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Gavin Plumb and the Holly Willoughby kidnap plot


Well-Known Member
I've been reading newspaper articles about Gavin Plumb who plotted to kidnap, rape and murder Holly Willoughby.
He seemed a pretty vile human and credit to Willoughby for giving up her anonymity, he was found guilty today it'll be interesting to see what his sentence is.
Never understood these types of people, but I guess that's a good thing for me.
The story had passed me by, and I wondered how the plot had come to light, so I looked it up. Apparently Plumb posted about it in an open group called 'Abduct Lovers'. Which, unsurprisingly, was being monitored by police.

I suspect that neither he nor others in the group were the brightest of sparks.
The story had passed me by, and I wondered how the plot had come to light, so I looked it up. Apparently Plumb posted about it in an open group called 'Abduct Lovers'. Which, unsurprisingly, was being monitored by police.

I suspect that neither he nor others in the group were the brightest of sparks.

I watched the report on the beeb earlier and apparently there's an app called Kick which he was using, which was for this particular kind of fetish (stalking and raping celebs) and was being monitored by the FBI who passed on the info to the UK cops.

What a weird weird man.
As odious as he evidently is, and as terrifying this must have been for Ms Willoughby, I do wonder whether he seriously intended to go through with it.

But of course that's why we have juries - to decide on the facts.
The defence strategy was bizarre: "Yes we know he has form for kidnapping and assaulting victims - the exact thing he's accused of now - but in this case we insist that it was all fantasy."

Rot in jail shitbag.

When giving evidence, Plumb was challenged on his two previous convictions for attempted kidnap in 2006 and another two offences of false imprisonment committed in 2008.

Plumb said he had a "stewardess fantasy" when he tried to force two separate air hostesses to get off a train during the space of three days in August 2006.

In 2008, he "terrified" two 16-year-old girls when he tied their wrists up and forced them into the store room of a shop.

He was handed a sentence of 12 months, suspended for two years, for his first offences, before he was jailed for 32 months for the false imprisonments.


Watch the arrest footage here:


And truly horrific that there are websites and forums where scumbags like this can discuss their plans to kidnap, rape and murder people.
I'm not sure if having those monitored sites is better than them not existing, to be honest. Remember many years ago a TA soldier was arrested for trying to kidnap Paul Macartney. He managed to get off with being declared a fantasist the Royal military police dug deeper and found he was more prepared than anyone realised or at least had acquired enough arms and explosives to worry people.

Gavin Plumb and the Holly Willoughby kidnap plot​

(1) The BBC spent some time in 2017 and 2018 publicising Gavin Plumb's issues with his weight:

11 May 2017: New ambulances rolled out for obese patients

8 July 2018: 'It's not as easy as walking out the door'

At the time, were they unaware that he had been sentenced to 12 months' imprisonment, suspended for two years, for the attempted kidnap of two different women and 32 months' imprisonment for the false imprisonment of two 16-year-old girls?

(2) How was Gavin Plumb subsequently able to work as a "security guard" with such criminal convictions?
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