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Far-right response to Southport Outrage And Ongoing Violent Disorder

Ah, thats kinda obscure and goes under the radar. But, not exactly subtle to those who know. Cretins, the lot of them.
Yeah, it's one of those things that's ambiguous enough that you can't say for sure, but it often does point in that direction. But then again it can also sometimes just be someone born in the late 80s putting their date of birth in their username, or similar.
Yeah, it's one of those things that's ambiguous enough that you can't say for sure, but it often does point in that direction. But then again it can also sometimes just be someone born in the late 80s putting their date of birth in their username, or similar.

That's extremely generous of you.

Ah, thats kinda obscure and goes under the radar. But, not exactly subtle to those who know. Cretins, the lot of them.

See, a recent history of British fascism. Google Column 88 and Combat 18.
Yeah, it's one of those things that's ambiguous enough that you can't say for sure, but it often does point in that direction. But then again it can also sometimes just be someone born in the late 80s putting their date of birth in their username, or similar.
Yeah, I know someone who has an 88 in his email. There I was thinking what the fuck?!?! Turned out it was the year of his birth :rolleyes:
Had a friend with the email address ending in her birth year because her name was common, that she then used on a couple of sites. She had no idea at all why she was suddenly getting lots of Nazi spam and comments until it the 88/HH thing was pointed out to her.

A couple of people had tried to hint that her was connected to certain letters and she thought it was some weird thing do with BB = big boobs, and they thought she was taking the piss even more - they all assumed she must have known what 88 meant (the worst was on a group about interior design. She had a Union Jack cushion, but it was just one, bought while on holiday in London).

She genuinely had no clue till it was spelt out to her, because it's so fucking unreasonable that Nazis have even taken over a number that people use in innocent ways.

The amount of hate she got for her username was quite something to see.

Hate on Display™ Hate Symbols Database​

This database provides an overview of many of the symbols most frequently used by a variety of white supremacist groups and movements, as well as some other types of hate groups.

Don’t know why it’s saying “you are being redirected.”

It’s the ADL database for fash number codes, symbols etc.

Wikipedia also has a list of fash number codes but their first entry is ACAB, so….
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As it ever was.
Social media has made it easier tbf, but it's not a new thing.
The one thing it is, is more internationalised. It used to be just the Lord Rothermeres and old money like that playing people off against each other to distract them from coming up to the Manor House with pitch forks. Now you have far right/crank libertarian billionaire pricks from the US investing in changing the world, as well as shit stirring from the likes of Russia looking to divide and weaken the nation.
The one thing it is, is more internationalised. It used to be just the Lord Rothermeres and old money like that playing people off against each other to distract them from coming up to the Manor House with pitch forks. Now you have far right/crank libertarian billionaire pricks from the US investing in changing the world, as well as shit stirring from the likes of Russia looking to divide and weaken the nation.
I don't think that's accurate at all, the tabloids always reached a large number of people and (mostly) put forward a right wing agenda.

The rises of the extreme right in the 30s and the 70s were achieved without crank libertarians on social media.
As it ever was.
Social media has made it easier tbf, but it's not a new thing.
Anyone think that it's 'duck speak' that you hear so often? Just regurgitating. I know people will think it's a bit lame to refer to Orwell or I'm embarassing the boards, but depending where you look it's pretty much like their thinking has been done for them. "It's the asylum seeking benefit scroungers".

Get high and mighty about abandoning the working-class if you want, and how I'm both to blame and not part of 'the left', but it's out there. To what extent I don't know but that's my experience,
Anyone think that it's 'duck speak' that you hear so often? Just regurgitating. I know people will think it's a bit lame to refer to Orwell or I'm embarassing the boards, but depending where you look it's pretty much like their thinking has been done for them. "It's the asylum seeking benefit scroungers".

Get high and mighty about abandoning the working-class if you want, and how I'm both to blame and not part of 'the left', but it's out there. To what extent I don't know but that's my experience,

I literally have no idea what you're on about.
Orwell defined 'duck speak'. I'm reluctant to use him as some kind of oracle, but to be furious against Muslims, asylum seekers, benefit 'scroungers' as some amorphous blob is a kind of brainwashing. It can be entirely irrelevant, but in it goes. Sorry. If you venture out of urban online it's there.

And fuck off Petee.
Orwell defined 'duck speak'. I'm reluctant to use him as some kind of oracle, but to be furious against Muslims, asylum seekers, benefit 'scroungers' as some amorphous blob is a kind of brainwashing. It can be entirely irrelevant, but in it goes. Sorry. If you venture out of urban online it's there.

And fuck off Petee.

Oh I thought you meant I was using duck speak - hence my bristling and what are you on about :)
I don't think that's accurate at all, the tabloids always reached a large number of people and (mostly) put forward a right wing agenda.

The rises of the extreme right in the 30s and the 70s were achieved without crank libertarians on social media.

Biggest problem is it's harder and rarer for alternative voices to become mainstream, the big money takes up all the air time or buys out or silences the even moderately left media and choices.
There’s an awful lot of money thrown at making sure people are punching down.

My thinking is that some of the money comes from RW types who believe the anti-immigrant and anti-muslim viewpoints, and some from foreign players who see it as a way to destabilise the UK. My son said there were huge numbers of tik tok bots shouting vote reform before the election
Orwell defined 'duck speak'. I'm reluctant to use him as some kind of oracle, but to be furious against Muslims, asylum seekers, benefit 'scroungers' as some amorphous blob is a kind of brainwashing. It can be entirely irrelevant, but in it goes. Sorry. If you venture out of urban online it's there.

And fuck off Petee.
Agreed, my wife even hears this from her line manager at work in NHS Children in care services. Fucking disgusting.
Oh there’s definitely a hierarchy of arseholery but it doesn’t excuse violent conduct unless it’s immediately defensive. Anyone who throws bricks at people with the aim of causing them serious injury should go to prison.
Unless it hits some twat in the bollocks and is caught on a well publicized video for entertainment purposes.

(quote from other thread)
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