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Far-right response to Southport Outrage And Ongoing Violent Disorder

Worried about the people in that hotel in Rotherham.

Does anyone know what's going on there?
Yeah, that's where I'm at. There's all sorts of left politics in play here, but there's also already abandoned families scared shirtless.

As part of our response, I think standing outside is the best response. But I'd also love to talk to them donate, tell them they aren't alone.
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Going back to Middlesbrough

Crowds stopping cars to see if driver is white, if white let through, if not

Via Middlesbrough Reddit page which has pictures of aftermath

I despair :mad:

Lived on Teesside for 30 years, till 2022. As well as being truly horrible, there's a real sense there of what happens when you cede the streets to these people. I'm in tears again
Yeah, that's where I'm at. There's all sorts of left politics in play here, but there's also already abandoned families scared shirtless.

As part of our response, I think standing outside is the best response. But I'd also love to talk to them donate, tell them they aren't alone.
I know a few groups have organised community meals with folk in hotels to try and build friendships and connections. I think that kind of activity is needed across the country.

That and beating the shit out of the fascists.
A lot of them that I've been seeing today on various clips and streams look like juveniles.

Yes, a lot I've seen on Sky are young people just hanging around and watching the 'entertainment', and videoing it for SM, the twats properly haven't any clue of what is actually going on here and how serious it is, then there's the minority kicking off like the complete cunts they are.
Well, as a lot of PCCs are part of the problem (ie, right wing, anti-refugee racists and bigots - see that recent missive from the Isle of Wight/Hants PCC) it'll be as much use as a chocolate teapot.
That's just the way funding is made, in my experience, unless it goes straight to the Police and even then their budget is overseen by the PCC .
Going back to Middlesbrough

Crowds stopping cars to see if driver is white, if white let through, if not

Via Middlesbrough Reddit page which has pictures of aftermath

I despair :mad:

The video pans round to Albert Park which, on Summer days, sees families of all faiths and backgrounds out enjoying the sun. Not today I guess. :(
The video pans round to Albert Park which, on Summer days, sees families of all faiths and backgrounds out enjoying the sun. Not today I guess. :(
I did the Parkrun there when I went to the Middlesbrough area for a wedding. And trite as it is I’m thinking of the mostly Asian care workers in that area I did the payroll for some time ago, one of whom sent me a long letter thanking her for sorting something with HMRC for her and sent me a luck-knot as thanks.

Digression aside, as you say it’s bigotry shitting all over public spaces. Those spaces need to be reclaimed.
And they don't have any lobbies, money, or resources.
All right, I don't want to disrupt this thread as it's both important and ongoing, but this feels like a backhanded reference to an idea of the "Israel lobby", and it's not welcome, and it's in the context of other reports on a similar basis.

It's possible you didn't mean it that way so I won't just do a flat ban. I'm just going to advise that you should be careful here and that this is a last warning on that basis.

I trust that we can continue onwards without further discussion on this point.
I did the Parkrun there when I went to the Middlesbrough area for a wedding. And trite as it is I’m thinking of the mostly Asian care workers in that area I did the payroll for some time ago, one of whom sent me a long letter thanking her for sorting something with HMRC for her and sent me a luck-knot as thanks.

Digression aside, as you say it’s bigotry shitting all over public spaces. Those spaces need to be reclaimed.
All right, I don't want to disrupt this thread as it's both important and ongoing, but this feels like a backhanded reference to an idea of the "Israel lobby", and it's not welcome, and it's in the context of other reports on a similar basis.

It's possible you didn't mean it that way so I won't just do a flat ban. I'm just going to advise that you should be careful here and that this is a last warning on that basis.

I trust that we can continue onwards without further discussion on this point.
You could save time and trouble by booting the anti-semitic shite now
I wonder if it is just different in London because there are POC everywhere?

Whereas in Bristol for example it is still very segregated. Most POC live in the urban areas as opposed to the rural areas.

I'm constantly surprised at my colleagues that have no experience of the inner city aside from almost in a tourist sense....and only experience POC at work. These are people that have never grown up or lived amongst POC. This is a very different experience from growing up in London.

I don't have to go very far- like a couple of miles up the road to be subjected to a completely different attitude- little Britain.

Bristol is a radical bubble, mostly concentrated around the centre and within that I live in a even more radical and alternative bubble ( East Bristol) where really I feel quite safe and rooted.

I love Bristol deeply, however growing up in London then coming to Bristol I was always very aware of the difference in the demographic and ignorance compared to London.
I have a feeling that some of the reluctance to kick off in London is both to do with the numbers of people here who'd oppose them but also the ease of getting there in time. If someone was trying to burn a mosque in Shepherds Bush where I live you'd find folk coming across from other places within literally minutes, because they can. Loads of people calling their family and their mates and they just get a bus or the tube or in someone's car. It just intrinsically takes longer for people to get to other towns and cities in support.
Yes, a lot I've seen on Sky are young people just hanging around and watching the 'entertainment', and videoing it for SM, the twats properly haven't any clue of what is actually going on here and how serious it is, then there's the minority kicking off like the complete cunts they are.
14 years of Tory austerity being all a lot of them have ever really known. This during a time of social media algorithms forcing the content of scumbags at them constantly. It's a poisonous brew.
Fash call out at Weymouth at 5pm today will be..... interesting. Portland in particular has a grim vibe to it and some elements from what I hear. Will be full of seaside holiday makers to add to the madness

Sack this cunt

if you want to complaint to the BBC, the correspondent is Phil Norton reporting from Bolton, time 1732, News 24 Breaking News on BBC news

'Pro British march' is the contested phrase

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