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Good things Trump has done as President

He's provided endless hours of entertainment. Albeit depressing, dark, what the fuck is going on in this world that we live in? type entertainment but still makes me laugh.
Under actual fascist Donald Trump's administration deportations are down by 14.5% compared to the last year of the Obama administration, and less than 50% of peak Obama's deportations in fiscal year 2012. Albeit this is not for the want of trying- less boarder crossing, backlogs in immigration courts, and the previous administration dealing with a lot of the low hanging deportation fruit - largely accounts for the decline. But even with immigration related arrests up 38% under Trump this would still lead to a lower deportation rate than peak Obama. Certainly gives pause for thought that the nativism of Trump is likely to produce a similar level of deportation than the woke neoliberalism of Obama.

the american people etc.
Hobbled what Reed calls 'the left-wing of neoliberalism', the future doesn't belong to them... assuming there is much of one left, but the left-wing of neoliberalism was only ever going to accelerate prospects of the end of humanity through climate change or nuclear war at a somewhat slower pace.

Neo-liberalism has a... a Left wing?

But that's not a good thing, seeing Bush on Ellens show all 'accepted now' and 'a good egg after all' made me sick.
You're right, it is not a good thing, the fact that the current holder of the most important job on the planet can make George Bush look OK is a VERY VERY VERY BAD THING, a new superlative will have to be invented to describe the intensity of how bad this actually is.
But that's not a good thing, seeing Bush on Ellens show all 'accepted now' and 'a good egg after all' made me sick.

Maybe not a good thing, but does emphasise that on the whole countries elect the leaders and administrations they deserve.
His Rocket Man jibe is quite amusing

Forced the research of "Dotard"
as an insult, intentional or not, Dotard worked on many levels.
One being, that is would be safe to say that not one of Trumps staff would of known what a Dotard is. :D

Kim Jong Un calls Trump a mentally deranged U.S. dotard. Searches for 'dotard' are high as a kite. Definition of DOTARD
— Merriam-Webster (@MerriamWebster) September 21, 2017

Also taught them some Chaucer and Shakespeare, which probably pissed off Trump even more.
Dotard was used by Chaucer in "The Canterbury Tales" and in William Shakespeare's work, including "The Taming of the Shrew" and "King Lear."
You know how they usually open a library named after American presidents....?
Trump is reportedly opening a colouring book.
It's called "The Combover Kid"....*

*I thought there might be a Trump joke thread....sadly I couldnt find one....
I don't know if you guys have noticed, but there doesn't seem to be much of an issue with Isis and Syria any more.

I would hope this is because Trump stopped all the covert policies which were supporting ISIS and just let the Russians sort out the mess.

Trump is totally crazy but I still hope he isn't one of 'them'
I don't know if you guys have noticed, but there doesn't seem to be much of an issue with Isis and Syria any more.

I would hope this is because Trump stopped all the covert policies which were supporting ISIS and just let the Russians sort out the mess.

Trump is totally crazy but I still hope he isn't one of 'them'
I don't think Trump gives a shit about anything or anyone but himself and the adulation he so desperately craves, this is a double edged sword, he is much less likely to meddle in the affairs of other countries if he thinks there is nothing in it for him personally but more likely to order them bombed flat should he decide there is.
I don't know if you guys have noticed, but there doesn't seem to be much of an issue with Isis and Syria any more.

I would hope this is because Trump stopped all the covert policies which were supporting ISIS and just let the Russians sort out the mess.

Trump is totally crazy but I still hope he isn't one of 'them'

Which 'Them' is this?
I don't think Trump gives a shit about anything or anyone but himself and the adulation he so desperately craves,

Have you been watching the C4 documentary on his life? It's neither a whitewash nor a hit-job, and it does rather confirm your assertion as a common theme throughout his life.
Have you been watching the C4 documentary on his life? It's neither a whitewash nor a hit-job, and it does rather confirm your assertion as a common theme throughout his life.
No I haven't, I don't watch all that much TV but thanks for telling me about it, I will make a point of seeing if it is available on Catch Up, Trump is not a very difficult person to analyse especially given his habit of ceaselessly talking about himself.
They have a huge amount of footage, and access to some very good talking heads who knew him personally, rather than commentators from afar. It's doing a decade a week, starting from the 70s. I'm not sure whether next Thursday's final episode will stop at 2010, the nomination, the final result or the present day.

ETA. My TV guide says it'll go to his inauguration.
I'm going to rephrase the original question; are there any things that Trump could've done worse? For example, no nukes have been fired, yet.
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