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Far-right response to Southport Outrage And Ongoing Violent Disorder

And what locals use their local Holiday Inn? I mean, I know there’s several in Glasgow but I’ve never been in one!

I’ve been in inexpensive chain hotels when I’m travelling, though. On the way somewhere and need to break my journey. (Usually Premier Inn, but still). But “locally”? Why would I?
It won't be something that affects local people, but it will affect some local businesses. Either because they want the customer from people staying at the hotel, or because they want somewhere for people to stay.
And what locals use their local Holiday Inn? I mean, I know there’s several in Glasgow but I’ve never been in one!

I’ve been in inexpensive chain hotels when I’m travelling, though. On the way somewhere and need to break my journey. (Usually Premier Inn, but still). But “locally”? Why would I?
My mum stays in our local holiday in when she visits us because we don't have enough bedrooms. So we use it to put up relatives even if we don't stay there ourselves. I don't think they have refugees there though, she'd probably have them all round our house for dinner if there were.
from the SUTR website
Wednesday 7 August
Lewisham: 7:00pm Clock Tower, Stand against Islamophobic attacks, stop the far right Wednesday 7 August
....presumably this is just the local Lewisham branch "having a stall" rather than countering any fash call out, can anyone confirm?
My mum stays in our local holiday in when she visits us because we don't have enough bedrooms. So we use it to put up relatives even if we don't stay there ourselves. I don't think they have refugees there though, she'd probably have them all round our house for dinner if there were.
Arh yes things like this too. Weddings and other big gatherings as well.
from the SUTR website
Wednesday 7 August
Lewisham: 7:00pm Clock Tower, Stand against Islamophobic attacks, stop the far right Wednesday 7 August
....presumably this is just the local Lewisham branch "having a stall" rather than countering any fash call out, can anyone confirm?
Would assume so, Fash would be insane to turn up between a giant police station and Lewisham Islamic Centre in a completely mixed area.
My mum stays in our local holiday in when she visits us because we don't have enough bedrooms. So we use it to put up relatives even if we don't stay there ourselves. I don't think they have refugees there though, she'd probably have them all round our house for dinner if there were.
Well, that’s right. People visiting places use hotels.
I know people work in a refugee advice centre, although it is not featured on any of the lists posted here. Where would be a good place to monitor/search to see if it gets targeted?
If you have a local antifascist group, hopefully they'll be more proactive on the monitoring so you can rely on them rather than duplicating effort... if not, they're closed facebook groups, but if you can get added to "Football Lads United" and/or "Unite The Kingdom Enough is Enough", those probably have some useful intel in. There may well be other stuff more relevant to your local area though.
This place was mentioned in the list above.

"Posting on the charity's Facebook page today, Asylum Link said: "We are aware of the threats of far-right violence made towards our centre this week. For this reason we have decided to temporarily close the building and switch to remote working until further notice."
I know people work in a refugee advice centre, although it is not featured on any of the lists posted here. Where would be a good place to monitor/search to see if it gets targeted?
Wouldn’t mind a list for any targets, seeming as libraries and community hubs may have become a target, or at least a locus for protest. Mind you, I’d like to see them try at the places I’m thinking of.
Had a painter in this morning who started trying to talk to me about how unfair it is that Starmer is labelling anyone who 'talk about immigration' as far right. He prefaced everything he said by saying he was in the ANL and a committed antiracist and a marxist but then cane out with the same islamophobic bollocks and linking the murders in Southport to Islam ans immigration. He also didn't seem to know about the asylum hotels being set ablaze...

I was tempted to tell him to get the fuck out of the house as partner zedr is coming back from being away and doesn't need to deal with arguing against islamophobic bollocks. Decided against it because at least he's got a history of antifascism, so might be able to reason with him. Managed to chat to him about how most of the stuff he was saying sows division amongst the working class and is the same kind of thing he was supposedly fighting against in the ANL etc. He then tried to argue that BLM and history at schools (I told him I teach history) tells us to be guilty of our past when slavery isn't our fault (ect, going thru the greatest hits of far right/anti immigrant talking points).

Its scary to see how people who have been committed antifascists, antiracists and trade unionists can buy in to this shite. He's from the north now comfortable living in the south but has still decided to turn his ire against Muslims rather than the ruling class.

Hope this isn't a derail, but felt topical as I feel there needs to be so many approaches to curbing the tide of these riots. Part of that is organizing on the streets, Part of that is building/strengthening community and friendships with asylum seekers and the wider Muslim community, and part of that will be reaching out to ppl at risk or who have been radicalised to the far right and listening to them patiently and dissecting the bigotry.
Remand is the thing. Yvette Copper was on talking about gearing up the courts...but everybody knows the prisons are stretched...and this needs custodials

Courts are also overstretched, so there are already far to many people on remand awaiting trial which puts more pressure on the prisons and round and round it all goes.
becasue the idea is to smash them/light them up not "protest"
Yes, the flame symbols, the instructions to mask up, the time (8pm when the offices will be closed? And no one about - especially if on a business park) means that is not a protest list - it is a list of arson targets. Terrorism that barely qualifies as stochastic, but is more blatant incitement.
I'm surprised (?) that the police aren't going into the crowds to pick off the ones who are masked up and throwing rocks and the like. How are they going to identify them? Track them on CCTV on their way home? As remarked they're likely the proper prepared nazis.
Ask Pickman's model why; he’s pretty good on old bill public order tactics. He gets it about 90% right. Which is better than a lot of non specialist cops ( and a few who are supposed to be specialists…)
Six arrests have been made, and one person has been charged, after violent disorder outside a hotel housing asylum seekers in Rotherham on Sunday.

Assistant chief constable Lindsey Butterfield, of South Yorkshire police, said: “So far we have had six arrests, one in Sheffield and five in Rotherham, with one person already charged before the court this morning.

“Please be assured, we expect this number to increase significantly in the coming days.”

Ask Pickman's model why; he’s pretty good on old bill public order tactics. He gets it about 90% right. Which is better than a lot of non specialist cops ( and a few who are supposed to be specialists…)
Not many cops rostered to work on Sundays. Snatch squads get surrounded and battered as well if the opposition is determined.
Easier to film the lot both from the ground, on BWVC, and by the amazingly detailed helicopter cameras and nick them later.
"Protesting" outside offices at 8pm is an odd choice to start with. I wonder how many of these will actually happen.
Suspect these 'demonstrations ' might be, effectively, banned. Not in the usual sense of failing to get approval, given that haven't sought it.
I'm surprised (?) that the police aren't going into the crowds to pick off the ones who are masked up and throwing rocks and the like. How are they going to identify them? Track them on CCTV on their way home? As remarked they're likely the proper prepared nazis.
Nah. Too much mither. Besides the filth will nick loads of the non-masked fash, who'll be all too eager to grass up their masked mates.
First bastard referred to Crown Court and remanded into custody. He's going to prison.

Drummond, who is represented by Jack Sweeney, is brought into the dock wearing a grey jumper and sporting short greying hair.

One of his supporters is in tears in the public gallery. He speaks to confirm his name, address and date of birth before pleading guilty to both charges.

Mr Sanderson-Kirk says: “PC Ball had been deployed to Southport after the attacks on Hart Street. At about 6pm he was deployed in uniform to the mosque on St Luke’s Road. He sighted a group of around 300 marching towards the mosque. The crowd were shouting this is our f***ing country and scumbag b******s. Numbers grew rapidly and officers had to withdraw. The crowd were shouting England till I die and let's get them.”

Mr Sanderson-Kirk says of the officer: “He had to draw his baton and was shouting get back. The crowd were shouting who the f*** is Allah.”

Drummond was then said to have shouted “s*** houses” before punching the officer in the face.

Another PC then “affected a baton strike” on the defendant, who went on to throw bricks and “breaking down a garden wall”.

PC Ball was left with injuries including cuts and bruises to his arms. Footage taken from a helicopter at the scene is played to the court.

Mr Sweeney says it is not accepted that Drummond is shown throwing bricks on the clip. There is no application for bail.

Judge Boswell sends the case to the crown court to be sentenced on August 29 and says: “This court’s sentencing powers are insufficient. You will be remanded into custody.

“If there is to be a basis of plea, that should be provided by August 15.”

A pre-sentence report is also ordered.

Drummond turns to his supporters in the public gallery and says “love you” as he is led down to the cells.

Mr Sanderson-Kirk told the court the offence carries a starting point of one year with a range of a community order to two years in prison. The court hears that Wharton has 16 previous convictions for 26 offences, including robbery and burglary.

His solicitor Mr Mirza said there would be no application for bail. The defendant put his hands up and said: "Am I allowed to speak?” District Judge Timothy Boswell told Mr Mirza to speak to his client, before addressing the defendant.

He said: "Mr Wharton, I am committing your case for sentence to the crown court. It will be up to the crown court to decide what the right sentence is."
Not many cops rostered to work on Sundays. Snatch squads get surrounded and battered as well if the opposition is determined.
Easier to film the lot both from the ground, on BWVC, and by the amazingly detailed helicopter cameras and nick them later.
Yeah, and CCTV is fucking everywhere these days - being masked up can help a bit, but if you're masked up at the demo/riot/event, and then on camera with your face out somewhere in the city centre a few hours earlier or later wearing the same outfit, that's enough to make an identification.
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