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Far-right response to Southport Outrage And Ongoing Violent Disorder

Serious last post, but go back and re-read your first reply to me.

You put a whole lot of words in my mouth, hence why I pulled you up in the manner I did.

You listed a bunch of right wing POC MPs, in a post colonial country there is an idea of "whiteness" and supremacy, they are broadly symptom of that.

Anyway, end.

He listed three people, two of whom were white, and all of whom were born and brought up in the UK. None are from a "post colonial country."

I don't know why you keep bringing up your GF TBH. Humberto pretty randomly brought up someone's class background (after being goaded) and somehow that means people are saying your GF should live in penury?? WTF?
He listed three people, two of whom were white.

Fine I extrapolated, its a common statement people make though. People have a tendency to be a bit clueless about right wing MPs who are POC or minorities and how they are often a product of post imperialist racism rather than British notions of class and education.

I don't know why you keep bringing up your GF TBH. Humberto pretty randomly brought up someone's class background (after being goaded) and somehow that means people are saying your GF should live in penury?? WTF?

My issue was to start banging on about someones educational background or parents jobs panders to something I have a problem with.

Like anyone else, I shall use whatever lived experiences I like thanks. It might come as a shocker but it does give quite a bit of first hand experience and I might feel strongly about certain topics as a result. We all do.

And I need to learn not to reply, sorry for further derail.
Fine I extrapolated, its a common statement people make though. People have a tendency to be a bit clueless about right wing MPs who are POC or minorities and how they are often a product of post imperialist racism rather than British notions of class and education.

My issue was to start banging on about someones educational background or parents jobs panders to something I have a problem with.

Like anyone else, I shall use whatever lived experiences I like thanks. It might come as a shocker but it does give quite a bit of first hand experience and I might feel strongly about certain topics as a result. We all do.

You didn't extrapolate, though, you imagined it.

And yeah, you can use whatever lived experiences you like, even if they're not yours, but it's a bit weird to act as if someone's attacking your GF for her class when they're really not. Especially when we've just had riots where people genuinely were wanting to attack immigrants for being immigrants!

(And you need to look up the phrase "panders to." It doesn't mean what you seem to think it means).
Do you ever go to football games? I'm not saying that there's not still plenty of racists to be found in the crowd, but monkey chants are incredibly rare in the UK.

Sure. I was being purposefully over dramatic to make a point that was badly made. I’m not having a go at football or the vast majority of football fans.

I’m just encouraged to see so many people ending up in prison less than a week after spewing racist hatred on the internet. So maybe that’ll give pause for thought the next time some black player misses a penalty for England and the army of dickheads start up on twitter with their racist bile.
Yeah, so it appears that its deemed appropriate to question people on their educational background and parents jobs here? And to do so without acknowledgement of the consequences of doing so. Noted.

And yeah, OT so I'll shut up.
At the risk of contributing further to a derail: the original post that started all this off was a late-night post from Humberto. For the benefit of any new posters who haven't picked up on this pattern yet, this particular poster has an unfortunate habit of making aggressive and incoherent posts late at night. They're best ignored when they get like that, if it's a particularly important thread that they might be disrupting you might want to report them and get a thread ban, as has now happened here, but other than that there's nothing to be gained by engaging with their late-night posts. I certainly wouldn't treat their late-night posts as being representative of what's deemed appropriate here.

Anyway, to get back on topic: sounds like Newcastle had a fascist presence today but it was small and outnumbered, has there been anything anywhere else? From their side, obv there were loads of SUTR events and the like today.
Part 2, I'm pretty upset, met a couple about 3 months ago at the same pub and have been having a right laugh, but I was told by one of them tonight that I'm too political (I am), eta to add not in a rude or confrontational way, and that although we are mates, at least one of the couple, is the polar opposite to me (I'm a lefty and just want everyone to get on and help each other, but that doesn't seem in vogue around here).

I hate it, I'm feeling more and more isolated and silenced.

Back from pub sorry if that doesnt make much sense, will edit in the morning if need be.
No need to edit. I understand. It is very disappointing when you are not accepted and you find out that people you get on with have different values to you.

Bang on analysis of the risk that right-wing media oligarch Musk plays in the escalation of lies, and how rumours and racism combined can lead to death.
i suppose that like a stopped clock freedland's right every now and then. but not today. facebook and youtube have to shoulder their portion of blame for spreading shit. after all, all manner of shite appears on fb and yt, and to single x out seems - well - peculiar. especially after tik-tok's been the subject of stories about police interest. if i was feeling charitable i'd say you know nothing about freedland's history of being a rws. but i'm not so i won't.
all manner of shite appears on fb and yt, and to single x out seems - well - peculiar.

i don't do farcebook, and don't do that much on yt (and am increasingly not bothering with xitter) but have the owners / management of fb and yt actively engaged with / promoted the right wing shite the way that muskrat has?
i don't do farcebook, and don't do that much on yt (and am increasingly not bothering with xitter) but have the owners / management of fb and yt actively engaged with / promoted the right wing shite the way that muskrat has?
yes. and no. the objections social media sites have to the rw is much less to do with the actual damage they do than the damage they do to eg fb's rep. there's performative rejection of fascism. but reports consistently show that fb's algorithms favour the right eg this report from congress https://www.congress.gov/118/meeting/house/115561/documents/HHRG-118-IF16-20230328-SD038.pdf (2023). syl (sorry ou) was banned from yt in 2019 but seems to have been let back and there was a live interview with him earlier when i was searching. so no you don't get the likes of zuckerberg fawning over the right as musk does.
Was it on here that I saw Musk making 'likes' private has led to much greater prominence of racists and fascists on the site? Number of likes for inflammatory posts goes up if people know they're not visible to others, and that's what drives views. That led to great popularity of the Southport related lies.

eta: and yes it was on the Musk thread :rolleyes:
Was it on here that I saw Musk making 'likes' private has led to much greater prominence of racists and fascists on the site? Number of likes for inflammatory posts goes up if people know they're not visible to others, and that's what drives views. That led to great popularity of the Southport related lies.
tbh i think that what led to the great popularity of southport lies was that many people wanted to believe them
No fash actions planned today in Lewisham that I'm aware of but was a large group (100) of well wishers outside the mosque today, plus three vans of cops parked nearby. Sad state of affairs
3 is the magic number, carrying as they do one police support unit. 2 would have been peculiar as would 4.
yes. and no. the objections social media sites have to the rw is much less to do with the actual damage they do than the damage they do to eg fb's rep. there's performative rejection of fascism. but reports consistently show that fb's algorithms favour the right eg this report from congress https://www.congress.gov/118/meeting/house/115561/documents/HHRG-118-IF16-20230328-SD038.pdf (2023). syl (sorry ou) was banned from yt in 2019 but seems to have been let back and there was a live interview with him earlier when i was searching. so no you don't get the likes of zuckerberg fawning over the right as musk does.

I guess it's a bit different for X and Musk in that he has an enormous personal following there and has been actively stoking the far right on the subject. He still is today. No one likes Zuckerberg or cares or knows what he thinks, so while Facebook is indeed a sewer of right wing opinion, it's not so personally linked.

'The chanting was also repeated in Glasgow's George Square, where hundreds of demonstrators were gathered.
There was a large police presence but the event was peaceful.
At one stage, officers separated two counter protesters from the anti-racism demonstration.
One man with a sign reading "asylum frauds out" and another with a megaphone were approached by a group of anti-racism protesters who shouted "nasty scum off our streets" at them.
A short time later, the pair left the square, escorted by a large group of police officers.'


Pretty sure that will have been 'nazi scum' rather than nasty :D
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