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Far-right response to Southport Outrage And Ongoing Violent Disorder

Thinking about the usual fash/rw suspects whipping up these hate riots, weren't some folk convicted/imprisoned of inciting using social media (FB) after the 2011 riots?

These two got four years despite not actually successfully inciting anything:

You'd think Lawrence Fox could get the same for his 'this is war' stuff.

alt text in spoiler below

The Secret Barrister [at]BarristerSecret
Free legal advice:
You don’t have to attend a riot to be prosecuted for conspiracy to
riot. You don’t have to be present at a terrorist incident to be
guilty of encouraging it.

A lot of Twitter warriors will be getting some unpleasant knocks
on the door over the coming weeks.

Aug 4, 2024 · 3:59 PM UTC

nitter link

I'm pretty sceptical about high-profile twats like Fox having much to worry about though but who knows?
Following the January 6 thing in America a few years ago, a lot of the tracking down of suspects was done by the public looking at film footage.

That could happen here

Well, it's already happened to that woman that runs a removal firm, video of her rioting uploaded to twitter, someone names her for the police, who turn up, kicks the door in, and arrests her.

So, yeah, I am sure there'll move like that. :thumbs:
I notice a Teesside University building got its windows put through. This isn't some sort of hand wringing universities as places of knowledge, I just used to work there. Nothing more than being a public building in the path of the riot. I'm more concerned about migrants in hotels, but still, a bit shit. :(
Yeah, and CCTV is fucking everywhere these days - being masked up can help a bit, but if you're masked up at the demo/riot/event, and then on camera with your face out somewhere in the city centre a few hours earlier or later wearing the same outfit, that's enough to make an identification.

The most egregious example of this being the woman in a white party dress thinking a balaclava was somehow an invisibility cloak. Some absolute galaxy brains involved :facepalm:

Screenshot 2024-08-05 at 13.21.25.png
Following the January 6 thing in America a few years ago, a lot of the tracking down of suspects was done by the public looking at film footage.

That could happen here

Amongst all the misspelt placards and reinterpretations of the titanic....the lack of face coverings by people partaking in highly visible criminality is not a great shock, but once upon a time you had some sort of anonymity and strength in numbers from being in part of a crowd, but in this era it instead means more people to film you and post it online.
There was this masked up twat I was watching on sky news last night lobbing stuff at police, wearing shorts with clearly identifiable tattoos on his legs :facepalm:

Not that I rate the competency of the police to actually find him, but it demonstrates how thick some of these people are.

Mr Sanderson-Kirk told the court the offence carries a starting point of one year with a range of a community order to two years in prison. The court hears that Wharton has 16 previous convictions for 26 offences, including robbery and burglary.

His solicitor Mr Mirza said there would be no application for bail. The defendant put his hands up and said: "Am I allowed to speak?” District Judge Timothy Boswell told Mr Mirza to speak to his client, before addressing the defendant.

He said: "Mr Wharton, I am committing your case for sentence to the crown court. It will be up to the crown court to decide what the right sentence is."
Before the proceedings started, the court heard from Wharton's solicitor Isaac Mirza who said the defendant had been "attacked in the cells" prior to appearing. Mr Mirza said the defendant had "a bloodied nose and an injury to his eye".
No, he wasn't attacked, he was protested about the face.
I work in a communtiy centre in Leeds that privides immigration advice (and esol classes and other support) - not seen Leeds on any lists and I dont think they are going to turn up en-masse at any of these addresses (eseapcilly as many of the most "up for it" of the meat heads may be having their collars felt over the next few days) - but I wouldnt be at all surprised if threats and abuse gets targeeted at such places online and on the phone.

Mr Sanderson-Kirk told the court the offence carries a starting point of one year with a range of a community order to two years in prison. The court hears that Wharton has 16 previous convictions for 26 offences, including robbery and burglary.

His solicitor Mr Mirza said there would be no application for bail. The defendant put his hands up and said: "Am I allowed to speak?” District Judge Timothy Boswell told Mr Mirza to speak to his client, before addressing the defendant.

He said: "Mr Wharton, I am committing your case for sentence to the crown court. It will be up to the crown court to decide what the right sentence is."
Burglaring a library is up there with wanting your hotel back
Yeah, and CCTV is fucking everywhere these days - being masked up can help a bit, but if you're masked up at the demo/riot/event, and then on camera with your face out somewhere in the city centre a few hours earlier or later wearing the same outfit, that's enough to make an identification.
There must be hundreds of people identifiable in the 90 minute auditor video of Rotherham that’s available on YouTube

The footage is very clear (right in the centre of the rioting)
Yeah, and CCTV is fucking everywhere these days - being masked up can help a bit, but if you're masked up at the demo/riot/event, and then on camera with your face out somewhere in the city centre a few hours earlier or later wearing the same outfit, that's enough to make an identification.
It's the shoes that'll do for many fore-sighted people who might have brought a change of top or pants. No one ever brings a second pair of shoes. And trainers are so distinctive
I work in a communtiy centre in Leeds that privides immigration advice (and esol classes and other support) - not seen Leeds on any lists and I dont think they are going to turn up en-masse at any of these addresses (eseapcilly as many of the most "up for it" of the meat heads may be having their collars felt over the next few days) - but I wouldnt be at all surprised if threats and abuse gets targeeted at such places online and on the phone.
I am concerned about my workplaces too. We have had FOTLers, 20-minute shittiers and antivax/antimask loons harrass our staff and disrupt matters before, and it isn’t pleasant to deal with.
That's about average isn't it?
Don’t think so. Not here anyway. They mainly keep their ravings to social media IME. It’s only happened once to me IRL, but I imagine it might be a different tale in other places, such as Oxford
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