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Far-right response to Southport Outrage And Ongoing Violent Disorder

and another thing, this smacks of the national reporting centre established by the police during the miners' strike. i don't know why or how it is hoped to make the cops' mutual aid more efficient than the present system. one thing it makes clear is that if there something kicks off in eg southport, toxteth, or wherever that the best way to assist people under police attack is to kick off elsewhere. for this is really unlikely to be used often or indeed more than rarely against fascists or their dupes and much more likely to be used against people driven to kick off by police aggression

History repeats itself....this reminds me of the bemusement of the lollipop waving ANL (which I see it about to be relaunched) and others in the 90's when the heavy handed cop tactics they had once called for against fascists were deployed against them.
I've stopped trying to discuss anything with anyone on social media. It's too depressing and the level of 'debate' is too ignorant. In the days before SM, I hadn't realised quite how nasty and thick many people are. That sounds very judgmental, but it's hard to come to any other conclusion.
I do occasionally respond to the odd racist idiot, but usually only with some pithy rejoinder. I only do it for the likes :D - I have no interest in what they might say in response.
I think social media has more nastiness than real life and it isn't just the anonymity - political discussions are absolutely hijacked by bad faith actors including members of political parties or other coordinated activist groups, intelligence agencies, and PR firms hired by private companies or individuals. A lot of the time you aren't communicating with someone willing to give and take and learn something from discussion.

The situation is getting worse because of generative AI where you could plausibly be wasting time arguing with a large language model.
We are wasting our time arguing with anyone online...AI or not
I can't vouch for the veracity of this, but it looks plausible enough.

"He is also alleged to have racially abused a fellow patient while at the hospital" - leopards can't change their spots, can they?

apparently the rioters were responsible for £1m worth of improvements.
Christ, this is a terribly-judged post. I get that you're trying to be funny, but do you really think that now is a good time to be having a go at Southport?
That might be the case with their activists (although even then writng all of them off totally forever seems counter productive) but if the perception among the softer and much larger layer around them is that they are also seen as scum and nobody is interested in their lives and struggles then they will be driven further into the arms of the far right. France serves as a lesson of where that can lead.
Guardian reckons at least 10 rallies this weekend, I expect that number to increase shortly:

Seeing a Bristol counterdemo advertised as well as the ones mentioned above:
Liverpool has at least 2 in 24 hours, call to defend a mosque on Friday night as well as the Saturday afternoon stuff:
Guardian reckons at least 10 rallies this weekend, I expect that number to increase shortly:

Seeing a Bristol counterdemo advertised as well as the ones mentioned above:
View attachment 436079
Liverpool has at least 2 in 24 hours, call to defend a mosque on Friday night as well as the Saturday afternoon stuff:
View attachment 436081
So much for Tommy Ten Names' call for restraint.
History repeats itself....this reminds me of the bemusement of the lollipop waving ANL (which I see it about to be relaunched) and others in the 90's when the heavy handed cop tactics they had once called for against fascists were deployed against them.
This is exactly why Starmer cracking down worries me. It won't be the right on the receiving end of the most violence.
I thought the same with the reporting from Southend. Both are seaside towns and its hot and lots of people are on holiday.

Whenever I see film of Hartlepool it looks like an attractive place, despite all the focus on its alleged problems.

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The Southend thing was local gangsters fighting against each other (with enormous machetes, right opposite the fair), not a far-right riot.

It's also very unusual for Southend these days. We were there the day before it happened, having spent the weekend there, and it's a nice mix of gentrified-but-not-too-much these days. For years and years the town centre was unpleasant after dark, but that's where we were staying, and all there was were families and some young groups all being chatting and walking around calmly. It's been like that the last four years and had started to calm down a lot before that too.

There's relatively high employment there, both in the town and commuting via a hugely improved train line, and that's probably one of the main reasons.

And Southport is fine too. Some former coastal towns have taken a massive nosedive but some never did and others have recovered.

That's why most of the Southport rioters had to travel in from elsewhere. It is harder to get people to join in on a riot if they have a decent standard of life they could lose. Even a non-custodial sentence for this sort of thing will mean most of them losing their jobs.
I'm in Blackpool for Rebellion and wouldn't be surprised if they try here. There's been march for England before in Blackpool
A demo is planned in Hull on Saturday, I've spent far too much time today reporting every single post advertising it on facebook but I doubt the fckers will do anything. I think only a dozen or so turned up for the last one, hopefully the same apathy will be present this weekend.
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