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Gammon is not racist

no, what is the problem?
the racial ideology of the time did not consider irish people white
right. and the anti-irish racism we have seen in the past 150 years? in the last 50? none of it racism against white people because the irish aren't considered white?

e2a: the very fact they weren't considered white at times in the past seems to me clear evidence of racism, even if it skipped right over your head
No, you actually responded to that. Not in a consistent manner, but you did actually respond.

You use the woolly liberal definition of racism, I don’t. That is a worthless definition, imo, totally pointless.

Why can’t we all just be nice to each other?
Bullshit. It's not a woolly definition. Your definition is the woolly one. It just doesn't pretend to encapsulate the entire complex situation within one word.
No, you actually responded to that. Not in a consistent manner, but you did actually respond.
Responded to it? I blew it to fuck.
You use the woolly liberal definition of racism, I don’t. That is a worthless definition, imo, totally pointless.
I don't think there's anything at all pointless or woolly about steering kids away from using racially based epithets on the basis that they are ... racist.
Why can’t we all just be nice to each other?
Happy to try.
Bullshit. It's not a woolly definition. Your definition is the woolly one. It just doesn't pretend to encapsulate the entire complex situation within one word.
I make no such pretence.

But as all you are doing is going ‘no it isnt’ over and over, there’s not much point just reiterating the same points.
right. and the anti-irish racism we have seen in the past 150 years? in the last 50? none of it racism against white people because the irish aren't considered white?

e2a: the very fact they weren't considered white at times in the past seems to me clear evidence of racism, even if it skipped right over your head

no, it is not racism against white people, it is anti-irish racism. this is simple.
Responded to it? I blew it to fuck.
Hardly. You agreed violence set domestically isn’t always violence, it needs context. But use of words needs no such context. Hmm...

I don't think there's anything at all pointless or woolly about steering kids away from using racially based epithets on the basis that they are ... racist.
Except, if they’re not racist those kids will just ignore you, so it’s pretty worthless.

Happy to fail.
no, it is not racism against white people, it is anti-irish racism. this is simple.
irish people are white
therefore racism against irish people is racism against a subset of white people
polish people are white
therefore racism against polish people is racism against a subset of white people
this is simple
e2a: you said "racism against white people doesn't exist". but it does. i have given you two groups of white people - and there are of course more who could be mentioned - who have experienced racism. you didn't say what you're now retreating to, which is that 'no one's prejudiced against all white people, that no one is the victim of anti-white racism'. i hope you're going down that goalpost shifting stance.
racism against white people doesn't exist and this shouldn't be controversial
but it does. and often enough it comes from other white people, just as there is a fair amount of racism between other people of similar hues - for example, between cambodians and vietnamese. when Magnus McGinty raised the issue of the irish, you didn't say what you now say, you said
the racial ideology of the time did not consider irish people white
and so i think that when you say
no one experiences racism on the basis of being white.
you're shifting the goalposts more than slightly. you're as honest, no doubt, as the day is long: but the evenings are drawing in.
Show, don't tell. All you did was go 'no, no, no, that's different!' without offering any, non-circular, justification.
Don't be dim. You were trying to advance that a woman who strikes back at an abusive husband wasn't guilty of domestic abuse, therefore a person who uses racial abuse towards someone who racially abused them first, wasn't guilty of racial abuse. :facepalm:
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Don't be dim. You were trying to advance that a woman who strikes back at an abusive husband wasn't guilty of domestic abuse, therefore a person who uses racial abuse towards someone who racially abused them first, wasn't guilty of racial abuse. :facepalm:
Oh dear, you really do have difficulty with analogies, don't you?

You accept that 'domestic abuse' is not the same as 'abuse that happens in a domestic setting', so why must 'abuse that involves racial terms' always be racIST? Answering using actual words might help your case (though I doubt it)
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