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Far-right response to Southport Outrage And Ongoing Violent Disorder

It may be Saturday, but the courts are busy. Report from Sky News.

Tory councillor's wife to appear in court charged with stirring up racial hatred

The wife of a Tory councillor will appear in court today, accused of stirring up racial hatred online.

Lucy Connolly, 41, was arrested on Tuesday night and released on bail pending further enquiries.

Those enquiries resulted in her being re-arrested yesterday and charged with one count of publishing written material to stir up racial hatred.

It follows the publication of a now-deleted post on her X account, stating: "Mass deportation now, set fire to all the f*****g hotels full of the bastards for all I care... If that makes me racist, so be it."

Connolly, who is the partner of Conservative West Northamptonshire councillor Raymond Connolly, remains in police custody and will appear before Northampton Magistrates' Court today via a live link.
The fucking media and political class are desperate for trouble from the anti-racist demonstrators so they can ‘both sides’ the whole thing, and that way they’re off the hook for stoking this racism in the first place. Suspect the OB will assist in provoking community defenders at some point to achieve this. As if there’s any kind of equivalent to a mob going out undertaking racist attacks and those who gather to stand in their way to prevent this. State of the fucking world.
Yes, and “the moderate half way” between the “both sides”, according to most media and politicians, is agreeing with 90% of what the rioting fascists are saying, but just disapproving their “methods”. If questioned on this they refer to opinion polls which mainly show that decades of right-wing lies and propaganda from oligarch media and their tame politicians has borne fruit in a fearful and vindictive mood amongst large sections of the target population.

That this does not align with the other political views of the majority (way to the economic left of the official consensus) shows how focused the plutocracy have been in focusing on this key wedge issue. Hence the panic and desperation to “both sides” when it seems that there is finally pushback and questioning on the main planks of managed social division - racism & xenophobia.
I would think most judges have heard every feeble excuse going. I have a friend who's a retired lawyer and he tells me the number of people who offer up ridiculous defences after being caught red-handed is amazing.
It doesn't matter how many times he told them to plead guilty and go for the reduced sentence they still insist on putting their side and are surprised when it doesn't work.
I wonder if the fash might attempt a strategy of having so many commit their crimes in plain sight they overwhelm the prison system and make custodial sentences less likely ...
SAUSAGE WATCH #2: Leanne Hodgson


She was arrested the following day having been identified on social media and tried to buy a balaclava from her local Post Office before the rioting.

[defence counsel] said the term “Black c***”, which Hodgson said to the officer, referred to his uniform and was not racial.
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