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Er, they burned the Danish embassy: did anyone notice?

Red Jezza said:
I just did - 5 entries. :confused:
and i'm pretty sure that's wrong. Until 1992 VERY few croats were allowed to leave there and v few seps allowed in.
e2a; phil, your obsession with nino's ancestry is REALLY strange

You're talking through your hat. Vancovuer has a large Croatian community of both recent immigrants, as well as second generation types.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
You're talking through your hat. Vancovuer has a large Croatian community of both recent immigrants, as well as second generation types.

Quite. In fact, Yuogslavs *were* allowed to emigrate under Tito. That is why there are many more Afro-Croatians than Afro-American Scots.
nino_savatte said:
Whatever happened to contextualisation?

Very well Nino. I promise to consult a psychiatrist if you can tell me what your clan motto--"touch not the cat but the glove"-means. But your answer must be *correct,* not some made-up answer by a charlatan who has never been closer to Scotland than Watford but still insists on prancing about in a kilt as if he was a real auld jock or something.
phildwyer said:
Quite. In fact, Yuogslavs *were* allowed to emigrate under Tito. That is why there are many more Afro-Croatians than Afro-American Scots.

What do you mean by afro american scots: people who have one parent of african heritage, and one of scottish heritage?

They're around too.
this last page is very strange.

love the inevitable appearance from vimto though :D :cool: keep on rocking the free world bud
vimto said:
As an aside...care to tell us about your own ancestory Johnny?

Why are you so obessed with Johnny? Thread after thread, same thing.

Is it a sexual thing? A jealousy thing? Jeez, get some help :rolleyes:
spring-peeper said:
Why are you so obessed with Johnny? Thread after thread, same thing.

Is it a sexual thing? A jealousy thing? Jeez, get some help :rolleyes:
Well why don't you ask Johnny if it's a sexual thing since it seems to me as if you're so far up his arse that the sun dont shine.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
I actually believe in free speech, including speech by radical islamic clerics, nazis, etc.

Would your drowning baby cartoon have political content, or would it be motivated merely by race hatred?
Purely by the context it was set in it would be political Petrocelli ;) The clue to race hatred would be in the context and not your mind ;)

I rest my case :p

Does the prosecution have a new automobile? :D
friedaweed said:
Purely by the context it was set in it would be political Petrocelli ;) The clue to race hatred would be in the context and not your mind ;)

I rest my case :p

Does the prosecution have a new automobile? :D

No, but there is a short list.
vimto said:
Who told you that Canuck was black phil?

I'll tell you who told you...Johnny!

He's also, at various times, claimed to be part Cherokee and part Irish (of the Fenian variety no less). Johnny has been found to be a noted liar on these boards phil, so more fool you if you take a single word of his at face value. The Canuke character is a fraud.

But in fact there are many black Canadians who have both Irish and Cherokee blood. It is not an unusual mixture at all. I wonder why you are so quick to question Johnny's ancestry, while so eager to support Nino's claim to be a black Jock Seppo? That is surely much less likely--especially since he cannot even tell us what his allleged clan motto means. Personally, I am *positive* that Johnny is precisely what he says he is.
phildwyer said:
But in fact there are many black Canadians who have both Irish and Cherokee blood. It is not an unusual mixture at all. I wonder why you are so quick to question Johnny's ancestry, while so eager to support Nino's claim to be a black Jock Seppo? That is surely much less likely--especially since he cannot even tell us what his allleged clan motto means. Personally, I am *positive* that Johnny is precisely what he says he is.
Have you ever met the Canuke character phil? Do you know anyone who has?
phildwyer said:
But in fact there are many black Canadians who have both Irish and Cherokee blood. It is not an unusual mixture at all. I wonder why you are so quick to question Johnny's ancestry, while so eager to support Nino's claim to be a black Jock Seppo? That is surely much less likely--especially since he cannot even tell us what his allleged clan motto means. Personally, I am *positive* that Johnny is precisely what he says he is.

Is vimto talking about me again?

He's such a silly nonce.
vimto said:
Have you ever met the Canuke character phil? Do you know anyone who has?

No, and no again. But I do not find it particularly implausible that there should be a black Canadian with both Irish and Cherokee ancestry. Do you?
phildwyer said:
But in fact there are many black Canadians who have both Irish and Cherokee blood. It is not an unusual mixture at all. I wonder why you are so quick to question Johnny's ancestry, while so eager to support Nino's claim to be a black Jock Seppo? That is surely much less likely--especially since he cannot even tell us what his allleged clan motto means. Personally, I am *positive* that Johnny is precisely what he says he is.

I've never seen JC2 make any of those claims. You have to take Vimto with an entire block of saltlick.
phildwyer said:
But in fact there are many black Canadians who have both Irish and Cherokee blood. It is not an unusual mixture at all. I wonder why you are so quick to question Johnny's ancestry, while so eager to support Nino's claim to be a black Jock Seppo? That is surely much less likely--especially since he cannot even tell us what his allleged clan motto means. Personally, I am *positive* that Johnny is precisely what he says he is.

I am precisely what I say I am, and I've never said I have any native american ancestry.

The only commingling of that sort I can claim, is native american girlfriends.

The thing you must understand about vimmie, is that he'll take five or ten posts, shake them together in his mind like martini ingredients in a tumbler, and come out with one holus bolus idea, that takes parts of the various posts, related or not, and cobbles them together into a 'vimto idea' which is a thing remarkably similar to a 'tobyjug fact'.
phildwyer said:
No, and no again. But I do not find it particularly implausible that there should be a black Canadian with both Irish and Cherokee ancestry. Do you?
You've been clocked. I'll get back to you later.
Yuwipi Woman said:
I've never seen JC2 make any of those claims. You have to take Vimto with an entire block of saltlick.
Hmmm...you and Johnny make a formidable team at times dont you. Are you and Johnny still looking for photographs of my wife Yuwipi?
phildwyer said:
No, and no again. But I do not find it particularly implausible that there should be a black Canadian with both Irish and Cherokee ancestry. Do you?
You really are a dickhead phil

Give it up mate
Johnny Canuck2 said:
The thing you must understand about vimmie, is that he'll take five or ten posts, shake them together in his mind like martini ingredients in a tumbler, and come out with one holus bolus idea, that takes parts of the various posts, related or not, and cobbles them together into a 'vimto idea' which is a thing remarkably similar to a 'tobyjug fact'.
You are a lawyer right?
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