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Gammon is not racist

"It's a pejorative term for white people often used by some PoC, particularly youngsters. " - that was your original definition on this thread, if you no longer stick by it, fair enough.
:confused: I absolutely stick by it. I've even extrapolated on it in subsequent posts.

What are you trying now? Desperate stuff this.
to flatten racism to just any prejudice between "races" means the sociohistorical context and power dynamics are lost.
No it doesn't. And it doesn't have just one sociohistorical context or power dynamic. Understanding the racist attitudes of the Han Chinese, for instance, requires studying a whole different dynamic from any that operate in this country.
No it doesn't. And it doesn't have just one sociohistorical context or power dynamic. Understanding the racist attitudes of the Han Chinese, for instance, requires studying a whole different dynamic from any that operate in this country.

racism is different in places with different power dynamics? so it is material?
No swerves at all, I am sticking to the point I made, you agreed with, but couldn't follow through logically. Logic isn't really your strong point.

You have failed to offer any argument against my definition (that racism is racial prejudice PLUS power), you just blather on. Same as always. It is kinda funny.

You've also failed to notice that in calling you a gammon, I must be using 'gammon' on a way that doesn't refer to white folk. Because it doesn't, necessarily. Because it isn't racist.

Try thinking your arguments through, they might make sense then.

I thought it one of the cornerstones of the liberal nonsense you come out with is that it isn’t a white mans place to dictate what racism is to a non white person? :D
Yes, that’s glee.
Are you fucking kidding???? :D

Tell you what, as a kid, when my dad was whooping me at chess and I was in a hopeless position he'd play my pieces and I'd play his. How about we swap the board round and see if I can get you out of the shit you've buried yourself in here?
No, you haven't. To repeat: show, don't tell.

You used a shit definition, then wriggled about 'clarifying,' then said the same thing over and over, a bit louder each time. Of course you always think you 'hold all the pieces,' even on those occasions when you fail at basic maths.
I thought it one of the cornerstones of the liberal nonsense you come out with is that it isn’t a white mans place to dictate what racism is to a non white person? :D
Yes, that’s glee.
the list of things you don't understand gets longer every day, silly little boy.
I'm with you on the second part of this, to some degree.
But a reasonably off Afro-Caribbean third-gen person using a racial slur against a Chinese immigrant is still worthy of the word, in my view.

I agree, it's clear to me that non-white people can be racist towards other non-white people but less clear whether non-whites can be racist towards whites.
so you're a racial platonist? why do you think white exists as a category?

is there a single non-white person in the country who has not experienced racism, regardless of class? this is just an acknowledgement our racial ideology is white supremacy. because of our history and relations with the people colonised. when relations change our ideas about race change. it is never fixed and can't be abstracted away from what is actually happening in the world. to flatten racism to just any prejudice between "races" means the sociohistorical context and power dynamics are lost.

I agree to a certain extent. But there’s also villainous and unscrupulous cunts who hide behind this kind of absolutism whilst exercising power. You can’t apply it to literally every non white person.
No, you haven't. To repeat: show, don't tell.
I've now done it several times, silly, but I'm thoroughly enjoying this so I'll ask again: If an Indian racially abuses a black man and the black man responds by calling the Indian a paki, has the black man been racist too or just the Indian?
You used a shit definition, then wriggled about 'clarifying,' then said the same thing over and over, a bit louder each time. Of course you always think you 'hold all the pieces,' even on those occasions when you fail at basic maths.
It's perfectly clear who's doing all the wriggling here, old chap. I assume this latest non-sequitur, ad hominem, is a reference to my age/date thread debacle the other week. What's next, "poo pants"? :D
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Really? The two black guys on the bus who called me a white slag weren't being racist?

Yeah, there are layers of definition - the power analysis is important but that certainly looks like racism of a kind.
What is complicated for me is this - I'm 3/4 white - was it racism when I got called a 'wog' as a child for my curly hair by kids who had never seen my Mum or Grandad?

I took it as being racist, but toward my family rather than me.
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