Yeah, I'm not defending spy for those afters. Just saying fair play for seeing there was an overall pattern of horrible shit in kesher's posting and doing something about it (rather than giving individual posts a 'wtf' and then moving on as the rest of us probably did).
Hello Magnus;Are you two talking to me?
fash scum
fash scum
also people aren't either fascist or not, this is the kind of thing that makes people deny regimes are fascist because they have liberal elements
perhaps you can explain thisliteral streicher bullshit
and the suggestion that we humour it is the kind of immigration mug nonsense that is why the left is fucked
of course it's "id pol" because that's what red liberal soc dem "radicals" call anything that doesn't pander to their basest instincts these days
fascism is winning and the left is like "let's do that but a bit nicer"
Pengaleng?It reads like it’s Pengaleng’s new account would.
I apologise for not being nearly as clever as you but I still haven't a clue what you mean.