Exasperated, not angry.
I haven't wibbled at all, it seems some things are just too complex for you. Like things requiring more than one component.Oh god . The term is racist when it's being used as a derogatory way to describe white people. In THAT context. Is that simple enough for you?
You've wibbled and wobbled about all kinds of silliness; made up some daft comparison with domestic abuse; and now you're going to pretend ... what?
Answer those questions and I reckon the penny will drop for you. Seriously. Just try it and see if you have a lightbulb moment.
So, I disagree with your latest definition(s). A term has to be more than derogatory, even when used against a specfic racial grouping. The use of that term has to have some power behind it, something to back it up. There's a reason why words like gammon, or honky, don't have the same power to offend behind them as the words used against people of colour.