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Euros Final - Italy v England - Sunday 11/07 - 20:00


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Most attacking moves don't end with shots on target.

I was replying to your original post which stated that England created ‘plenty of chances’. They didn’t. They created 6 in 120 mins. Of those one was a goal, one was saved and 4 went wide. That’s it
I was kind of neutral about who I wanted to win (being Irish) but I have to say overall Italy were the better side. But kudos to England as well, they have a fine team in the making. I have a couple of friends in Rome and needless to say they are totally ecstatic over there. The scenes last night there were a sight to behold.
Penno takers are usually more defined by who won't take one. ...a decision to take one is a heroic move. (And fairly irrational considering the low upside vs whopping reputational and psychological downside).
Can't remember the exact quote, but talking about the 6th penalty in '96 Southgate basically said something to the effect of "I've been taught/I believe that when asked to take responsibility, you do, so that's why I said yes".

Basically did it because he was asked, not necessarily because he wanted it or fancied himself (which is meant as a positive, even though it could be easily and somewhat reasonably be seen the other way!).
And what did you tell her?
That it had become a vague (though still controversial in some quarters) statement against racism in football.

I don't think it's a gesture that costs nothing mind. But it certainly costs them less than Kaepernik's gesture cost him.

I See You

I see you, Gareth Southgate.
Sort of, anyway. It’s kind of hard to watch through your fingers, isn’t it? Those final few moments had more tension than the breakfast table at Matt Hancock’s old house. Thinking about it, it also had just as many balls flying off in directions that they weren’t supposed to. For now the dream is as over as the marriage. After leaving everything you had on the pitch, including most of Jack Grealish’s kneecap, it just wasn’t to be. The disappointment is bitter but this, too, shall pass. And then probably get intercepted by an Italian, but hey ho, what can you do?
It’s a wild ride to snap back from the euphoria of England’s first men’s tournament final in 55 years to the utter misery of yet another penalty defeat. It feels like being grabbed from behind by Chiellini, a yank backwards resulting in a sense of national whiplash that’s only been amplified by the behaviour of an embarrassingly noisy minority of fans. Nothing shouts ‘Engerland’ with more screaming insecurity than punching a literal child at a turnstile, or shoving a flare up your arse, or windmilling your drug-shrivelled penis on the roof of a Fiat Punto. What a contrast such idiocy is to the team itself, who have conducted themselves with class and integrity both on and off the pitch. They’ve presented and modelled an empathetic, inclusive, compassionate and competitive England that benefits massively from its diversity and commitment to co-operation.
They’ve stood firm in the face of criticism from the culture war hacks and grifters, even as they now once again re-emerge from their dank holes in the cultural woodwork. I for one am shocked - shocked, I tell you - that the same tedious pricks who constantly insist that participation medals have somehow bred a generation of uncompetitive softies are now pretending to be outraged that some competitive sportsmen aren’t visibly overjoyed at receiving runner up medals. I guess failing spectacularly at the cocaine luvvie triple threat of acting, singing and running for Mayor of London on a libertarian ticket teaches you a thing or two about how to behave with dignity in defeat.
As for the kneeling stuff? It didn’t take long for that to be vindicated, did it? The argument was never that England is utterly incapable of ever being lovely, inclusive and welcoming. It was quite simply that it often isn’t - that there is still plenty of work to be done, and that refusing to acknowledge the cesspits of genuine racism still embedded in our national psyche is a cowardly abdication of that responsibility.
Still, it’s nice to see the Prime Minister and Home Secretary suddenly deciding that outright racism is too rich for their blood and perhaps it wasn’t all ‘gesture politics’ after all. Now’s the right time for them to frantically come out in support of Rashford, Sancho and Saka. Maybe Boris can write a strongly worded letter to the FA, which he can then post directly into a muslim woman’s face just before Priti deports her. What’s the point in telling him that a fish rots from the head down, when in every sense of the metaphor he’s made it abundantly clear that he couldn’t give a fuck about our fish rotting?
It’s not the broad strokes, but the contrasts and all the nuances in between that define us as a nation. There’s so much to be proud of in this daft, passionate, flare-in-arse idiot of a country, and when we truly come together we can do it with genuine class. There are still leaders with compassion and real moral fibre among us who will fight tooth and nail for the right causes. It’s a shame that most of the current crop of them are footballers rather than politicians, but it’s a start. When we just follow the right example, we’re capable of so much more.
We’re more than capable of feeding our hungry children, building our communities and lifting each other up. We’re capable of being inclusive and welcoming and we can (almost, but not quite) succeed without ever compromising our values. You and the team have shown the country that, Gareth Southgate.
Equally, we’re more than capable of falling short. We can be petty, triumphalist, spiteful and xenophobic. We can so easily forget that the noisy minority aren’t truly representative of the decent majority. We can get so wrapped up in our nationalist pride that we climb up on the roof of a Fiat Punto and windmill the rest of the world without ever realising just how small we look and how horribly we’ve embarrassed ourselves.
We are all those things and so much more. Thank you for showing us what we’re capable of, Gareth Southgate, and reminding all of us that we’re capable of making mistakes. Sometimes we learn from those mistakes. Sometimes we don’t. Sometimes we get burned, quite possibly literally, in the case of the flare-in-arse guy at least. I’m sure he’s learned a lesson and I’m sure the team has too. There's always next time. We'll come back stronger, better, and with a colon so ribbed with scar tissue that it makes us shit fusillii like some kind of glorious, demented Playdough factory.
Just… next time, Christ, maybe don’t send the nineteen-year old out to take the final penalty, alright?
I see you, Gareth Southgate. I fucking see you.
Oh dear OH DEAR :D :D :facepalm: :rolleyes:
Almost at 100k

"2020 Managers
The match on 11/07/2021 was not fair at all. After italy only receiving a yellow card for dragging England players like they were slaves. All the pushes, pulls and kicks and Italy was still allowed to win? Definitely biased. Italy should have been given a red card for their gameplay and the rematch should happen with a non biased referee. This was not fair at all.".
Oh dear OH DEAR :D :D :facepalm: :rolleyes:
Almost at 100k
View attachment 278353

"2020 Managers
The match on 11/07/2021 was not fair at all. After italy only receiving a yellow card for dragging England players like they were slaves. All the pushes, pulls and kicks and Italy was still allowed to win? Definitely biased. Italy should have been given a red card for their gameplay and the rematch should happen with a non biased referee. This was not fair at all.".
Bonkers petition. Same time I did think the Saka pull back was close to a red card, for violent play. Not quite, but close.
Oh dear OH DEAR :D :D :facepalm: :rolleyes:
Almost at 100k
View attachment 278353

"2020 Managers
The match on 11/07/2021 was not fair at all. After italy only receiving a yellow card for dragging England players like they were slaves. All the pushes, pulls and kicks and Italy was still allowed to win? Definitely biased. Italy should have been given a red card for their gameplay and the rematch should happen with a non biased referee. This was not fair at all.".

Jaysis... the unfortunate downside for making 'democracy' more accessible...

Bonkers petition. Same time I did think the Saka pull back was close to a red card, for violent play. Not quite, but close.
Yeah, my rugby fan dad was as equally perplexed as those that compared the sports here, and it was hard explaining why it wasn't a red.

Aside from just how purely blatant it was, it was, as you suggest, far more violent than a simple tug of the shirt that holds a player back. He basically threw Saka down by his neck! I was genuinely worried about the impact when Saka hit the floor.

To be quite honest, I think Saka did amazingly well to not react more, given both the nature of the assault and the context of the last 10/15 minutes of a European final.
Ray Houghton spent most of the match moaning about how slow england were to get forward and use the speed that italy were afraid of, Pickford waiting for everyone to get into position and so on. Sooner or later an Italian would've got a second yellow or a red.
Jaysis... the unfortunate downside for making 'democracy' more accessible...

Yeah, my rugby fan dad was as equally perplexed as those that compared the sports here, and it was hard explaining why it wasn't a red.

Aside from just how purely blatant it was, it was, as you suggest, far more violent than a simple tug of the shirt that holds a player back. He basically threw Saka down by his neck! I was genuinely worried about the impact when Saka hit the floor.

To be quite honest, I think Saka did amazingly well to not react more, given both the nature of the assault and the context of the last 10/15 minutes of a European final.
There were echoes of the Zidane headbutt for me in that it was Chiellini's - possibly - last game. For sentimental reasons I'd have liked to have seen Zidane get a yellow as the butt was no more forceful than when players shove each other. A 'push' probably just warranted a yellow, though that was wishful thinking. Category wise this remained a 'shirt pull', whereas it could have been 'violent play'. Anyway...
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