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Glastonbury 2005

aqua said:
she's scary :eek:
<sticks aqua in a portaloo and wraps chains round and round it, then leaves it in the sun>

You should be in fairly early, William - we usually sail down the blue route, waved on by cheery, smiling police (!) and you don't have to wait till we're parked up before you make a dash for Gate C (or whatever they're calling it this year)
Inspired by a thread on efests I've been thinking about getting a camp bed for this year, possibly one of these:


I was just wondering what other people thought aboput them? Are they much more hassle than a sleeping mat (i.e. heavier/bulkier) and does the comfort justify the extra hassle?

Last year I nabbed my mum's yoga mat on the way out of the house because I couldn't find the foam mat I normally use and it wasn't too bad. It rolled up fairly compact and turned out to be usefully wipe-clean when I spilt tea all over it :mad: :( Perhaps I should just try and find my own one of those....
smorange said:
alreet, not sure if this a pointless search, but a couple of my mates didnt manage to get any tickets this year, and was wondering if there was any chance they could get a job at glasto, or get to help with any of the charities and get access to glasto...Does anyone know of any links for this, or any of the charities involved, Ive heard youll need to pay the price of a ticket as a deposit which they're obviously willing to do. Not sure if all the jobs would be gone by now but i thought id give it a go, cheers for any help.
...theyre not issuing any more tickets are they?im guessing thats just being too hopeful....well, at least i got my tickets :p

I don't know what the latest state of play is, but:

Jobs & comp's info HERE
pennimania said:
but you have to come to me!

I am a bumpkin and don't like driving across 'town' so I always go on the A106 to the M25, very quick from lower Clapton.

Also i will go in on the 'Blue' route which may not suit some .
Should have 2 or 3 places depends on how many of my actual family travel with me on Wednesday am. Mr mania will follow later, son undecided.

I'm quite near Lower Clapton (I'm around Stamford Hill) so might well take you up on the offer.

Just keep everyone up-to-date on the thread and yeah, I'm sure it'll all work out :cool:

What is the 'Blue' route?

I'd certainly be keen to go Wednesday morning and get there early and all that :cool:

Lord Cam - I've been known to walk from where I am (as above) to Brixton or say High Barnet for pleasure and actually enjoyed it. Both walks are well over 2 hours (8 miles each I think, maybe more) at a good place.

And the fitness improvement would be appreciated as I try and do bits and pieces to get me marathon fit for 2006.

Of course, coaches bunging you most of the way there are dead handy too :cool:
Lord Camomile said:
Inspired by a thread on efests I've been thinking about getting a camp bed for this year, possibly one of these:

I was just wondering what other people thought aboput them? Are they much more hassle than a sleeping mat (i.e. heavier/bulkier) and does the comfort justify the extra hassle?

Last year I nabbed my mum's yoga mat on the way out of the house because I couldn't find the foam mat I normally use and it wasn't too bad. It rolled up fairly compact and turned out to be usefully wipe-clean when I spilt tea all over it :mad: :( Perhaps I should just try and find my own one of those....
I'm thinking of taking a camp bed along this year as well. Usually we use an airbed but I don't want all the fuss of inflating it and I don't find it particularly comfortable although if you're carrying everything in a backpack it's a reasonably lightweight option.
I don't want anything fancy, the cheapest I've seen is one in Argos for about £7-8.
I've seen aluminium ones which are lighter and less bulky but are pricier. We're taking a car so the weight issue is only gonna be a problem on the from/to the car park.
I reckon it's worth any hassle to be off the ground. Part of the reason I dread camping is the terrible pain in my hips in the morning :(
Lord Camomile said:
Inspired by a thread on efests I've been thinking about getting a camp bed for this year, possibly one of these:


I was just wondering what other people thought aboput them? Are they much more hassle than a sleeping mat (i.e. heavier/bulkier) and does the comfort justify the extra hassle?

Last year I nabbed my mum's yoga mat on the way out of the house because I couldn't find the foam mat I normally use and it wasn't too bad. It rolled up fairly compact and turned out to be usefully wipe-clean when I spilt tea all over it :mad: :( Perhaps I should just try and find my own one of those....

We've got one of those. We use it as a spare bed in emergency and also I lie on it in the garden. My sister has slept on it for a couple of nights and it was fine. It's not really heavy but I've never carried it more than a few metres.
Blue route

is the side with the camper vans and nearest to the Acoustic field etc.

I want to be nearest to the family field because I have kids. If you want to camp with Urban it will be a bit of a walk but a young thing like you should do it easily :D

Also I will go back to the car at least once so if you keep in touch you could get some of your stuff at staggered (probably appropriate ;) ) intervals.

I should think I will have room for more than one - will keep posting. :)
Lord Camomile said:
Oooh, this is news.... might be worth looking into after all.... :)

Castle Cary is about 6 miles from the site but the shuttle bus service is free to all ticket holders. It'll drop you off at Gate A which is a fair hike from where we will be camping (about a mile) but that's the nearest you'll have to a full scale yomp. :)
Blue Route pt II

Blue route is basically the route that takes you into the Eastern Car Parks which sounds like the better option for approaching from London & getting to the Dragon Field until you realise that none of the Car Parks on that side of the site are particularly close to the nearest gate and you also have to scramble down a steep & rough track (& up it again on the Monday) to get there. They also seem to fill them from back to front so people arriving early are parked furthest away! I tend to carry on through Pilton to the (red) car parks in the west. If you get there early enough on the Wednesday you will be parked fairly close to the fence and then it's just a case of bombing along the disused railway track to Camp Urban.
I always come in on the red route and end up in the west carparks. Nice and close to a main gate, but often a bugger to get out of again come monday.....
What red route? :mad: For my first nine Glastos, we used the red route, only to arrive last year to see that it had become deloveries and drop-offs only! :mad: :mad: We had to do a U-turn in Pilton village and managed to get in the yellow gate instead.

P.S. Camp-beds are definitely the way forward, but some peeps are on about something called a Therm-a-rest. I've never used one myself, but I know they're not cheap - about £35! :eek:
Posted again, for those that missed it

Glasto 2005 U75 email list:

Send an email, with the subject "glasto list" to:

glastonbury.urbanites at virgin.net

but making the obvious change to "at" (just done that to stop bloody spambots)

Please include in the body of the message your boardname, and, if you want others to know it for meetup purposes, your mobile number.
Mmmmm. Had a lovely dream about Glastonbury last night. Can't remember all of it, but there was a booth where you could wash the dust off your sandals, also a little dance tent you had to swing on monkey bars to get there. Someone tripped me up with a didgeredoo, and I ate an enormous falafel.
Yay - I'm going - working in the Jazz Lounge - helping run the jazzy shit that will be happening there - I hope some of you will swing by? It's in the markets and will be well worth stopping by - cheers

Urbanesimian said:
Yay - I'm going - working in the Jazz Lounge - helping run the jazzy shit that will be happening there - I hope some of you will swing by? It's in the markets and will be well worth stopping by - cheers


Will check this (new??) place out for sure :)

But if you're free on the Wednesday and/or Thursday evening, there'll almost certainly be a big Urban gathering at the Cider Bus.

More about it on this thread nearer the time :)
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