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Gammon is not racist

Surely if Gammon is racist then any radio presenter who used it would be sacked immediately? However; James O'Brien regularly uses it to describe Brexit loons on his LBC show
Maybe, but Islamophobia isn't racism....it's Islamophobia. Not all brown people are Muslims and not all Muslims are brown, so any insult towards Muslims, from people thinking they're using racist terms, just shows their ignorance of the English language. And anyone thinking people insulting Muslims are racists are also showing their ignorance of the English language.

I'm sorry but that reminds me of people with their dictionary in hand explaining that you can't say 'None of them are' because 'none' is singular. The UN definition is the one that most people would recognise more than the one in dictionaries:

...any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life'

And that's what 'racism' means. Things change and dictionaries are always only catching up.
Surely if Gammon is racist then any radio presenter who used it would be sacked immediately? However; James O'Brien regularly uses it to describe Brexit loons on his LBC show
Just in case anyone's unaware, this Kesher character is dodgy as fuck. He has a thing for posting videos of very, very, young Korean/Japanese girls in the music forums, brags about sexually abusing Thai women, and posts stuff like this:

In other words a woman who has drunk too much and ends up getting raped is partly to blame.

I agree.

I met my Thai wife at a Pattaya bar in June 99: I paid her £10 to fuck the arse off her all night whilst on poppers. I am 19 years older than her; but we are still together.

Before my Thai wife I was married to a Filipina

Poppers and Pattaya are definitely addictive

I quite often call my Thai wife a brown arsed bitch

Kesher said:
I've fucked hundreds of bargirls in Thailand in the past I use to average 3 a day
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LBC listener
Dunno about that but the guy is in his mid 60s and has strongly defended imagery (cartoons) of child rape on these boards.

That text under his avatar say "Loona" in Korean. They are a South Korean girl band.

Here they are:

Will people stop posting up photos of underage girls/girls looking underage before I wield the ban hammer with MAXIMUM force.
Will people stop posting up photos of underage girls/girls looking underage before I wield the ban hammer with MAXIMUM force.

All I see is a single post used to underline a point. If you have so little faith in people’s ability to understand them, maybe you should just close the site down - loose lips sink ships and all that.

Edit: understand your priorities in terms of protecting the site, mind
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Seems strange to threaten to ban a poster for making people aware of a dodgy fucker, whilst allowing the dodgy fucker, who openly admits to sexually abusing women, to carry on posting.

I reacted at first, but I expect it will be looked into. I’m sure a pic of a girl band is harmless in itself, but escalations might not be productive.

Maybe a mod would enlighten us a little. :)
I wondered if anyone else remembered. Didn't see those posts but I remember the cartoon threads.
I wondered if anyone else remembered. Didn't see those posts but I remember the cartoon threads.
I only looked at a few of his posts. No single post was banworthy by the normal rules of urban/most messageboards, but he's not someone I'd want to share a board with.
I only looked at a few of his posts. No single post was banworthy by the normal rules of urban/most messageboards, but he's not someone I'd want to share a board with.

It's from the thred/s about cartoons depicting child abuce I remember them being dodgy. Not going to dig it up, CBA apart from anything else.
Just in case anyone's unaware, this Kesher character is dodgy as fuck. He has a thing for posting videos of very, very, young Korean/Japanese girls in the music forums, brags about sexually abusing Thai women, and posts stuff like this:

Will people stop posting up photos of underage girls/girls looking underage before I wield the ban hammer with MAXIMUM force.
Like spy and others have pointed out, posting up photos and videos of underage girls/girls looking underage is pretty much all the vermin has ever done here for years.

Exhibit 265 - Loving These
Maybe, but Islamophobia isn't racism....it's Islamophobia. Not all brown people are Muslims and not all Muslims are brown, so any insult towards Muslims, from people thinking they're using racist terms, just shows their ignorance of the English language. And anyone thinking people insulting Muslims are racists are also showing their ignorance of the English language.

It is and it isn't. It's certainly intended to be racist.
He likes Asian schoolgirls then. I mean they look nice, on some level you could say its innocent, but its not is it?
Not considering his boast to have “fucked hundreds” of similar looking girls, his defence of child rape pictures, and the way he talks about women. No, it’s not fucking innocent. He’s a filthy old sex tourist and probable nonce.
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It is and it isn't. It's certainly intended to be racist.

Agree. It's not as if the insults are directed at the religion very often. You don't get many people who say 'Of course Druze Christians, Sikhs, Zoroastrians, Baha'i, Buddhists are thoroughly decent people but my objections to Islam are well-founded and when I insult a Muslim I limit myself to those objections'. It's code for 'brown people', by and large.

And I think 'Islamophobia' is a sus word even if used only to mean a dislike of the religion. Disliking a religion is not like getting a panic attack from spiders, or heights. It's not an effing medical condition.

TBH, I don't care what word is used to describe the use of 'Gammon' as an insult. What exactly it is is mere semantics. What it also is unhelpful, playground politics, having a pop at people's appearance and any number of other things. And if it's not racist it's something-else-ist.
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