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Feminism and the silencing of women

Hate to be pedantic but I think the essential characteristic of manrepeating is stating the point as if it was your own, so IMO you are innocent and supportive if you say you agree with someone ☺️

after the meeting, i did offer to go to meetings with female colleague again, in case MD needed translation of her ideas in to male again
What has pissed me off today? Allow me to share.

It has been identified that women need some sort of loyalty card that can point to the fact that they have all the symptoms of ovarian cancer. Because they will have been buying various indigestion remedies.

Now. The woman in the article had been to her GP with all the syptoms of ovarian cancer for two years apparently, and had been told that she had IBS. However, what she did incorrectly was that she was turning up and telling the doctor with her own lady mouth that she had indigestion and was getting through a lot of Gaviscon. Whereas what she needed for some reason was a loyalty card to do it for her.

Shop loyalty card data may help spot ovarian cancer

Because telling a doctor isn't enough to be believed apparently.
Ive been thinking that here on urban, alot of mainly female voices (and trans, NB etc too) are simply drowned out but the sheer weight of of masculine blather cloging up pages and pages of threads, the online equivalent of liking the sound of their own voices, to the point of derailing or making threads unreadable.
The last few pages of feminism and a world designed for men thread being an example.
What has pissed me off today? Allow me to share.

It has been identified that women need some sort of loyalty card that can point to the fact that they have all the symptoms of ovarian cancer. Because they will have been buying various indigestion remedies.

Now. The woman in the article had been to her GP with all the syptoms of ovarian cancer for two years apparently, and had been told that she had IBS. However, what she did incorrectly was that she was turning up and telling the doctor with her own lady mouth that she had indigestion and was getting through a lot of Gaviscon. Whereas what she needed for some reason was a loyalty card to do it for her.

Shop loyalty card data may help spot ovarian cancer

Because telling a doctor isn't enough to be believed apparently.
Thiss just happened to a colleague of mine......been in so much pain for a long time, put down as IBS when in fact she had a fairly large tumour on her ovary
Ive been thinking that here on urban, alot of mainly female voices (and trans, NB etc too) are simply drowned out but the sheer weight of of masculine blather cloging up pages and pages of threads, the online equivalent of liking the sound of their own voices, to the point of derailing or making threads unreadable.
The last few pages of feminism and a world designed for men thread being an example.
I definitely feel this. Spotted it on the Nicholas Bulley thread too
Ive been thinking that here on urban, alot of mainly female voices (and trans, NB etc too) are simply drowned out but the sheer weight of of masculine blather cloging up pages and pages of threads, the online equivalent of liking the sound of their own voices, to the point of derailing or making threads unreadable.
The last few pages of feminism and a world designed for men thread being an example.
I felt this on the world without meat thread - lots of male posters (and to the best of my knowledge most also being white, without children and having no disabilities that impact food choice), continuously arguing about a few narrow ethical points. I made a post bringing intersectionality into food choice and whilst a couple of people were interested to hear about ARFID, it was mostly tumbleweed.

Mind you, as I’ve got older I’ve found that I’m not interested in having polarised arguments where no one ever budges in their opinion. I’d much rather thoughtfully explore the grey and the nuances that exist.
Ive been thinking that here on urban, alot of mainly female voices (and trans, NB etc too) are simply drowned out but the sheer weight of of masculine blather cloging up pages and pages of threads, the online equivalent of liking the sound of their own voices, to the point of derailing or making threads unreadable.
The last few pages of feminism and a world designed for men thread being an example.
In my case I accept what you are saying. And will say no more except sorry for pissing people off.
I felt this on the world without meat thread - lots of male posters (and to the best of my knowledge most also being white, without children and having no disabilities that impact food choice), continuously arguing about a few narrow ethical points. I made a post bringing intersectionality into food choice and whilst a couple of people were interested to hear about ARFID, it was mostly tumbleweed.

Mind you, as I’ve got older I’ve found that I’m not interested in having polarised arguments where no one ever budges in their opinion. I’d much rather thoughtfully explore the grey and the nuances that exist.
I've no idea what intersectionality in food choices would mean and I'd love to hear more about it. Can you start a thread please then we can discuss just that?

Yes in my experience the world is all shades of grey and rarely black and white.
I felt this on the world without meat thread - lots of male posters (and to the best of my knowledge most also being white, without children and having no disabilities that impact food choice), continuously arguing about a few narrow ethical points. I made a post bringing intersectionality into food choice and whilst a couple of people were interested to hear about ARFID, it was mostly tumbleweed.

Mind you, as I’ve got older I’ve found that I’m not interested in having polarised arguments where no one ever budges in their opinion. I’d much rather thoughtfully explore the grey and the nuances that exist.
I'd also be interested in that Agent Sparrow. Not seen the thread you have mentioned.
I've no idea what intersectionality in food choices would mean and I'd love to hear more about it. Can you start a thread please then we can discuss just that?

Yes in my experience the world is all shades of grey and rarely black and white.
Ok, I have various things to do today but will see if I can write an encompassing enough OP in between tasks. Where would that go though? General? Suburban?
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Ok good women of urban (and n/b and trans) - it's well documented how in most media / public spaces / meetings etc men take up more than 50% of the time.

Has this happened to you at work / in public meetings?
Or in a thread you have tried to join in?
So what can we do?
Can we share strategies for how to fight / avoid / deal with this?
Interesting research being talked about in a podcast I heard (will try to find a link) about the differences in women and men asking questions in lectures q & a. Women typically put there hand up less often and were more more likely to say something complimentary about the speakers before their their question. Apparently a short break before taking questions helped.
Ok good women of urban (and n/b and trans) - it's well documented how in most media / public spaces / meetings etc men take up more than 50% of the time.

Has this happened to you at work / in public meetings?
Or in a thread you have tried to join in?
So what can we do?
Can we share strategies for how to fight / avoid / deal with this?
Oooooh hell yes. I have about a thousand and one examples at work. Especially in Teams meetings, actually, they seem to magnify the issue. People speaking to me irl are generally more respectful of my opinion, especially if we're on site and I'm wearing hi vis (go figure.) But Teams meetings are an absolute male-dominated nightmare. What's said on site has real life consequences, Teams meetings are usually just people enjoying their own voices.

So what do we do? Ah, there's the question. Women do badly in committee-type situations, and though I honestly think people do respect me, they're just so busy enjoying the smell of their own farts in online meetings that they don't stop talking. And can we be bothered to do the same? I know I can't, it looks exhausting.

So yeah. Teams meetings. Unless it's a one to one, it should probably be an email.
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