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Far-right response to Southport Outrage And Ongoing Violent Disorder

Brick in bollocks man has been revealed. Have to say he looks rough and old for a 33 year old. According to his mates, he's just a party animal and got a bit carried away. Nothing like partying at a vigil for three murdered kids. 🙄

Look on the bright side. He may be a dad-of-two but he's almost certainly not going to be dad of any more.
I agree with most of this (apart from the moron stuff) so I'm not sure what you're arguing.

Can we agree that not everyone who has concerns about immigration, wokeness, or national pride, is necessarily far-right?
Can we agree that if your concern about immigration is that they might raise children that butcher children you can fuck right off?
As climate change gets worse, millions of people are going to be emigrating; more parts of the world will become uninhabitable.

Climate-induced migration in the Global South: an in depth analysis - npj Climate Action

As the pressures of climate change, biodiversity change, and the global social justice crisis grow, migration will increase.

What we see now on the English Channel is just a beginning as these processes accelerate. Treating it as a discrete issue is pointless. It cannot be separated from the context.

And we are all inhabitants of Earth. It doesn’t matter what bureaucratic systems are set up regarding artificial lines drawn on maps. People fleeing those crises will have to end up somewhere. No matter how concerned people in Tunbridge Wells might be.
is there a list anywhere of anti-fascist demos this weekend, intelligence about where far right gatherings may be etc? I've seen the figure of 19 banded about but no info about where likely places are.
Yes, nobody is arguing with that but it still misses the point of how the issue arose here.
How the issue arose here is in order to discuss the fact that the far right is making use of the senseless murder, and serious injury, of young girls to sow division.

It makes no difference to them that the suspect is Cardiff-born of Rwandan parents. Rwanda is 92% Christian. And of the remaining 8% only a minority even of that is Muslim. And yet they choose to turn up outside a Mosque and break its windows.

This is not about concerns.
How the issue arose here is in order to discuss the fact that the far right is making use of the senseless murder, and serious injury, of young girls to sow division.

It makes no difference to them that the suspect is Cardiff-born of Rwandan parents. Rwanda is 92% Christian. And of the remaining 8% only a minority even of that is Muslim. And yet they choose to turn up outside a Mosque and break its windows.

This is not about concerns.

That's still not relevant in the context it arose.

Mojo touched on the suggestion that people with immigration concerns, in this case those calling a radio show, were far right. My contention was that having immigration concerns does not necessarily make one far-right (though it may).

This particular case is immaterial to that.
That's still not relevant in the context it arose.

Mojo touched on the suggestion that people with immigration concerns, in this case those calling a radio show, were far right. My contention was that having immigration concerns does not necessarily make one far-right (though it may).

This particular case is immaterial to that.
I didn’t hear the radio show.

But you know what? I bet they were.
That's still not relevant in the context it arose.

Mojo touched on the suggestion that people with immigration concerns, in this case those calling a radio show, were far right. My contention was that having immigration concerns does not necessarily make one far-right (though it may).

This particular case is immaterial to that.
If the radio show's topic was this murder and its aftermath, anyone who would react to that topic by phoning up and expressing concerns about immigration is doing a far-right thing. They are leveraging this awful situation to turn it into an opportunity to talk about immigration. Fuck anyone who does that. They are far-right whether they think they are or not.
If the radio show's topic was this murder and its aftermath, anyone who would react to that topic by phoning up and expressing concerns about immigration is doing a far-right thing. They are leveraging this awful situation to turn it into an opportunity to talk about immigration. Fuck anyone who does that. They are far-right whether they think they are or not.

That would depend on the context of the phone in, but yes. Quite probably.

Still not the point at hand though.
Neither did I, and that's quite possible.

But the point still stands.
I mean, it stands a bit. But on the other hand, people with non-racist immigration concerns - whatever that might look like, and I’m really not convinced - do need to be helped with the big picture: humans migrate. They always have done. We began in Africa. And we’ve migrated since before the concept of nations as we know it existed.

And, you know, the aforementioned poly crisis.
There is a point at hand?

Well there was. It would have been fleeting, and done and dusted were it not for a few people needlessly trying and failing to take me on over it.

I've been guilty of responding to points about immigration, but this is not the place to discuss immigration really.

Agreed. Mojo probably shouldn't have brought it up. Happy to move on.
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That's still not relevant in the context it arose.

Mojo touched on the suggestion that people with immigration concerns, in this case those calling a radio show, were far right. My contention was that having immigration concerns does not necessarily make one far-right (though it may).

This particular case is immaterial to that.
That, to me, feels more fucking random than referencing Axel Rudakumba 's status in thread about the far rights response to his alleged actions
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