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Far-right response to Southport Outrage And Ongoing Violent Disorder

Whoever does his funeral oration might have to skip over a particular 2 year period.

Actually, no, the judge said he was 'of good character' so that's okay. Hang on.... no.... 'of otherwise of good character'.

Stock legal phrase for no prior convictions. He could still be a complete arsehole. Probably is, come to think of it.
Don't think this is the first time it's been done but yes pretty new.

I don't see the need for it at all. Sentencing remarks should be on the record for anyone who wants to read them but watching it live? Why? It feels like a step closer to televised trials, which are a horrible idea.
Tend to agree. But grasp their thinking. Actions - showing consequences may prevent further actions.

When I was a kid used to be a show called Crown Court which was actors doing made up court cases...should bring that back for daytime TV.. to promote understanding...but actual trials.. no thanks.
BBC :Judge Guy Kearl KC has just started delivering his remarks. We'll be bringing you live updates and you can follow the sentencing at the top of the page by clicking the watch live button

That's new innit?

BBC News - Riots and disorder in the UK: Four men being sentenced in Leeds over roles in recent disorder
Riots and disorder in the UK: Four men being sentenced in Leeds over roles in recent disorder - BBC News

Been going since 2022. Only the sentencing allowed though if judge agrees.

Only a handful of cases considered "newsworthy" enough though:

Tend to agree. But grasp their thinking. Actions - showing consequences may prevent further actions.

When I was a kid used to be a show called Crown Court which was actors doing made up court cases...should bring that back for daytime TV.. to promote understanding...but actual trials.. no thanks.
Ah, Crown Court, used to wag school in the afternoon and watch that. Ditto when they sent us out on a cross country run.

Jumpers for goalposts etc, back to the fash.
Tend to agree. But grasp their thinking. Actions - showing consequences may prevent further actions.

When I was a kid used to be a show called Crown Court which was actors doing made up court cases...should bring that back for daytime TV.. to promote understanding...but actual trials.. no thanks.

I think with Crown Court they were actual cases that had been abridged to fit the format. And the Jury were members of the public not actors.

Still remember R v Fagin.

Sorry, was trying not to derail. Although he’s not one of my fave urbs I do think ddraig has a point about keeping this thread for updates. Perhaps someone should start a wider issues arrising thread?
I'm in favour of these (new?) televised court judgements.

First, it will have an impact on the poorly organised, sporadic right-wing chancers we've been watching, in the short term.

In the long-term, justice must not only be done, it must be seen to be done. I believe in that, so think everyone should be keeping a close eye on the whole system. I used to do this as a court reporter in local magistrates, we just don't have that kind of local court reporting anymore. So why not use the immediacy and accessibility of live Web verdicts, we're in 2024.

The entrance to St David's Shopping Centre has been closed since around 1pm in preparation should far-right demonstrators turn up. Their unconfirmed reported plan suggested they would demonstrate from 1pm, however, none have turned up.


Been going since 2022. Only the sentencing allowed though if judge agrees.

Only a handful of cases considered "newsworthy" enough though:

Don't recall whether it was ferrari or a caller asking if they will start doing the same for "knife crime"...

I think with Crown Court they were actual cases that had been abridged to fit the format. And the Jury were members of the public not actors.

Tiny last derail. Pretty sure it's urban myth that the cases were real. They weren't.

Also the Jury were members of the public but the foreman had to be an actor for Equity purposes because they had lines (well, words) to speak.
Reported speech from court, inevitably chosen with an agenda, edited quotes, pencil sketches? These are relics of a bygone legal age, and work only with the humans in court to write down the words, or sketch the accused.

I'd like to see the wiggy fella do his thing, but I'd also like to see an inset camera view of the plaintiff's reaction. And a thumbs-up option.
Hope Not Hate ( not the most reliable source) are tweeting

A man is in custody for using social media to encourage violent disorder across the country following a dossier HOPE not hate supplied to the police.As the matter is now subjudice, we will not be making any further comment at this stage.
Few fingers pointing at Danny Tommo
I'm increasingly flabbergasted at the US footage on YT - bodycams - interviews - court cases...

I’m always amazed how quickly the American police release bodyworn video of police shootings and other controversial events ( and I presume non controversial stuff) even when it shows the cops in an appalling light. It’s hours and days sometimes ( See the recent Acorn gate shooting). It’s one of the (very few) things the UK could take from there.
I think with Crown Court they were actual cases that had been abridged to fit the format. And the Jury were members of the public not actors.

Still remember R v Fagin.

Sorry, was trying not to derail. Although he’s not one of my fave urbs I do think ddraig has a point about keeping this thread for updates. Perhaps someone should start a wider issues arrising thread?
Sounds a good idea - title to say something like "memes and background discussion" and ask OP to mark this one "for active discussion and alerts only"?
Hope Not Hate ( not the most reliable source) are tweeting

Few fingers pointing at Danny Tommo

Could well be, Searchlight had a report on him the other day.

It was Tommy Robinson’s right hand man and former bodyguard Danny Tommo (real name Daniel Thomas) who, last Monday just after the Southport murders, went online broadcasting to tens of thousands, screaming that “Every city has to go up”; a call to action that is now having dreadful consequences in communities around the country.

Anyway, Tommo’s original YouTube video has now been taken down ‘by the uploader’. But he shouldn’t relax too quickly – we have a copy safely archived and it will of course be available to the investigating authorities, should they need it.

BBC Verify tried to establish on Friday where the first call for riot had come from. They concluded that it was an anonymous Twitter account in the name of ‘Lord Simon’ whom they described as “an influencer associated with Yaxley-Lennon” (ie Tommy Robinson).

Had they looked a little closer they would perhaps have noticed that the video in question, uploaded to that account, was Danny Tommo’s original YouTube video. Yes, it was definitely he who first called for riots.

And had the BBC examined the account even more carefully, they might have concluded that it bears all the hallmarks of being operated by or in co-operation with Danny Tommo himself. It also carried, for instance, his live streams from the Downing St disturbances on Wednesday evening. Now, Tommo is facing up to the prospect of arrest and jail time and he’s getting worried, so he’s backing off his earlier calls to action. His latest video claims that:

“The press are coming after me with sinister allegations about me instigating riots which is absolutely unfounded and not true”.
Tiny last derail. Pretty sure it's urban myth that the cases were real. They weren't.

Also the Jury were members of the public but the foreman had to be an actor for Equity purposes because they had lines (well, words) to speak.
I watched a couple recently, as they're on TPTV. Good to see Michael Elphick & BillNight getting work!

You're right, the cases weren't real. The foreman doesn't actually speak though, so I doubt they had to be an actor.
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