I've just had my last pay day before glastonbury, so am making a mental shopping list at the moment. Facinating stuff eh?
It's long been my view that lager is a bad drink for festival as it increases porta loo usage compared to spirits. So my liquids will be:
1 litre brandy
1/2 litre gin
1/2 litre vodka
medium bottle baileys (for nipping at during the long nights)
apple juice
tomato juice with bloody mary mix
red bull concentrate (emergencies only)
I also have shares in a barrel of Thatchers
I don't tend to bring food, as I like to eat out. And I am camping in a roadie site this time with free food. But I always find it useful to bring a few gentle things to eat for those times when I can't leave the tent on account of not being able to walk or communicate properly:
rice pudding
malt loaf
scotch eggs
spaghetti hoops
canned peaches
extra hot pants
baby wipes
spare lighter
extra spare lighter
100g tobacco
And of course there will have to be drugs:
1/2 oz ha$h ($kunk makes me go all shy)
20g mushrooms
1/2g mandy
I should probably think about getting a tent at some point too...
So does anyone else have an itinery and budget in place yet?
is it just me?