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Gammon is not racist

What is achieved through the application of pejorative labels? People don't 'challenge their own perceptions' when you insult them, they just think you are an imbecile, a wanker or worse.
You’re actually building the far right. Were you on the anti-Brexit march also? You’re signing the cheques for Tommy Robinson and giving the biggest shot of adrenaline to reactionary elements in the U.K. since the 70s.
And I’m ‘fash scum’.

against fascists, whilst helping to build them
Gammon is an interesting word. Just like 'Garden' and 'Yard' are derivations of the Anglo-Saxon and Norse pronunciations of the Old Germanic Gaerten, an enclosed area have come to mean related but different concepts so 'Gammon' and 'Ham' derive from a Proto European word for leg 'haembe' but rooted through Latinate and Germanic pathways into the English langauge.
literal streicher bullshit

and the suggestion that we humour it is the kind of immigration mug nonsense that is why the left is fucked

of course it's "id pol" because that's what red liberal soc dem "radicals" call anything that doesn't pander to their basest instincts these days
also people aren't either fascist or not, this is the kind of thing that makes people deny regimes are fascist because they have liberal elements
literal streicher bullshit

and the suggestion that we humour it is the kind of immigration mug nonsense that is why the left is fucked

of course it's "id pol" because that's what red liberal soc dem "radicals" call anything that doesn't pander to their basest instincts these days
perhaps you can explain this
I apologise for not being nearly as clever as you but I still haven't a clue what you mean.


ignore the lenin hagiography

this is good identity politics

bad identity politics is "diversify the bourgeoisie" (neoliberal approach) or "idpol alienates the working class" (bernie sanders/paul mason/shit left approach) which is white male workerist id pol used to shut down minorities who challenge the left's reproduction of racist patriarchal and capitalist dynamics in their own circles. both have fascist potentialities. to suggest that rejecting "they're coming for our women" propaganda is a gift to the right is surrender.
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