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Mountbatten's role in '68 plot against Harold Wilson.

I'd have preferred they didn't blow the old bastard up. He could have been put on trial.

But just to stay in the spirit of things, tiocfaidh ar la.

He'd never have been put on trial. Senior officers (whether by dint of climbing the ranks or, as in Battenburg's case, being given rank on the Peter Principle) never are.
No. Absolutely not. Placing a bomb, or shooting from cover, is murder. There is no justification for it.

The British army deployed and used snipers in Northern Ireland. We both know this was the case, same as we know that Army Intelligence commissioned and facilitated assassinations. Murder too, except very few of the perpetrators on "our" side ever got put before a court.
Cabinet Office blocks publication of Lord Mountbatten’s diaries
Sat 15 May 2021
University of Southampton spends ‘hundreds of thousands’ on legal battle preventing access due to government veto
However, Andrew Lownie, the author of a 2019 book about the Mountbattens, has been fighting unsuccessfully since 2017 for their correspondence and diaries to be released. This is despite freedom of information (FoI) requests and an order by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) that the material be released.

The university has said it was directed by the government to keep a small number of the papers private until told otherwise. “They’ve spent hundreds of thousands of pounds and brought in two top QCs, and this fight has been going on for four years so I can only imagine there’s something [interesting] there otherwise why would they bother?” said Lownie.
So, people are quite happy to support the bastards who do this, but too fucking chickenshit to see what their friends actually do?

Yep, that figures. I have seen that IRL. I've scooped up what is left into a body bag.

Perhaps you now realise why I hate the fucking vermin that are bombers.

BTW, I chose two fairly innocuous pictures, I've seen far worse.

Sorry I upset the snowflakes with a wee bit of the real world.

when was that then? Who did you scoop up, who were you attached to, what year etc
Really? The IRA scum didn't snipe or blow up anyone prior to that? How strange.


You've failed to recognise the extreme violence and suppression perpetrated on innocent Irish by the British government through the British Army and Paras?

Would you say the same of the innocent Palestinians currently being blown to bits by the Israeli army?

You've failed to recognise the extreme violence and suppression perpetrated on innocent Irish by the British government through the British Army and Paras?

Would you say the same of the innocent Palestinians currently being blown to bits by the Israeli army?
Well, if someone had dropped 1000 rockets on me in a 24 hour period, I would retaliate.
Well, if someone had dropped 1000 rockets on me in a 24 hour period, I would retaliate.

So if someone invaded your country, evicted you and your family and neighbours, left you to starve and killed you for speaking your language ...
For hundreds of years....
Would you sit back?
Well, if someone had dropped 1000 rockets on me in a 24 hour period, I would retaliate.
That might be fair enough, depending. But when you retaliate by just destroying at random, killing loads of bystanders who have no responsibility for what is going on then you are certainly no better than the terrorists. Probably much worse.
Well, if someone had dropped 1000 rockets on me in a 24 hour period, I would retaliate.
It sounds like yours is a position borne from trauma.

I've gleaned that you have seen and experienced a great deal. These are things most of us can only imagine.

Don't hate as much as you love.


(Yes, pissed)
It sounds like yours is a position borne from trauma.

I've gleaned that you have seen and experienced a great deal. These are things most of us can only imagine.

Don't hate as much as you love.


(Yes, pissed)

i dispute this.

It’s a tired story told with thousand yard stares by thick old ex squaddies whose never went outside the wire/sent their laundry forward/stuck their thumbs up their arses in Germany

no doubt turning up on November 11th with their commemorative medals bought off the internet a quivering top lip and eyes on the free pints for “our heroes”

I fucking despise these vague references to “operational trauma” that they can’t talk about etc etc

even if they have actually been in proximity of the meat hitting metal that doesn’t excuse pony right wing bullshit that actively fails to understand even the basic root causes of political/social situations
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Stuart Christie wrote about this plot in his autobiography Granny Made Me an Anarchist (a bloody good read) and I believe a relative of Jacob Rees Mogg's was involved, possibly his dad.
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