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Gammon is not racist

Is it possible for my mixed race (white/chinese) wife to be racist to white people? Can white/chinese/both be racist to her? I'm so confused.

on the other hand, sometimes white men get called gammon so who's to say who the real racists are?
The only way in which they were similar is that both circumstances are unpleasant incidents caused because of the colour of people's skin. That makes them racist incidents. Nobody, but nobody, on this thread has suggested for one moment that what you experienced is in any way comparable in weight or offence to black or Asian guys being abused with the terms you censored. That doesn't mean that they're not racist.

Those two examples I gave yesterday of an Indian MD not employing white people and Asian cricket teams not welcoming white players or making them uncomfortable are both real. They are also very obviously examples of racism.
I don't know, if the asian team has excluded white folk because they want a team where they (the asian folk) aren't excluded, that's not really racism, is it? That has happened all over the shop, and was the main driver for the 'segregated' teams I know of. It's not even really prejudice, is it? If it is because they were excluded from other teams. Similarly i have known some asian bosses who have said they don't like employing white people because white people don't like having an asian boss. They may have been talking bollocks, I've no real way of knowing, but it fits with plenty of experience, sadly.

Of course there will be examples where there is clear discrimination based solely on wanting to exclude people 'not like me' or even because white folks are devils, or some other such bullshit. And that is divisive, racially prejudiced bullshit. Which, tbh, I wouldn't bother being pedantic about and saying 'well, it's not actually racism, because...' because it is so bloody close, that it isn't worth the effort.

In the case of some kid going 'gammon' or 'honky' tho.... it's just a whole different ball game.
In the case of some kid going 'gammon' or 'honky' tho.... it's just a whole different ball game.
It's not that different a ball game though. It's the same as your comparison of your experiences, and PoC being far more seriously abused. It's simply a question of degree. Those terms of abuse in the context we've been discussing would not be levelled at someone unless they had a particular skin colour. White. They are therefore racist terms. Mildly racist, if you want, but still racist.
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I think the editor confirmed that earlier.

He was refering to their request to be banned not to returner status.

You're really bad at this btw - as if firky could manage the grasp of quite a complex series of political approaches/histories/schools that this poster has managed to mangle. He wouldn't have heard of half of the stuff name-dropped here in place of analysis.
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