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Gammon is not racist

hey I found your mates

if that is the case then it is a lost cause
you are a collaborator


Is there any reason you're equating people's comments with the Daily Mail and Third Reich nazis? I dunno, maybe I missed the connection. I've seen posts I agreed with, others i disagreed with, others I thought were a bit shit, reformist, reactionary, etc, etc... but (unless I've missed it) I've not spotted any what you'd call nazi or Daily Mail stuff here yet.
Is there any reason you're equating people's comments with the Daily Mail and Third Reich nazis? I dunno, maybe I missed the connection. I've seen posts I agreed with, others i disagreed with, others I thought were a bit shit, reformist, reactionary, etc, etc... but (unless I've missed it) I've not spotted any what you'd call nazi or Daily Mail stuff here yet.

They’re on a windup.
here's another grooming gang, or rather a branch of the biggest one on earth, these people seem to have a cultural proclivity for this disgusting behaviour

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I'm on a wind up in the sense that I am attempting to provoke a reaction because this stuff should provoke strong reactions and I do not believe the specific fixation indulged in this thread is held out of any kind of concern for victims- the downplaying of patriarchy in favour of ethnicity shows there is no real interest in dealing with this worldwide epidemic- and I am trying to demonstrate that this rhetoric is dangerous and has actual context
Is there any reason you're equating people's comments with the Daily Mail and Third Reich nazis? I dunno, maybe I missed the connection. I've seen posts I agreed with, others i disagreed with, others I thought were a bit shit, reformist, reactionary, etc, etc... but (unless I've missed it) I've not spotted any what you'd call nazi or Daily Mail stuff here yet.

the phrase "muslim rape gangs" has appeared repeatedly, I don't think I need to tell you who else talks like that
the person I am pissed off with has been pushing this hard and now he's getting offended on behalf of catholics
we shouldn't tolerate ethnic explanations for sexual violence, I'm sure everyone knows the history
thankfully trump's critics don't have to worry about being called racist, which is why he's currently in jail for serial rape along with bill clinton and that brett guy
the phrase "muslim rape gangs" has appeared repeatedly, I don't think I need to tell you who else talks like that
the person I am pissed off with has been pushing this hard and now he's getting offended on behalf of catholics
we shouldn't tolerate ethnic explanations for sexual violence, I'm sure everyone knows the history
Okay. I missed that. Terms like "muslim rape gangs" is shit. So wouldn't it be better to say why it's shit, using that as a starting point rather than going straight to "you are a nazi" or "you are the Daily Mail"??? How do you deal with such comments at work? In your neighbourhood? Because they are commonplace these days. Do you call people nazis or do you try and say why comments like "muslim rape gangs" are wrong?
the phrase "muslim rape gangs" has appeared repeatedly, I don't think I need to tell you who else talks like that
the person I am pissed off with has been pushing this hard and now he's getting offended on behalf of catholics
we shouldn't tolerate ethnic explanations for sexual violence, I'm sure everyone knows the history

'Muslim rape gangs' has appeared twice on this thread; once in your post above, and once in another post of yours! You're tilting at windmills. And your strategy for doing even that is counter-productive.
Okay. I missed that. Terms like "muslim rape gangs" is shit. So wouldn't it be better to say why it's shit, using that as a starting point rather than going straight to "you are a nazi" or "you are the Daily Mail"??? How do you deal with such comments at work? In your neighbourhood? Because they are commonplace these days. Do you call people nazis or do you try and say why comments like "muslim rape gangs" are wrong?

I am more diplomatic without the internet and if I think it is coming from a place of genuine ignorance I will try to change their mind. Bad faith like this guy's is usually easy enough to detect by I don't spend time with anyone who is heavily into the ideology to the point of repeatedly using the phrase while downplaying catholic predators. I don't think it's wrong to point out that fascism isn't a radical break from the stuff we are familiar with, or that this stuff literally kills people.
'Muslim rape gangs' has appeared twice on this thread; once in your post above, and once in another post of yours! You're tilting at windmills. And your strategy for doing even that is counter-productive.

I apologise, it was "muslim grooming gangs", I need to brush up on my far right vocabulary

do you think the constant media portrayal of certain minorities as inherently predatory is a problem or not? is it an important part of fascist discourse or not?
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