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Gammon is not racist

To be honest, I like to think of myself as a passive aggressive cunt. Does that give me any credits towards the full BSc Hons Gammon-Salty Joint Honours Award?
We've had a very good example of how to do that in the last 24 hours on this very thread.

Among all the weaponised language on this thread I may need the specifically white bit pointing out to me. Is it that bit where heebyjeeby (or whoever that is) startied on about the indigenous working class.

I understood that to mean the working class of native-born British, including BaME people born in Britain - as opposed to all those WC forrins coming over here n took are jobs etc.

It's not a distinction I tend to make, working class to me means working class from wherever living wherever. I think it's a dubious distinction to make. But I didn't think, as you did, that it was code for White People Working Class, more that it was code for British People Of Any Shade Working Class.

That's just interpretation, I'm not saying which is better. I'm not sure anyone's been weaponising race here except for lucillemara , and that's clearly their style.
I understood that to mean the working class of native-born British, including BaME people born in Britain - as opposed to all those WC forrins coming over here n took are jobs etc.

... But I didn't think, as you did, that it was code for White People Working Class, more that it was code for British People Of Any Shade Working Class.

The poster explicitly confirmed they were talking about white working class people.

I am using them to describe a specific group of white people ie those of the British Non Metropolitan,proletariat/lumpen proletariat.
I think bringing up "muslim rape gangs" and anti-white crime was weaponising race
things have implications beyond what they literally mean or what people intend and with the long history of fascist appropriation of socialist rhetoric and socialist parties embracing liberal racism to their doom there needs to be a keener eye for it than there currently seems to be

the idea or implication that taking race seriously in a structural sense is liberal or anti-working class is also weaponising race and it can't be challenged often enough even though it's tedious and repetitive
OK fair enough, I missed it. I skipped a lot of the bickering.
So is that weaponised? Not sure.
But it is 'race-specific', I accept that.

it's weaponised specifically to literally whitewash and essentialise the working class (by implication at least) turning it into a narrow abstraction for browbeating the real people excluded from it, and to drive a wedge between the class over alleged irreconcilable differences, a common rhetorical move I hate that tries to disavow itself as it's made so that to argue against it will always be missing the point, it's also literal identity politics of the worst (proto-fascist) kind
I think bringing up "muslim rape gangs" and anti-white crime was weaponising race
things have implications beyond what they literally mean or what people intend and with the long history of fascist appropriation of socialist rhetoric and socialist parties embracing liberal racism to their doom there needs to be a keener eye for it than there currently seems to be

the idea or implication that taking race seriously in a structural sense is liberal or anti-working class is also weaponising race and it can't be challenged often enough even though it's tedious and repetitive

Muslim grooming gangs are a reality and no amount of posturing makes it go away and they were a racist endeavour. They were enabled by police,social workers and local government for a variety of reasons fear of being called racist being an obvious one. Class not race is the defining issue. Idpol itself is a liberal position popular amongst the monied middle classes of the USA
OK fair enough, I missed it. I skipped a lot of the bickering.
So is that weaponised? Not sure.
But it is 'race-specific', I accept that.

Using terms such as indigenous/traditional/working class as code to mean White, excludes everyone else who fits those descriptions. It places value on 'Whiteness' and positions it as powerful. This is nothing new. a lot of institutionialised racism has done the same thing for centuries now. Make something 'invisible' by never actually naming it whilst exalting it as the default perspective. So yeah, weaponised.
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