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Gammon is not racist

let's not forget white people can be victims too

Do you have a point that you're about to enlighten us with, or are you building up to an almighty flounce?
I'm sort of sensing a theme here lucillemara but I can't quite put my finger on it - what's that Lassie, Bobby's fallen in the well?
Bobby's fallen in a well of racism. :(

Marky got with Sharon, Sharon got Cherise
She was sharing Sharon's outlook on the topic of disease
Mikey had a facial scar and Bobby was a racist
They were all in love with dying, they were doing it in Texas
Tommy played piano like a kid out in the rain
And then he lost his leg in Dallas, he was dancing with a train

Which makes it a useful proxy for people who hate brown people.

Maybe, but Islamophobia isn't racism....it's Islamophobia. Not all brown people are Muslims and not all Muslims are brown, so any insult towards Muslims, from people thinking they're using racist terms, just shows their ignorance of the English language. And anyone thinking people insulting Muslims are racists are also showing their ignorance of the English language.
Actually I might be wrong about the sock puppetry, the last 10 or so posts from Lucillmara make me wonder if this/they are some kind of algorithm.

Like a Turing test but with the knobishness parameter turned up to 11.
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Maybe, but Islamophobia isn't racism....it's Islamophobia. Not all brown people are Muslims and not all Muslims are brown, so any insult towards Muslims, from people thinking they're using racist terms, just shows their ignorance of the English language. And anyone thinking people insulting Muslims are racists are also showing their ignorance of the English language.

I think you've got a bit of catching up to do. Someone with more time will be along in a minute...
When little white boys and girls at school were calling me gyppo and ching chong because of how I looked, even though I'm basically white .. that might have been racist. But those kids calling my african friend (and the only black kid at that school) the obvious names, that was definitely racist.

Just more anecdotes, you know. By the way I do consider myself colourblind, in the sense that I don't treat people different based on the colour of their skin or their perceived (by me) ethnicity. OK I might speak more carefully if their English isn't good, but that's about it.

Hat in ring: I strongly feel individuals should be colour blind, should at least aspire to be. On the other hand I think government and other organisations' group policies should not be colour blind, because of structural issues that need solving at that level. Individuals can best help by treating everyone equally with respect and empathy as they go about their days. The structural stuff needs solving .. structurally.

There, I said it. That there's an opinion. An old-fashioned one I reckon, but probably not changing anytime soon.
Maybe, but Islamophobia isn't racism....it's Islamophobia. Not all brown people are Muslims and not all Muslims are brown, so any insult towards Muslims, from people thinking they're using racist terms, just shows their ignorance of the English language. And anyone thinking people insulting Muslims are racists are also showing their ignorance of the English language.
Have a read of this. You're way out of date.
Have a read of this. You're way out of date.

According to Hall, there is a new type of racism — “cultural racism,”

Hahaha. So some bloke makes up a phrase 'cultural racism' just so we can call Islamophobes racist. Bollox - go look at a dictionary. I'm talking about the english language. Not ivory tower-academia-think-tank bullshit.

If this were the case people disliking Freemasons can be called racist....hahaha.
"Racism is changing in its form, but the beast is still very much alive and well."

Can we call black white and white black then....garbage.

Race is about biology. End of.
It really isn't. Did you not read the first half of that article? Race comprises culturally constructed groupings (and otherings), sometimes but not always based on, among other things, essentially arbitrary physical signifiers.
It really isn't. Did you not read the first half of that article? Race comprises culturally constructed groupings (and otherings), sometimes but not always based on, among other things, essentially arbitrary physical signifiers.

Newspeak. And that's fucking dangerous.
Nah not even controversial. The groups are fluid too. Take British bangladeshis for instance, who have shifted in perception, including but not limited to public policy decision making, from 'asian' to 'muslim' over the years.
Race is about biology. End of.

I really wish you were right, and that it related to generally trivial DNA differences due to people’s movements over time, but it really isn’t.

If it was, it wouldn’t make sense to talk about race in terms of skin colour - most of human biodiversity is in Africa among black people.
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