And as for "and apart from all that music ... " stuff
, here we go ...
LIkes -- it's Glastonbury
1. Virtually no mud, unexpectedly
-- with no rain at all after earlyish on the Tuesday prior to gate-opening
. Too hot sometimes, but the sunshine and blue skies were lovely
2. Meeting and chatting and in some cases wandering with lots of people --
Riff ,
paolo ,
wiskey included
. And it was the biggest hippy in Glastonbury town's first ever Pilton Megafest -- I think
Eva Luna quite liked it
despite her having to camp with us
3. We absolutely
+love+ our job -- helping people with information is
really rewarding
. Our shifts were great, meaning we were under shelter during the very hottest times. Our bosses up at Green Info are
really lovely and said "See you next year!!" with hugs, at the end, I think they like us!
4. Relating to
3., it's great that we do so much wandering everywhere over the days before the fest starts, so that we're up to date with
knowing a Glastonbury shedload of shit. We turned up reliably on every one of our shifts too
5. Relating to
4., we did a lot of hilly exercise. Often fuelled by Cider admittedly
, but we're feeling pretty fit as after most Glastonburies!
6. Beautiful artwork and flags
everywhere around the site
7. Our skills at blagging (banned crew-word!!
) to get into the backstage bars are legendary, not to say a bit notorious -- we managed Theatre and Circus again (only place on site with Glastonbury Ales!), access to which is gold dust in a paper wristband. Plus we now have a new contact there
. Also, the old gang led by Piers, brother and mate have taken over backstage Avalon again after a bad break without them in 2017, so Pinky's (as that bar now is again) was much improved over 2017, as a place to chill between gigs etc. ....
8. Leon's Vegetarian Cuisine in West Holts -- we may scarcely have seen any music there this time
, but Leon Lewis and his crew are amazing cooks with generous helpings of tasty, filling, healthy, varied food. Kind of helps that we know him quite well now
, we always go, but
anyone will get decent food and plenty of it. Recommend big-time!
9. We had the sense to bring in plenty of beer and cider wth us -- it saved us loads of cash. So the odd treat such as Proper Job at The Cornish Arms, and the odd Brothers, and the odd Cider Bus cider, were that much more affordable with us having the choice of whether or not to drink out.
10. Site overall, both during and especially after, was
very noticeably tidier and less squalid
11. Making it harder to find stuff on our traditional tatting session on Monday
, but we tatted
quality -- including an excellent new and strong festival chair for me
12. Forgot to mention this further up, but almost everyone we saw/chatted with, whether at work or not, and/or at random, was
really friendly and nice -- for such a huge city, that's pretty damned good. Also, in my opinion, those friendliness levels were better than ever!
13. This point number is lucky for some
. It was our
22nd!!!! and it was up there amongst the best Glastonburies ever for us!!
Not-so-Likes -- it's Glastonbury
1. Not too many
.. plus I've sneaked in a positive below as well
2. I can handle heat pretty well, but Saturday was particularly extreme (30C in the early afternoon). Which exhausted festivaldeb and stopped her doing much
-- she couldn't face the prospect of Johnny Marr, who she loves, at the very exposed Other Stage for instance. I had to go without her
3. Bizarre licencing policy at virtually all the bars of restricting ale strength to a maximum of 4.5% whereas 6%, even 7% cider is easily available -- no logic
. There were a couple of backstage exceptions with somewhat stronger/tastier ales/bitters, but we heavily relied on our own supplies partly for this reason, as well as because £££s.
4. Relating to
3., we'd love a big CAMRA branch, or some similar body/pub, to take over the running/supplying of Cockmills (Acoustic field) to improve the choice/variety -- with maybe three or four premiums included along with the lighter choices. Get it all more imaginative, at least in that one bar!
5. Generally prices, and not just alcohol, had gone up sharply and noticeably in most places. 31 Toad Lane (the new Co-op) was a rare and positive
exception -- we thought that store was great, so long as you avoided big-queue times.
6. This probably should be
1. in this list, but I lost my camera on Saturday night, because Hawkwind, because Glastonbury, because Pronghorn, because I'm a twat etc.
-- and there were nearly 100 pictures on it already by then. I await word from Wagonshed Welfare with ever-decreasing optimism.