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Five-year-old April Jones kidnapped in Machynlleth, Mid-Wales

Oh, yes I understand that. But I'm trying to understand their motivation.

the motivation is that lots of people in Mach - and not just wierdos who've turned up to validate themselves - are thinking that the Police have had Bridger for 4 days, that, assuming he is responsible, he had less than 24hrs with the Child before being arrested, and somehow the Police have not been able to find her.

there is a view in the town (not everybody, by any means) that unco-ordinated groups of random people looking in woods could, at this stage, be hardly doing a worse job than the Police.

i do not know the truth, it is quite likely that they have the right man and that he has successfully resisted interegation, and he has been able to cover his tracks in the 24hr period between Aprils abduction and his arrest, so that the police have not been able to penetrate what happened and therefore find her. it is however possible that they're barking up the wrong tree, but because there's been so much publicity over the man they've got, and they've got no other leads, they are refusing to back out of the cul-de-sac and say 'we've fcuked-up, hit the hills'.
the motivation is that lots of people in Mach - and not just wierdos who've turned up to validate themselves - are thinking that the Police have had Bridger for 4 days, that, assuming he is responsible, he had less than 24hrs with the Child before being arrested, and somehow the Police have not been able to find her.

Is that really so unbelievable? Assuming it was him who took her he did so in a landrover from right at the edge of an enormous national park which has lots of narrow, most likely camera-less roads and thousands upon thousands of places he could have disposed of a body. Awful as it is, there is a very strong possibility that she will never be found and it's a lot harder to prosecute someone for murder without a body, which is pretty good motivation for him to keep his mouth shut.
My old band member and school friend, (two years below) is the guy giving out the pink ribbons from his fabric shop.

Two other school friend are still out and about looking for the girl/body.
So, the police have until 5pm today (Saturday) to either charge or release Mark Bridger.
Surely it is unthinkable that they would release him, after all this time.
So, the police have until 5pm today (Saturday) to either charge or release Mark Bridger.
Surely it is unthinkable that they would release him, after all this time.
As I understand it, before charging someone the police have to present a case to the DPP demonstrating that there is enough evidence to take to trial. Presumably if there is no evidence to take to the DPP then there is no case against him and he is to be presumed innocent.

It is possible of course that he is genuinely innocent in which case not only is an innocent man sitting in custody but the real perpetrator is out there somewhere. Of course that won't stop the idiots from wanting to lynch him anyway

It occurs to me that perhaps no body will ever be found and if so that presents the awful prospect that noone will ever pay for this crime and that someone will get away with child murder.That's a very frightening prospect

This case presents some unique difficulties, most obviously no body but also the fact that the eye witnesses to the abduction are all very young children. Even forensic evidence from the car is tainted because it is known that April had been in the car on previous occasions, so even if they find dna or other forensic evidence in the car, it means nothing. Imagine taking all that to a trial?
Surely the law has to change, regards protecting the identity of people arrested on suspicion? Something like this could happen to any of us - wrong place wrong time, face doesn't fit etc - & before you know it you're the face on the front of every tabloid & news bulletin, & a daily mail reading lynch mob hiding around every corner. It's happened before & it's still happening!

I for one couldn't return to Mach, & I doubt Bridger could either. I'd be wanting a sufficient amount of cash to be able to fuck off & start again.

Someone (by law) has to be held to account for destroying the lives of innocent people. This in no way detracts from the despicable crime that has happened.
They have charged him with 3 things, Abduction, Murder and perverting the course of justice.
I hope they've got more evidence than, "He's a paedo." and "Some children say they saw her getting into his car."
...and the CPS have also given a specific warning.
Iwan Jenkins CPS said:
The huge public and media interest in this case is understandable.

I would just like to stress that, whilst Mark Bridger stands accused of serious criminal charges, he retains the right to a fair trial.
I would therefore ask that nothing is placed in the public domain that may undermine the criminal justice process.

If anything gets posted or has been posted that may undermine the trial please report the post. Thank you.
You are SUPPOSED to be innocent until proven guilty. It saddens me that(sometimes) long before a person is even charged there is a 'trial' by media. It is wrong imo. :(

I think that's what is meant by most people when they question whether there should be so much news coverage. I know people have responded saying that his face needs to go on tv so as to get any witnesses to come forward, to jog memories and so on, and I accept that. I don't think it's that most people have a problem with. It's that it segues into a sensationalised carnival atmosphere by the media, desperately trying to grab onto anything to keep people watching. Ratings. If it bleeds it leads. Etc.

Surely it's a symptom, to a large extent, of rolling news, spurred on even more so by old monoliths like the Beeb having to compete for people's attention with a whole panoply of new news sources online. And of course, they show what people watch. If people didn't flock to watch this stuff and read about it in their thousands, they'd move onto whatever did hold their interest instead.

It's a messy, murky business, and I don't know what the solution is. It's easy to say that the media outlets should lead by example, but while they exist with their current business models they won't.
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