stupider idea than 'the market will sort it out'.
I don't know of any liberals who believed this. Most liberals are against the idiotic electoral college, especially since 2000.
I don't know of any liberals who believed this. Most liberals are against the idiotic electoral college, especially since 2000.

Well I do, was told it smugly on the internet and in person by a fair few and there was a slew of articles to that effect as well. Ironically the electoral college probably did work as intended by ensuring that the candidate which the poor majority (at least of those who voted) voted for did not win despite a popular majority, it's just that their Hamilton musical tinted glasses meant that they thought it would protect them from the poor people who they hate and fear.
Trump does seem to have presided over a reasonably swift and effective federal response to Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, though I doubt his role went much further than sending some tweets and letting other people get on with their jobs.

Beyond that, he's opened the door a little more for Bernie Sanders or a similar outsider from the left to someday become president because fuck it, if that Trump clown can get to the White House, anything is possible.
The normal rules don't seem to apply to Trump, he gets ever more batshit crazy with every passing day, I met an American a few weeks ago who was actually embarrassed to admit he was American because of Trump.
His greatest achievement will come a hundred years from now when he provides authors and film makers of the 22nd Century with an unlimited goldmine of great comedy material.
when Obama addressed a wrestling crowd, in the ring when facing off against mcain (not wresting, mcain in general not in the ring. In the gladatorial arena of politics) I genuinely thought I'd seen the nadir of US politics, the utter shameless spectacle of it all condensed into the immortal phrase 'can you smell what Barack is cooking?'

how wrong I was.
I don't think Trump cares about anything but himself and his image at that very moment in time, he seems incapable of grasping anything longer term than right now or anything other than his own feelings.
It's obvious that he's not very bright but he also seems to lack any adult discipline, he doesn't seem to have the self-control of the average 3 year old.
He can't really be given credit for anything good that hasn't happened during his presidency since it was probably just chance anyway.
Assuming he doesn't kill us all in a fit of pique the Trump Effect with be subject of scholarly debate long after he (and probably me as well) are long gone.
Well I do, was told it smugly on the internet and in person by a fair few and there was a slew of articles to that effect as well. Ironically the electoral college probably did work as intended by ensuring that the candidate which the poor majority (at least of those who voted) voted for did not win despite a popular majority, it's just that their Hamilton musical tinted glasses meant that they thought it would protect them from the poor people who they hate and fear.
The combination of restricting voting to white male landowners, and the EC were devised to prevent the unwashed masses from having too much power. But in my experience, it's conservatives that support it.
Trump does seem to have presided over a reasonably swift and effective federal response to Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, though I doubt his role went much further than sending some tweets and letting other people get on with their jobs.
Thanks Obama.
As President Donald Trump basks in positive assessments of his handling of hurricanes Harvey and Irma, he might consider two words to help explain things: “Thanks, Obama.”.....“Trump’s riding on the shoulders of Obama,” said James Fraser, a Vanderbilt University professor who has done research on disaster mitigation. “It’s heartening to know that in this case, the Trump administration is not trying to undo something the Obama administration did to help people.”
FEMA’s Hurricane Response Is Making Trump Look Good. Thanks, Obama. | HuffPost
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