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Far-right response to Southport Outrage And Ongoing Violent Disorder

Fucking hell that's good. From that it looks like anyone committing an 'offence' while going out just to protect someone being attacked could be jailed with little chance of a defence :eek:

Will subscribe to both they look really interesting.
Exactly! Worth knowing the dangers.
A British CRS
Basically cancelling leave for anyone who is public order trained for the next few weeks while things calm down.

Long term; someone like Starmer might like the idea of a permanent specialist riot police force, perhaps held at regional hubs within an hour of major population centres. Probably similar arrangements in Europeans country
A British CRS

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Is that the same bloke who got a suspended sentence for calling Anna Soubry a Nazi?
Yep, among other things - also memorably held up a piece of paper with "pussy coward leftist soy boy" written on it as a photographer he'd assaulted was giving evidence against him in a different court case:
I'm not a barrister, but I'm fairly sure that is not usually recommended as a sound legal strategy.
Yep, among other things - also memorably held up a piece of paper with "pussy coward leftist soy boy" written on it as a photographer he'd assaulted was giving evidence against him in a different court case:
I'm not a barrister, but I'm fairly sure that is not usually recommended as a sound legal strategy.

Laughing at your joke, not him being a cunt.
Start handing out a few harsh sentances to the thugs and it might make a few think.

Fun fact. 'Thug' comes from Hindi.

Bring back the birch, string 'em up, etc

It's like being at a Tory Party Conferences back in the 1970s.

Bit of an exaggeration. Personally I have no problem with people getting 20 years for attempted mass murder burning a hotel with 200 refugees in it. It's one way to deal with fascism, getting them off the streets.

Pass me that tiny violin.
No show from the fash, I'm reliably informed

Yes. It always felt like bullshit.

I do wonder if they are trying to bring Asian and black communities onto the streets to tie up police resources, send us off chasing shadows and trying to provoke violence and rioting in these areas.

Whatever the truth we need to start to build better intelligence on their movements.

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Yes. It always felt like bullshit.

I do wonder if they are trying to bring Asian and black communities onto the streets to tie up police resources, send us off chasing shadows and trying to provoke violence and rioting in these areas.

Whatever the truth we need to start to build better intelligence on their movements.

Beat me to it. I’ve a nasty feeling that these ‘leaked’ locations where the fash are supposed to be showing up are a coordinated attempt to draw out anti-fash/Muslims/POC/any opposition onto the streets and into the waiting lenses of the media
Bit of an exaggeration. Personally I have no problem with people getting 20 years for attempted mass murder burning a hotel with 200 refugees in it. It's one way to deal with fascism, getting them off the streets.

Pass me that tiny violin.
It's the only music their sort understands.
Yes. It always felt like bullshit.

I do wonder if they are trying to bring Asian and black communities onto the streets to tie up police resources, send us off chasing shadows and trying to provoke violence and rioting in these areas.

Whatever the truth we need to start to build better intelligence on their movements.

Jess Phillips thinks so and Im inclined to agree. I hope people dont give the instigators what they want and any counter demonstrations can remain peaceful. If they dont, it'll be used to demonise minorities further.
Yes. It always felt like bullshit.

I do wonder if they are trying to bring Asian and black communities onto the streets to tie up police resources, send us off chasing shadows and trying to provoke violence and rioting in these areas.

Whatever the truth we need to start to build better intelligence on their movements.

Yes, it has the feel of a deliberate false rumour to me
Jess Phillips thinks so and Im inclined to agree. I hope people dont give the instigators what they want and any counter demonstrations can remain peaceful. If they dont, it'll be used to demonise minorities further.

The idea that they were going to waltz through Small Heath always felt like nonsense.

if these are their tactics then well meaning idiots need to stop doing their work for them by plastering it all over twitter and other social media.
Basically cancelling leave for anyone who is public order trained for the next few weeks while things calm down.

Long term; someone like Starmer might like the idea of a permanent specialist riot police force, perhaps held at regional hubs within an hour of major population centres. Probably similar arrangements in Europeans country
Like the SPG you mean?
It’s not often that a magistrate will sentence for violent disorder. Most go to Crown.
Magistrate can go up to three years if I remember from my dalliance with the court. Over that and it's Crown.

Still it depends on who you get on the day. Not all magistrates are White English. Imagine that
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This is one of the best sentences I think I've ever seen. 🤔👍


Boomer QAnon conspirators, savvy identitarian marketeers, blackpilled fashwave SIEGE posters, sameposting bot farmers, imageboard raiders, ‘content cucks’, forced memers, ethnonationalist livestream chatters, ironically sincere trolls, serial self-indebting superchat donors, furtive lurkers, Islamophobic football ultras, racist Daily Mail commenters, laddish Tommy Robinson acolytes, paid Russiagate trolls, wojak meme auctioneers, cottagecore tradwife instagrammers, suspiciously enthusiastic probable cops, shitposters of all kinds, last-resort neo-Nazi web admins, spiteful MRA forum posters, the groyper army, the hacker known as 4chan, fascist self-help gurus, antifa instigators, Wotansvolk Christian-blamers, plausibly deniable media outlets, Facebook group beginners, Nicker nationalists, Esoteric Hitlerist Telegram channel spammers, Quora question derailers, mewing evangelists, sun and steel weightlifting promoters, MMA fightclub organisers, onion link access explainers, obvious CIA glowposters, Handsome Thursday pinups, mods lax and arbitrary, neoreactionary blogpost bores and your friend of a friend way too deep into antivax: the swarm has many heads.
I'm showing my age in that I really have absolutely no idea what a great many of those actually mean
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