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Far-right response to Southport Outrage And Ongoing Violent Disorder

well yes but I think it's also foolish to believe that austerity has had no influence on why many people are disillusioned and angry.
Its more to do with years of a toxic narrative about "muslamic takevover" protecting "our kids/women etc" and it all being prerpetated by quislings in the governement/the IMF/WTO/globalists/jews etc etc. A lot of these cunts are middle agend (and older) men - I dont think theres any direct link with the sure start centre being closed, the crumbling local school or the lack of youth provision. Cunts and gonner cunt - and social media fuels the cuntitude.
Personally I'd send racist pricks on a 6 month homestay in a country where they have a problem with people from. Make them write an essay on what they've learned, and if its not up to scratch they have to do another homestay.

Thats probably too nice for them though, its an amazing experience to live in other countries. But it works wonders for opening the mind and soul.
:mad: not all clouds...
I see S UTR have called a demo in Central Manchester on Saturday.
Can't see anyone else calling any mobilisation or action.
I had the impression Southport had a reasonably sized left, although haven't been there for decades.
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Do you think that’s what was going on in Southport last night, just men being men?
This. Some traditional forms of masculinity have been destroyed by deindustrialisation. Let's attack neoliberalism AND shitty ideas about what it is to be a man. Not just say 'oh men'.
If this bunch of shit eating pricks continues to battle the plod and go to prison on just stop oil length tariffs (unlikely) eventually they’ll run out of bodies

Not got much faith in the justice system to do the right thing, or even the correct thing according to law/sentencing guidelines

If the left focus on specific defence of well telegraphed fash targets (like the migrant hotels, mosques, synagogues etc) and hold the line, the fash gargle, coke and stroke themselves to the point where the police get busy on them.
This. Some traditional forms of masculinity have been destroyed by deindustrialisation. Let's attack neoliberalism AND shitty ideas about what it is to be a man. Not just say 'oh men'.
We can't reopen the pits and realistically, who will go down there? Though I would be all for bringing industry back here, so many towns never recovered once it was all outsourced.
I see S UTR have called a demo in Central Manchester on Saturday.
Can't see anyone else calling any mobilisation or action.
I had the impression Stockport had a reasonably sized left, although haven't been there for decades.


(Assuming you’re referring to the place where the attack and rioting happened)
Oh well then we’ll just have to live with it I guess. Just an unavoidable outcome of being human.

Don't think I said that, but is there a society in which it doesn't happen? Is it surprising when shit like this happens? I don't know what the answer is.
We can't reopen the pits and realistically, who will go down there? Though I would be all for bringing industry back here, so many towns never recovered once it was all outsourced.
If it needs saying, I'm not championing a return to traditional forms of male only employment or the 'breadwinner' approach to employment and family dynamics/power that came with that. Anything but. Just saying that the neoliberal destruction of whole sectors has removed those jobs and with them a sense of worth for a lot of men in specific parts of the country. Just saying that that is part of the thing that farage/edl and associated scum are able to lock onto. We need something better than that, every bit of that - including the very idea that you get value from work anyway.

Pedantic edit: neo-liberalism also affected women's work and lives, equally if in different ways. I'm just banging on about the impact on men because they are largely the ones bricking mosques/each other's bollocks.
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Think we're likely to see localised far-right mobilisations pretty much everywhere over the weekend, similar to the bumps in activity after things like the Lee Rigby killing. There's definitely things being organised in Manchester this weekend, saw Unite North West posted this as well:
Hard to know where to look for info on what's being planned by the other side though, since it's not coming through formal groups like the EDL or DFLA. Think it's more likely to be spread across closed Telegram channels and so on.
Think we're likely to see localised far-right mobilisations pretty much everywhere over the weekend, similar to the bumps in activity after things like the Lee Rigby killing. There's definitely things being organised in Manchester this weekend, saw Unite North West posted this as well:
View attachment 435948
Hard to know where to look for info on what's being planned by the other side though, since it's not coming through formal groups like the EDL or DFLA. Think it's more likely to be spread across closed Telegram channels and so on.

Apparently Fox called for the Downing Street stuff tonight, so relatively easy to track. London is London though, we have clear cut focal points and imagine the Fash are a lot less confident about popping up elsewhere, certainly outside random mosques. As you say, harder to judge what they'll do elsewhere but imagine a lot of communities will be on edge themselves this week.
If it needs saying, I'm not championing a return to traditional forms of male only employment or the 'breadwinner' approach to employment and family dynamics/power that came with that. Anything but. Just saying that the neoliberal destruction of whole sectors has removed those jobs and with them a sense of worth for a lot of men in specific parts of the country. Just saying that that is part of the thing that farage/edl and associated scum are able to lock onto. We need something better than that, every bit of that - including the very idea that you get value from work anyway.

Pedantic edit: neo-liberalism also affected women's work and lives, equally if in different ways. I'm just banging on about the impact on men because they are largely the ones bricking mosques/each other's bollocks.
No, I get what you mean. And for many households, having the man be the sole breadwinner isn't feasible anyway.
Does anyone know when these good citizens, outraged by the killing of 8 babies, showed their displeasure in Chester by looting shops, vandalising property, burning police vans and assaulting police?.... Or maybe they didn't because Lucy Letby isn't a very foreign sounding name?

Not that these gammon fucks know shit, but it seems there maybe a decent chance Letby never done it.
Also the case that a lot of places will have regular Saturday afternoon Palestine stuff happening as well, so think there's likely to be flashpoints there.

Depends on the turnouts those events expect I'd imagine, national march in London this Saturday and doubt they'll push their luck there. In other places you may well be right. Worth remembering though, they still don't have that many people with them. Tommy Robinson drew in 30k~, which I reckon is a high water mark for them atm. and one based on a national call out. Take away the ones who aren't just out for a line and a scrap, the ones who aren't in their little loop and the ones who'll be put off by the media attention/chances of getting nicked and not sure where that leaves them. Especially if they're relying on every city having its own event, they look a lot more lonely when they can't bus crowds in, ime anyway.
The Mirror has spoken to someone who knew the "suspect" who claims he was a choir boy. I wonder when the thugs are going to attack a church, now? 🙄
Attempts to attack a hotel housing asylum seekers on Oldham Road around Newton Heath, North Manchester tonight:

Seeing stuff about Hartlepool as well, will try and find a reliable source.
Attempts to attack a hotel housing asylum seekers on Oldham Road around Newton Heath, North Manchester tonight:

Seeing stuff about Hartlepool as well, will try and find a reliable source.

Yes. Hartlepool has gone off too:

FLAF statement:

Let Southport Mourn Its Children in Peace
By Patrick Davies (FLAF)
The horrific attack at a Taylor Swift themed dance event in Southport on Monday left a community devastated and young lives cut short. No child should ever be subjected to such horror and no parent should ever have to grieve a murdered child. Bebe King, Elsie Dot Stancombe and Alice Dasilva Aguiar sadly lost their lives, others remain in a critical condition. A 17 year old male is in custody, his name witheld due to his age and his motivations currently unknown.
Amongst the injured are Jonathan Hayes who was stabbed when he bravely tried to intervene and Leanne Lucas, the dance teacher who was taking the class. Our thoughts are with all those directly affected and the people of Southport.
The local community, as well as Taylor Swift fans, have come together to help with acts of solidarity, love and support. A Just Giving page set up to raise funds for Alder Hey Children's Charity, where some of the children have been treated, has raised over £280,000.
In stark contrast to these efforts there has also been attempts by some to shamelessly exploit the grief to sow division, hatred and further violence.
On Monday, a suspect Twitter account calling itself Channel3 Now shared a since deleted post incorrectly naming the suspect and saying he was known to MI6. Similar posts appeared on the YouTube pages of professional bigots who tried to cash in on the horror and insinuated that the attacker was a recently arrived asylum seeker and Muslim.
The followers of these channels lapped up the unsubstantiated rumours. Comment sections under the posts were riddled with calls to burn mosques and deport Muslims, with barely a word for the victims.
By the time the police had confirmed that the attacker was in fact born in Cardiff and of a different name to the one circulated, the disinformation had been spread across the net. This was jumped on by Football Lads United (FLU), fronted by the hapless Steve Dolin, and other far right groups who repeated the same unsubstantiated claims about the attacker and called for supporters to "mob up" in Southport.
On Tuesday afternoon assorted trouble makers seeking to exploit the situation started arriving in Southport. By 8pm a local mosque was surrounded and pelted with bricks while others looked on giggling, chanting about Islam and drinking cans. Shortly afterwards a police van was torched and officers were pelted with bricks pulled from the walls and gardens of locals. By the end of the rioting the streets of Southport were strewn with debris, locals cars and gardens damaged, shops looted and 39 police injured.
There are key players who have purposefully used the horror in Southport to promote their own agenda. They've actively sought to sow division with no thought for the victims or the local community. Anyone seeking to use the deaths of children to promote their own bigoted agenda is a wrong un of the highest order. While the likes of the FLU, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon and other professional shit stirrers have lit the fire, the fuel has been provided by less peripheral figures.
We cannot ignore the reckless behaviour of the political and media establishment. In an attempt to make excuses for their own failings we've had successive governments demonising migrants and weaponising a wilfully mismanaged immigration system. We've had politicians stoke the fires of culture wars as if they'll keep us warm when we can't afford to heat our homes. From the Daily Mail and GB News to the former home secretary we've been told that those seeking asylum in the country are "invaders". We've been told by millionaires that the reason we're worse off now than we were 20 years ago is because of other poor people from different countries. The kind of language that was once only found on online Nazi forums like Stormfront has been brought into the mainstream.
Throw into this febrile environment 14 years of austerity, a justified mistrust of the law and a concerted campaign of online propaganda and you have the perfect conditions for disorder.
There are serious questions to be asked about the horrific events in Southport on Monday. What is it that possesses a boy to murder children? What were the motivations behind this outrage? Could it have been prevented and how do we minimise the chances of it ever happening again?
Sadly this isn't the first time a lone male has murdered children in this country. Earlier this year a 36 year old man went on the rampage with a sword in Hainault. While shouting about God he killed 14 year old Daniel Anjorin. Those a little older will remember the Dunblane massacre in 1996 when Thomas Hamilton murdered 16 pupils at Dunblane Primary School. The targetting of children is sadly, grimly familiar.
The Southport community and all those affected should be given the space to come to terms with what's happened and grieve their loved ones in peace. Instead the far right have decided to hijack this grief to further their own agenda. This is unforgiveable. To the unwitting viewers of far right channels who rightfully view MSM with a suspicious eye but don't submit online content to the same scrutiny, give your heads a wobble, you're being played. To the Stephen Yaxley-Lennons and fascist talking heads who monetise trauma, we see you, we all see you, and we know exactly what your game is.
But HE'S not going to be there, is he? He's not going to go to Southport and speak to the families of the girls.

Not remotely surprised about Newton Heath, it was a BNP stronghold at one point.
Newton Heath, an area neighbouring the one I grew up in, has, like all inner-city Manchester and the areas just beyond, traditionally been solid Labour. The BNP, iirc, did get a significant vote there in the early-mid 2000s, for the usual reasons, but they had a weak base, seemingly dependent on the BNP in Oldham to some extent, and were in no way representative of it. They had to bus people in to canvass.

If NH can be whipped up for all this, so can any other similar area in any city.
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