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Er, they burned the Danish embassy: did anyone notice?

nino_savatte said:
Aye, of course not but Johnny thinks he is winning because he thinks that by being a lawyer he can run rings around folk. Shame it isn't true but then he constantly labours under the delusion that he is an intellectual heavyweight because of his legal training.

He likes to rationalise and if he isn't doing that he's demonising others - some of those he demonises are here on Urban. If you keep at him, he will eventually get fed up of playing lawyer and start insulting you...after that he puts you on ignore...or if you're really lucky, he'll invite nanoespresso over to try and bully you. I know, all of this has happened to me.
One would think as a lawyer he would understand the importance of context ;) You'd also think he'd have the common sense to realise that he's fighting a battle here against positions he's invented in his own mind. I've not tried to justify anybodies actions just asked the OP to consider the climate in which these things are happening. :cool:

Would be nice to have his honest view on the matter though :D

So Johnny do you think the cartoons were a good idea :confused:
friedaweed said:
One would think as a lawyer he would understand the importance of context ;) You'd also think he'd have the common sense to realise that he's fighting a battle here against positions he's invented in his own mind. I've not tried to justify anybodies actions just asked the OP to consider the climate in which these things are happening. :cool:

Would be nice to have his honest view on the matter though :D

So Johnny do you think the cartoons were a good idea :confused:

True and I've often thought he's not a proper lawyer but a wannabe. he probably works in a Zionist advice centre where he is free to indulge in his hatred of the French. :)
Movement of Jah people

nino_savatte said:
True and I've often thought he's not a proper lawyer but a wannabe. he probably works in a Zionist advice centre where he is free to indulge in his hatred of the French. :)
and rightly so those French are bastards to the Jews. Isn't that why they're all leaving in the current exodus :D
nino_savatte said:
Quite but there's an exodus of Jewish buffalo from Canada. :D
Is that Bluffalo? :D

Interestingly though since 2002 even the French are fleeing France. Johnny will like this one though because it's the Iraqis and Afghans fault :D There will be no one left in France soon. :D

French exodus as refugees reduce Sangatte to war zone

French Exodus
Driven out by excessive taxes and red tape, and also by a spirit of adventure, more and more French men and women are taking their talents abroad

So if the french have all left France who is it that is actually behind this Jewish exodus.

Exodus of French Jews expected

My money is on the Iranians
nino_savatte said:
True and I've often thought he's not a proper lawyer but a wannabe. he probably works in a Zionist advice centre where he is free to indulge in his hatred of the French. :)

Your agenda is rather obscure here, Nino. What is a "Zionist advice center?" Why do you think a black man would work there? And why should it be a venue in which hatred of the French would be freely indulged? Thank you in advance.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
Your point, though, is that muslims are highly upset about the cartoons at least in part because of the background world situation.

So what world situation existed at the time of the Rushdie fatwa, that was making them extra upset then?
err...the same root problems that brought al-Q into conditions, and effectively wrote their agenda for them?
you know
a) Israel and
b) excessive US presence in the m/east, and support for rotten regimes?
Red Jezza said:
err...the same root problems that brought al-Q into conditions, and effectively wrote their agenda for them?
you know
a) Israel and
b) excessive US presence in the m/east, and support for rotten regimes?
I prefered the fact that he was implying by his question that he did't know any of this ;) Kinda tickled me :)
phildwyer said:
Your agenda is rather obscure here, Nino. What is a "Zionist advice center?" Why do you think a black man would work there? And why should it be a venue in which hatred of the French would be freely indulged? Thank you in advance.

Still peddling more lies and shite, dwyer? You should be ashamed of yourself. Call yourself an academic? You're a charlatan.
phildwyer said:
Your agenda is rather obscure here, Nino. What is a "Zionist advice center?" Why do you think a black man would work there? And why should it be a venue in which hatred of the French would be freely indulged? Thank you in advance.
Who told you that Canuck was black phil?

I'll tell you who told you...Johnny!

He's also, at various times, claimed to be part Cherokee and part Irish (of the Fenian variety no less). Johnny has been found to be a noted liar on these boards phil, so more fool you if you take a single word of his at face value. The Canuke character is a fraud.
vimto said:
Who told you that Canuck was black phil?

I'll tell you who told you...Johnny!

He's also, at various times, claimed to be part Cherokee and part Irish (of the Fenian variety no less). Johnny has been found to be a noted liar on these boards phil, so more fool you if you take a single word of his at face value. The Canuke character is a fraud.

There is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that Johnny Canuck is a black man. I find it *very* hard to believe that Nino is black, but since certain people who I trust have confirmed this, I suppose it must be true (although I still suspect that he may be using some particularly ingenious disguise). But of one thing I am absolutely certain: Nino is neither Scottish nor American. Two things.
phildwyer said:
I find it *very* hard to believe that Nino is black, but since certain people who I trust have confirmed this, I suppose it must be true (although I still suspect that he may be using some particularly ingenious disguise).
Dya reckon that nino dons the boot polish a la 'Black and White Minstrels' style?

Come on phil, get real ffs.
friedaweed said:
He's not winning anything though is he. :rolleyes: Rather than accept that the current context in which these cartoons have been produced is like throwing further fuel on an already raging fire he dreams up a scenario where we are all Islamic fundy sympathisers and carries on with the point scoring game. A game that only he's playing. ;)

I'll ask you Johnny do you think the cartoons were a good idea?

What do you mean, 'a good idea'?

Would I have drawn and published them? No. I think they're pretty amateurish, and that there are better ways to get an idea across.

However, that danish cartoonist had every right to publish whatever comment he desired, in whatever format; we live in a society where you're allowed to do that, you see.
Red Jezza said:
err...the same root problems that brought al-Q into conditions, and effectively wrote their agenda for them?
you know
a) Israel and
b) excessive US presence in the m/east, and support for rotten regimes?

The US wasn't in Saudi Arabia, militarily at any rate, before the first Gulf War. The Rushdie fatwa was before that.
phildwyer said:
There is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that Johnny Canuck is a black man. I find it *very* hard to believe that Nino is black, but since certain people who I trust have confirmed this, I suppose it must be true (although I still suspect that he may be using some particularly ingenious disguise). But of one thing I am absolutely certain: Nino is neither Scottish nor American. Two things.

More proof of your sick mind. I asked that you seek psychiatric help. It is clear that my good advice has been ignored. But then you have to want to change. In your case I don't think that is possible. I only hope, for your sake, that a member of your family sees sense and has you committed.

You are a danger to yourself and others.
vimto said:
Is that because 'Johnny told you so'?

Yer being duped phil...trust me

Phil has a narcissistic personality disorder that has gone untreated (for years by my reckoning). There is evidence of this in all of his posts. He stalks me constantly and he has recently taken the role of Johnny's wing man - now that leadhead has disappeared.
vimto said:
Dya reckon that nino dons the boot polish a la 'Black and White Minstrels' style?

It wouldn't surprise me at all, quite frankly. I bet auld Nino even wears a kilt. And a cowboy hat. At the same time.
phildwyer said:
Tell us, Nino, did you have any trouble identifying the Savatte clan tartan?

You're mentally ill, seek help instead of embarrassing yourself on here - in front of all these people.

Another feature of the Narcisstic Personality Disorder is denying that you have a problem in the first place. It's much easier to blame your psychological condition on others.

Just to remind you:

A narcissistic individual has a basic sense of inferiority although if you listen to him talk you would never realize it. A narcissist presents a false self to the world. Under his inferiority is a preoccupation with fantasies of outstanding achievement, ideal love, and an aimless orientation toward superficial interests. The narcissist uses others to aid him in any tasks he undertakes and will frequently take credit for work which others have done. The narcissistic individual may be more successful at his chosen field of work than some of the other personality disorders. This is because his work can be advantageous to the narcissist especially if it provides narcissistic supply.http://www.angelfire.com/ego/narcissism/

In fact you share some of these traits with your new found friend. :D
sigh - Canada's turn to go play in the mud.

While Canadians have a right to free speech, it’s unfortunate that the cartoons have been republished here, considering the controversy and outrage they have sparked worldwide, said Foreign Affairs spokeswoman Kim Girtel.

“Canada attaches importance to both freedom of speech and to respect for cultural diversity and ethnic and religious differences,” she said. “The government of Canada does not determine the content of media publications. The cartoons are offensive to many, and given the impact they may have, it is regrettable that they’ve been republished.”

The Canadian Islamic Congress has vowed to seek hate-crimes charges against the magazine because they feel the cartoons incite hatred and portray Muslims in a negative fashion.

“I think there is a fine line between freedom of the press and freedom to incite hate. These cartoons cross that line,” national president Mohamed Elmasry said. “Canada has a hate literature law and we will be able to test it to see indeed if the law protects the well-being of minorities.”

Cartoon controversy ignites in Canada

At the bottom of the article it says that Air Canada won't carry that edition of the magazine. Good for them.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
However, that danish cartoonist had every right to publish whatever comment he desired, in whatever format; we live in a society where you're allowed to do that, you see.
Absolutely. What if Blair started throwing a tantrum whenever he is made fun of ...
Johnny Canuck2 said:
The US wasn't in Saudi Arabia, militarily at any rate, before the first Gulf War. The Rushdie fatwa was before that.
sorry, that ain't so. I visited KSA before GW1 and saw US military presence
E2A; talk about irrelevant! the rushdie fatwa had NOTHING to do with al-Q. AL-Q'S 'ISSUES' are economic, and concern israel and the perceived 'crusader' threat.
phildwyer said:
There is no doubt whatsoever in my mind that Johnny Canuck is a black man. I find it *very* hard to believe that Nino is black, but since certain people who I trust have confirmed this, I suppose it must be true (although I still suspect that he may be using some particularly ingenious disguise).
er...no disguise...what possible disguise did you have in mind?

But of one thing I am absolutely certain: Nino is neither Scottish nor American. Two things
erm, I'm sorry, but I got pished with Nino t'other night, and at a beerfest recently, and he IS both, and about 20 U75ers can confirm it.
(and he has the kilt to confirm caledonian roots :D oh thank you nino for wearing that!)
Red Jezza said:
er...no disguise...what possible disguise did you have in mind?

erm, I'm sorry, but I got pished with Nino t'other night, and at a beerfest recently, and he IS both, and about 20 U75ers can confirm it.
(and he has the kilt to confirm caledonian roots :D oh thank you nino for wearing that!)

I was a bit annoyed because I lost my kilt pin (avec the clan motto "Touch not the cat but a glove")...but I got another, so I'll be wearing it to the London Drinker festy. :)
Red Jezza said:
erm, I'm sorry, but I got pished with Nino t'other night, and at a beerfest recently, and he IS both, and about 20 U75ers can confirm it.
(and he has the kilt to confirm caledonian roots :D oh thank you nino for wearing that!)

Yes, Nino, please accept my heartfelt thanks too! Actually I must admit that is pretty impressive.
everyone was most impressed.....
no do please say phil, because I am quite, quite mystified. what POSSIBLE disguise could Nino have, to 'look' black.
i mean, i've taken some serious drugs in my time, but even so....
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