Well, I always considered being a punter at Glasto one of the best experiences I've ever had until I worked there...
I arrived a week before the festival started (while there is still grass on the fields) met some wonderful traveller types up at the circle, saw all the big tops and stages going up, got some awesome photos... Oh yea, I did three easy 8 hour night shifts too...
Now I wouldn't consider buying a ticket unless I knew they wouldn't let me steward... Plus I got refunded the ticket price, that's an absolute deal in my book. Oxfam ftw.
Yeah the getting onsite early thing is made of massive win. We were Info Crew for the first time last year, and rated it big time, all our shifts are during the fest but they're shorter than Oxfam's , and not always as busy. After both doing many many past Glastonburies as punters, we really wouldn't consider not working, after last year. Good on the wallet as well which now that I'm not in employment any more, helps a LOT