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Far-right response to Southport Outrage And Ongoing Violent Disorder

I would estimate 800-1000 getting jailed over the last weeks “demos”. This will definitely slow them up. The hard core away, to the fore come the bags of Stella clutchers. When they over reach, attack them.
yes for sure some key bastards will be out of the picture for a bit....but this is not just about committed fash, its the extent to which these attitudes and politics trickle down, to children, to communities....that's what it was like growing up in our age, average school kids terrorising shop keepers on a daily basis, the chance of getting decked whilst not-looking-white-and-breathing being always there, burning cigarettes through the letterbox, racist grafitti on your front door etc etc....

Far right attitudes are being supported now by some of the most powerful people on the planet and amplified by a powerful online media network.
I don't think this is the beginning of the end, I think this is the end of the beginning...in fact it's not the beginning, its been going on for ages. I won't repeat on here my experience of the two weeks up to the Brexit referendum and particularly the "we voted leave now leave" day after <a day that chilled me to the bone
Slightly random thoughts connected to this: I feel safe in my corner of London, the East End - there are right-wing thugs here but they simply would be so quickly out-numbered by locals that it would be them just volunteering for a kicking. Plus the police response would be quick, and they have easy access to mounted police at Bow.

My GF is brown-skinned and Muslim, She doesn't wear a hijab, but most of her family does, and so do her old school friends. Most of them have moved out to places like Ilford, where the chances of shit kicking off are higher.

And we went down to visit a friend in Essex at the weekend. A quiet town that is hugely unlikely to see any trouble, but nearby places, yep, definitely a possibility. Within literally seconds of leaving the station we heard two people behind us, one in a high vis and possibly working for the rail company, ranting about immigrants. They seem to feel really enabled by all the violence.

Random thought 2: This time of year is probably a difficult one to cancel police leave at short notice. Presumably police forces try to balance lave requests to keep their staff numbers up, but all the same, there will be more on holiday now than in a random June week, and more of them will be abroad and cancelling their leave won't necessarily mean they can get back, certainly not within hours.

It's the exact same week of the year the 2011 riots took place in. Doubt it's purely coincidental, and the police not being able to cope could be part of it.
If we must have a CRS equivalent, it’s hardly likely to be a full time job to violently suppress protestors, so we might as well have them spending their downtime dealing with litterbugs and people who use the speakers on their phones on public transport

Would need to be licensed to use lethal force in that case.
I reckon next weekend will see massive anti-racist rallies around the country. There's one planned here in Newcastle 9.30 Saturday and my apolitical wife mentioned it to me from people talking at work without me saying anything, makes me think it will be massive, it definitely won't just be the usual faces.

This could turn out to be an own goal for the far right if the coming weekend is marked by massive rallies against them and their hardcore being thrown in jail.

It would also be interesting to see if anything comes of the investigation into the bots stirring things up online - suspect it is a mixture of US far right techbros, Russia trying to cause division, and Israeli Hasbara spreading Islamophobia. It is mad how all the comments on YouTube news channels are just flooded with this alt-right shite.
Yes. It always felt like bullshit.

I do wonder if they are trying to bring Asian and black communities onto the streets to tie up police resources, send us off chasing shadows and trying to provoke violence and rioting in these areas.

Whatever the truth we need to start to build better intelligence on their movements.

They fash are just starting to go on about the "mobs of muslims" so clearly a fit up
I would estimate 800-1000 getting jailed over the last weeks “demos”. This will definitely slow them up. The hard core away, to the fore come the bags of Stella clutchers. When they over reach, attack them.

One tiny silver lining will be a temporary reduction in domestic violence for the time they're out of circulation. Not all racists beat up their partners and kids, but the ones involved in these violent, hateful riots will cross over with domestic violence abusers so neatly that the circles in the Venn diagram would look like a total eclipse.
One tiny silver lining will be a temporary reduction in domestic violence for the time they're out of circulation. Not all racists beat up their partners and kids, but the ones involved in these violent, hateful riots will cross over with domestic violence abusers so neatly that the circles in the Venn diagram would look like a total eclipse.
Do we know for sure that there would be a temporary reduction in DV? I would have thought the opposite. :(
It would also be interesting to see if anything comes of the investigation into the bots stirring things up online - suspect it is a mixture of US far right techbros, Russia trying to cause division, and Israeli Hasbara spreading Islamophobia. It is mad how all the comments on YouTube news channels are just flooded with this alt-right shite.
From what I understand the key online message came from that EDL bloke, not SYL that other guy, who posted all the city dates and times - have I got that right?
Sky has a reporter live in Plymouth, some trouble has kicked off, out of their view, and main demo is being kept apart by the police, fash on one side of the road, and anti-fash on the other side.
Joking aside, it’s always disturbing to find out just how many people are keen on bringing in soldiers when there’s civil unrest. What do they expect them to do? What do they think will happen?
They'd be used against us, probably harder (due to ideology of the state and the ruling class), when we next went on strike or protested about poverty.
Not something I feel comfortable arguing in favour of.
They'd be used against us, probably harder (due to ideology of the state and the ruling class), when we next went on strike or protested about poverty.
Not something I feel comfortable arguing in favour of.
I remember them being used when there was some water shortage (i cannot recall why/when, but it think it was in the noughties - all they did was stand around while people filled buckets.
Ah right, get ya. And any respite from that let up would only be temporary :(

Even temporary can help. And it could - at least should - help people say "nope, don't want my ex to have unsupervised access to the kids. You wanted evidence that he's violent, you got it."

In reality, from personal experience, I know the latter doesn't always happen, but I also know that it increases the chances somewhat.
As to whether that long list of targets for Wednesday being misinformation, quite probably. Firstly, the initial targets from the last few days weren't really 'announced' - I think - though I've been on phone only since Thursday and not able to do much searching. Secondly, even when locations are announced for demos where there's a degree of illegality, the usual approach is to circulate a town centre or similar, with specifics either to follow or to be announced on the day.

Have we got anything definite on who is doing the main organising or the mechanisms used (Telegram was mentioned)? Sorry, i've been blathering on about the stuff I went to, but am playing catch up on the rest.
One tiny silver lining will be a temporary reduction in domestic violence for the time they're out of circulation. Not all racists beat up their partners and kids, but the ones involved in these violent, hateful riots will cross over with domestic violence abusers so neatly that the circles in the Venn diagram would look like a total eclipse.
If only we could be so certain that dv culprits are almost entirely vile in these other ways too, fewer women would find themselves in such situations if that were really the case
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