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Gammon is not racist

So, if:

1: You can’t be racist against white people.

2: A very large proportion of French people are white.


Is it OK for us to hate the French again?
I love how people manage to qualify their racism. Oh it’s not racism because...

All races count. All racism counts.
You can even be racist against your own race.

Bigotry is bigotry and any who try to believe their bigotry is the good kind of bigotry not the bad kind are really missing the point.
white supremacy is hegemonic. that's our racial ideology as it exists today. it is racism but racism also includes the violence the ideology reflects and justifies.
I don't really get it. This 'gammon' being racist. Its not I word I would use myself, but it seems to be stretching the definition. I would have thought it would be in the class of say: 'pasty face', laughing at David Dickenson back in the day or calling women orange and it becoming some kind of meme with associated connotations. Except now its all over twitter.

When you're ready, mate :thumbs:
You first, old bean. I am still awaiting your refutation of racism being prejudice+power.

Your earlier response was this:

"A racist statement however, is racist."

Which, obviously, fails to cover it.

Racism isn't just prejudice. Prejudice, along racial lines, has existed throughout history. But it wasn't really 'racism' when there was no ideological (and material) apparatus to back it up, it was simply individual prejudice. Nasty and shitty, of course, but a different beast, which needed tackling in different ways. Racism was explicitly developed to justify colonialism and the plunder, conquest and slavery. It was developed a a key tool to divide and rule the working-class. In that, it is quite different to not liking Wednesday fans. Power matters.
You first, old bean. I am still awaiting your refutation of racism being prejudice+power.

Your earlier response was this:

"A racist statement however, is racist."

Which, obviously, fails to cover it.

Racism isn't just prejudice. Prejudice, along racial lines, has existed throughout history. But it wasn't really 'racism' when there was no ideological (and material) apparatus to back it up, it was simply individual prejudice. Nasty and shitty, of course, but a different beast, which needed tackling in different ways. Racism was explicitly developed to justify colonialism and the plunder, conquest and slavery. It was developed a a key tool to divide and rule the working-class. In that, it is quite different to not liking Wednesday fans. Power matters.
Can you point out anywhere that I've made the argument that racism is just prejudice?

No? Didn't think so. It's a strawman you've manufactured to avoid some tricky questions.

Can you answer those questions now please?
Can you point out anywhere that I've made the argument that racism is just prejudice?

No? Didn't think so. It's a strawman you've manufactured to avoid some tricky questions.

Can you answer those questions now please?
Your logic is failing, again. I didn't say you said that, so there is no straw man.

Obviously even you will recognise that racism can be more than just prejudice, but just prejudice is enough. Which is what I am disagreeing with.

You need to use your terms more carefully.
No its not , the power structures behind racism that allows one group to oppress another eg white on black do not operate in reverse , as the oppressed group (generally) will not have the power to discriminate aginst their oppressors.

This is why so called "reverse racism" called against policies such as affirmative action initiatives is such bollocks and a false right wing trope.

The use of gammon is offensive and pejorative ceftainly but not racist, anyone who says it it needs to revisit fundamentally what thier idea of racism is and how it operates on a broader power based scale.

This was a racist killing of a white person.

Murder of Kriss Donald - Wikipedia
I didn't say you said that, so there is no straw man.
So you're asking me to refute a position that I don't disagree with?

And you reckon it's MY logic that's failing? Fucking hell. You really are the master of misrepresentation and obfuscation.

Now about those questions ...
When have you ever expressed concern or interest in the crime and violence that White people are a victim of in communities that are predominantly White? ...'you know 'White victims of violence in their communities'. :rolleyes:

When I talk about class, but for the purpose of this conversation I’m having to frame everything in liberal shite because idpol.
So you're asking me to refute a position that I don't disagree with?

And you reckon it's MY logic that's failing? Fucking hell. You really are the master of misrepresentation and obfuscation.

Now about those questions ...
No. YOU said that prejudice alone was enough to make something racist. A specific kind of prejudice, but still, just prejudice. I have argued that it requires more than prejudice. That is the difference.

So, back to you.
I have never once read you talking about White victims of White violence. You never do it.

Maybe you should re-read the fairly recent thread about the white thieving scumbag getting murdered by the white pensioner?
Of course it wasn’t framed in terms of race. Only liberal dicks do that.
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