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Gammon is not racist

i'd prefer you to back up your claims that 'we' are in some way committing genocide in yemen. but you've already refused twice to do so

MPs voting for more arms deals are still allowed to walk around in public. people seem to be more willing to mobilise to defend the racist EU than to stop mass murder. this seems like a failure to me. but if you like you like I'll stop using the pronouns.
MPs voting for more arms deals are still allowed to walk around in public. people seem to be more willing to mobilise to defend the racist EU than to stop mass murder. this seems like a failure to me. but if you like you like I'll stop using the pronouns.
perhaps you could simply show that 'we' are committing - not complicit, not enabling, but actively committing - genocide in yemen. in other words i would like you to support your claim.

incidentally, mps should be forced to walk about in public. and in private too.
MPs voting for more arms deals are still allowed to walk around in public. people seem to be more willing to mobilise to defend the racist EU than to stop mass murder. this seems like a failure to me. but if you like you like I'll stop using the pronouns.
again, who are those 'people'?
pls stop assuming my actions.
If you are a black british person you will have some connection to colonialism as well, in that case. If we in Britain enjoy a higher standard of living than we otherwise would due to colonialism, that is not something that only white people benefit from.

of course. although statistically, you are more likely to be working class and more likely to be subject to state violence. I never said only white people benefit from colonialism, I said white people exist because of colonialism.
MPs voting for more arms deals are still allowed to walk around in public. people seem to be more willing to mobilise to defend the racist EU than to stop mass murder. this seems like a failure to me. but if you like you like I'll stop using the pronouns.
Do you take actions that help to wash the bloodstains off your hands?
If you are a black british person you will have some connection to colonialism as well, in that case. If we in Britain enjoy a higher standard of living than we otherwise would due to colonialism, that is not something that only white people benefit from.

Black people living in Britain do benefit from some of the fruits of the colonialism but they also suffer its consequences in a whole number of ways that white people do not (windrush being the most obvious example that springs to mind).
I don't know what way you are, but if you are a white british person you will have some connection to colonialism. the maoist/third worldist "labour aristocracy" concept is not particularly helpful but it does attempt to fill a gap in traditional leftist theory that downplays the asymmetric nature of global labour relations
Ideas about the western working class securing some 'benefits' (or defence against imisserisation) from imperialism have been around since Lenin. But arguing that those same workers become responsible for imperialism, become white supremacists is just rubbish.
because obscuring the origins of racism always, always leads to white people playing the victim, and in a white dominated society any challenge to white supremacy is deemed to be anti-white (this was the majority white view of MLK and the 60s US civil rights movement at the time despite liberal revisionism).

And what are the origins of racism?
Black people living in Britain do benefit from some of the fruits of the colonialism but they also suffer its consequences in a whole number of ways that white people do not (windrush being the most obvious example that springs to mind).
Again, not denying this. Merely challenging simplistic attempts to divide us up crudely into race groups with specific shared interests. Something I would have thought we would all want to do. Although it all sounds very leftist, lucillemara's analysis seems almost entirely to omit class analysis. It's all about nation states or races acting against one another.
MPs voting for more arms deals are still allowed to walk around in public. people seem to be more willing to mobilise to defend the racist EU than to stop mass murder. this seems like a failure to me. but if you like you like I'll stop using the pronouns.
Thought you said this wasn't about guilt and moral failings?
Do you take actions that help to wash the bloodstains off your hands?

no, and I have never denied my own complicity. of course the primary villains are the profiteers and we shouldn't lose sight of that.

but anyone who wants to deny the UK's role in Saudi Arabia and complicity in the genocide is an apologist
Anyway, proper urban thread this: smugness, possible returner, hive mind (actually that wasn't my idea, one of my fellow drones made me post it). :thumbs:
but anyone who wants to deny the UK's role in Saudi Arabia and complicity in the genocide is an apologist
please post up something - anything - which supports your claims. otherwise, after seven or eight times asking you to produce some evidence for your claim i'll have to reluctantly admit it's all a wind up
Anyway, proper urban thread this: smugness, possible returner, hive mind (actually that wasn't my idea, one of my fellow drones made me post it). :thumbs:
An interesting twist is the coalition of liberals and reactionaries clubbing together to defend a very broad, largely uninteresting definition of racism.
no, and I have never denied my own complicity. of course the primary villains are the profiteers and we shouldn't lose sight of that.

but anyone who wants to deny the UK's role in Saudi Arabia and complicity in the genocide is an apologist
So, is it the 'UK's role' or, your earlier term couple of pages back 'the British People''?
My experience of 'anti-white racism' has consisted of a couple of (asian) kids who called me a honky and a meeting where I was one of the very very few non-afro-caribbean people, where I, and the other couple of white folk, were sneered at for attending. That was almost definitely not because we were 'white devils' though, it's because we were seen as useless white do-gooders. To say that both of those incidents were in any way similar to a group of white lads shouting p**i or n***er doesn't really seem very helpful, or uniting to me. Same as no one is really offended by being called a gammon, it's laughed off. Probably because there is no weight, of history, or state force, behind it.
So yesterday you were insisting that prejudice had to be bolstered by an unequal power dynamic to qualify as racism yet here you are today telling us that you have experienced anti-white racism yourself where such power dynamic was absent.
An interesting twist is the coalition of liberals and reactionaries clubbing together to defend a very broad, largely uninteresting definition of racism.
An uninteresting non-twist is you popping up every few pages to make a snide content-free comment.
So yesterday you were insisting that prejudice had to be bolstered by an unequal power dynamic to qualify as racism yet here you are today telling us that you have experienced anti-white racism yourself where such power dynamic was absent.

It's clear from the fact that he put anti-white racism in quotation marks that he did not regard it as actual racism.
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