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Gammon is not racist

I thought we existed because the pre-historic diet had no vitamin D and so people with the mutation of lighter skin who could make more of it from the reduced sunlight at higher latitudes than could people with the more ‘normal’ darker skin tones increased their populations.

Besides I’m not white, I’m more gammon coloured.

that's skin colour
"That quotation about genius and stupidity has never been positively attributed to Einstein, and only became associated with him after the 1980s, despite being well known before that." - St Augustine
whiteness is inseparable from its history
My experience of 'anti-white racism' has consisted of a couple of (asian) kids who called me a honky and a meeting where I was one of the very very few non-afro-caribbean people, where I, and the other couple of white folk, were sneered at for attending. That was almost definitely not because we were 'white devils' though, it's because we were seen as useless white do-gooders. To say that both of those incidents were in any way similar to a group of white lads shouting p**i or n***er doesn't really seem very helpful, or uniting to me. Same as no one is really offended by being called a gammon, it's laughed off. Probably because there is no weight, of history, or state force, behind it.

The only way in which they were similar is that both circumstances are unpleasant incidents caused because of the colour of people's skin. That makes them racist incidents. Nobody, but nobody, on this thread has suggested for one moment that what you experienced is in any way comparable in weight or offence to black or Asian guys being abused with the terms you censored. That doesn't mean that they're not racist.

Those two examples I gave yesterday of an Indian MD not employing white people, and Asian cricket teams not welcoming white players or making them uncomfortable are both real. They are also very obviously examples of racism.
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The op is correct as there is no race of Gammons. Therefore the term Gammon is not racist. There are many individuals whose appearance can be likened to a gammon steak, and those individuals are all white-caucasian males. But not all white-caucasian males look like gammons so it cannot be a racist term.

Sorry if this was mentioned before, but this sort of thing gets my goat. Calling some one a Jock, Taff, Spic, Dago are NOT racist terms as those terms relate to a persons nationality, not their race. Race is about minor differences in DNA, not man-made geo-political labels. And I've read that geneticists will argue that the genetic differences between the races (that we've labelled in the past) are so incredibly small as to be redundant and there is only one race, the human race.

The errant gammon (although he's not very red so not very gammon-like) in the incident on Ryannair did use racist language and should be convicted of hate crime.
This is the same as 'you can't be racist towards Muslims because Muslims aren't a race'
Trying to be polite here, but anyone who thinks 'dago' and 'spic' are not racist terms is an idiot.

They might be meant as racist insults when used by people wanting to slur a person based on their imagined race, but if the word's origin relates to a person from a specific country, then it can't be technically defined as racist.

The United States Census uses the ethnonym Hispanic or Latino to refer to "a person of Dominican, Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race".
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"That quotation about genius and stupidity has never been positively attributed to Einstein, and only became associated with him after the 1980s, despite being well known before that." - St Augustine
you're quite right, i'd never chased it down after seeing it above the bar in a pub. maybe one day you'll be able to post without showing yourself to be a smug cunt. but i don't suppose anyone here will live long enough to see it.
DNA has nothing to do with race- Elizabeth Warren isn't indigenous

But her DNA will present features categorised as to belonging to out dated classifications of the human race, used in the past as an attempt to classify humans - this should be done away with - as I mentioned earlier, the differences are so small as to be redundant.
But her DNA can be categorised as to belonging to out dated categories of DNA variants, used in the past as an attempt to classify humans - this should be done away with - as I mentioned earlier, the differences are so small as to be redundant.

yes but this is a different topic from race as a construct which isn't reducible to genetics
submit eh
race isn't logically coherent and neither is racism so I don't know how to explain it in acceptable terms

are we still expecting the real world to conform to enlightenment notions of consistency and rationality because it doesn't
submit eh
race isn't logically coherent and neither is racism so I don't know how to explain it in acceptable terms

are we still expecting the real world to conform to enlightenment notions of consistency and rationality because it doesn't
i'm expecting you to put some vague effort into making your posts a) say what you mean them to say, and b) where you make a claim of e.g. the uk committing genocide in yemen, that when asked you will be able to point to something supporting your claim.
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