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Far-right response to Southport Outrage And Ongoing Violent Disorder

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So it's definitely the case that some dickhead somewhere is trying to get "ALL BRITISH PATRIOTS" together to march through Small Heath, I can't say anything about whether anyone's paying attention to them or if it's just one crank though.

I fully agree on the last point, but it does feel particularly difficult to tell one from the other in this situation, where it doesn't feel like there are real organisers doing classical organising a la the old NF/BNP/even EDL to some extent, I think a lot of this just comes from wankers throwing calls out on social media and seeing what sticks.
Yeah, I just got home to Bishop Auckland and heard from partner's daughter something is supposed to be happening here today. Almost certainly in the random wanker category.
i understand that. it's just there's so many arguments against, so few in favour.

turning from this to the wider picture, i wonder whether there have been attempts made by the people fuelling the incursions on social media to poke and prod, to get some nature of the police capability to respond to trouble. if that's the case, that they wanted to get the measure of the police in a range of areas, then certain places may see rather more of this in the future. certainly if i was someone like syl or paul golding i'd be keeping track of which areas performed worse than others to pay subsequent visits.
Seeing the numbers that turn out, and where, is arguably good information for parties/companies like Reform as to where to focus their efforts and resources in local and national elections in future.
Someone should do an unpacking video of a boycott bag, just what would a week's shopping look like, with just English-origin products?

Answer, it would look fucking dreadful. And that could be played up for humour. As a way to highlight the utter ridonkulousness of the boycott idea. 👍💡
Excellent idea. Shopping 'haul videos' and unboxing videos do quite well on social media, get lots of views.
Seeing the numbers that turn out, and where, is arguably good information for parties/companies like Reform as to where to focus their efforts and resources in local and national elections in future.
I'm not sure - the extent to which people travelled to the various incursions might affect that
Surely they must be referring to the post-Danelaw ‘England’? You have to draw the line somewhere because otherwise the whole premise would be laughable.

Sod that, stop the boats and send them back to Angeln. Britain for the British!
This book is worth a look for anyone wanting a deep dive on the shape of this stuff nowadays:
Particularly these chapters:
This is one of the best sentences I think I've ever seen. 🤔👍


Boomer QAnon conspirators, savvy identitarian marketeers, blackpilled fashwave SIEGE posters, sameposting bot farmers, imageboard raiders, ‘content cucks’, forced memers, ethnonationalist livestream chatters, ironically sincere trolls, serial self-indebting superchat donors, furtive lurkers, Islamophobic football ultras, racist Daily Mail commenters, laddish Tommy Robinson acolytes, paid Russiagate trolls, wojak meme auctioneers, cottagecore tradwife instagrammers, suspiciously enthusiastic probable cops, shitposters of all kinds, last-resort neo-Nazi web admins, spiteful MRA forum posters, the groyper army, the hacker known as 4chan, fascist self-help gurus, antifa instigators, Wotansvolk Christian-blamers, plausibly deniable media outlets, Facebook group beginners, Nicker nationalists, Esoteric Hitlerist Telegram channel spammers, Quora question derailers, mewing evangelists, sun and steel weightlifting promoters, MMA fightclub organisers, onion link access explainers, obvious CIA glowposters, Handsome Thursday pinups, mods lax and arbitrary, neoreactionary blogpost bores and your friend of a friend way too deep into antivax: the swarm has many heads.
The daft twats are talking about an action down the road from us at a place that isn't even the office of an immigrant-related service anymore. But it's still concerning as there are nearby hostels and, more obviously to them, a mosque a few minutes away. I'm on a whatsapp group talking about what to do. TBH, this corner of north London isn't likely to turn up a big crowd of fash, if any, especially as it's just an office and not even a hostel, but feel like some of us should turn up even to show solidarity with our neighbours, and also for the mosque. No one in discussion group has got hold of anyone at mosque yet - I kind of feel we should ask their security team if they'd rather supportive people came or didn't come, because I can understand if they don't want any kind of attention drawn.
The big question now is what's to come, next month, next year.... Unlike a spontaneous outpouring of anger in response to a police killing or government policy this is a long, well funded political project, which echoes around all establishment organs.... Plus the political/economic outlook is doom.

For that reason I don't believe this will just go away after this batch of arrests, however much of a cooling effect that will have.
I would estimate 800-1000 getting jailed over the last weeks “demos”. This will definitely slow them up. The hard core away, to the fore come the bags of Stella clutchers. When they over reach, attack them.
Had a painter in this morning who started trying to talk to me about how unfair it is that Starmer is labelling anyone who 'talk about immigration' as far right. He prefaced everything he said by saying he was in the ANL and a committed antiracist and a marxist but then cane out with the same islamophobic bollocks and linking the murders in Southport to Islam ans immigration. He also didn't seem to know about the asylum hotels being set ablaze...

I was tempted to tell him to get the fuck out of the house as partner zedr is coming back from being away and doesn't need to deal with arguing against islamophobic bollocks. Decided against it because at least he's got a history of antifascism, so might be able to reason with him. Managed to chat to him about how most of the stuff he was saying sows division amongst the working class and is the same kind of thing he was supposedly fighting against in the ANL etc. He then tried to argue that BLM and history at schools (I told him I teach history) tells us to be guilty of our past when slavery isn't our fault (ect, going thru the greatest hits of far right/anti immigrant talking points).

Its scary to see how people who have been committed antifascists, antiracists and trade unionists can buy in to this shite. He's from the north now comfortable living in the south but has still decided to turn his ire against Muslims rather than the ruling class.

Hope this isn't a derail, but felt topical as I feel there needs to be so many approaches to curbing the tide of these riots. Part of that is organizing on the streets, Part of that is building/strengthening community and friendships with asylum seekers and the wider Muslim community, and part of that will be reaching out to ppl at risk or who have been radicalised to the far right and listening to them patiently and dissecting the bigotry.
I literally had something like this happen to me yesterday in my local.

I asked him three times to stop because our politics are obviously not aligned and three times he apologised.

And three times he kept going. Just couldn't read the fucking room and so I told him him quite loud that he was a racist cunt and got told off by the bar staff. He then played victim saying "I've had enough of this and your wokeness" and wandered off to the other side off the bar.

I was so cross I had to leave.

There's a lot of this going on I'm sure; peoples casual racism coming more transparent because they think the things they read in social media validate the opinions they've always had but maybe never voiced.
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I've just watched this. Really recommend it - a couple of barristers talking about what all those participating in public order or riot can expect. Interesting and quite entertaining.

Fucking hell that's good. From that it looks like anyone committing an 'offence' while going out just to protect someone being attacked could be jailed with little chance of a defence :eek:

Will subscribe to both they look really interesting.
This is one of the best sentences I think I've ever seen. 🤔👍


Boomer QAnon conspirators, savvy identitarian marketeers, blackpilled fashwave SIEGE posters, sameposting bot farmers, imageboard raiders, ‘content cucks’, forced memers, ethnonationalist livestream chatters, ironically sincere trolls, serial self-indebting superchat donors, furtive lurkers, Islamophobic football ultras, racist Daily Mail commenters, laddish Tommy Robinson acolytes, paid Russiagate trolls, wojak meme auctioneers, cottagecore tradwife instagrammers, suspiciously enthusiastic probable cops, shitposters of all kinds, last-resort neo-Nazi web admins, spiteful MRA forum posters, the groyper army, the hacker known as 4chan, fascist self-help gurus, antifa instigators, Wotansvolk Christian-blamers, plausibly deniable media outlets, Facebook group beginners, Nicker nationalists, Esoteric Hitlerist Telegram channel spammers, Quora question derailers, mewing evangelists, sun and steel weightlifting promoters, MMA fightclub organisers, onion link access explainers, obvious CIA glowposters, Handsome Thursday pinups, mods lax and arbitrary, neoreactionary blogpost bores and your friend of a friend way too deep into antivax: the swarm has many heads.

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