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Why the f-ck did anyone ask Klaus Schwab the time anyway

Yawn heard it all before. Old time wasting trick asking someone to define something, to endlessly squabble over where the borders / lines are. I'm not wasting my time defining something to someone who doesn't even have any answers to anything.
i have loads of answers but i don't think i need waste them on someone who can't even define what they mean by power, whether agreeing with weber's analysis or otherwise.
Honest definition:

An NFT is a blockchain transaction following a very basic standard, that normally points towards a resource.

It's deliberately very basic, so it can be used for many purposes, some laughably awful, such as badly implimented ownership of art that points towards jpg files that are on fragile and centralised file systems when they should have been hosted on the IPFS, others being extremely useful, for example, censorship resistant domain names.
so you will define something things.
You have a point in so far that technology to the uninitiated is too good to be true, to someone who hasn't researched it, especially those who aren't tech savvy.

However, the fact remains, that DAOs have all of the properties that community needs to run a local project.

There is a certain level of trust needed and if people didn't trust each other, it wouldn't be a community.

When I say, "trustless", the community would no longer need to trust Fred with £3000 for example. Hhe simply can't run off with the money. However, when money eventually needs to be spent, the rest of the community has to entrust someone to buy something and to come back with a receipt. If they don't come back with a receipt, then no one votes for that person to have the money to spend in future.

If there is something corrupt going on, it's easier to see and close down transaction for transaction, rather than fighting for the best part of the year for someone to open up the books.

If a "muppet" claims something can be achieved, then simply research it, not by watching another youtube video, but by actually downloading software and reading the documentation.
where do you suggest this £3000 comes from? where do you suggest communities get money from for a project? from themselves? from the council? from another grant-awarding body eg national lottery?
I have my opinion on the matter.

I have my opinion on many things.

I have answered yiur question again and again.

I tell you my real beef is about the centralisation of power.

You keep talking about racism.

I guess it's because you're a racist.
I keep bringing it up because that's the first example you chose to use. It's rather revealing, isn't it?
Perhaps I'm not trying to win certain arguments.
Perhaps I don't even consider my views on certain things, such as whether a company has a safe-place of not, as important?

This thread is about Klaus Schwab. You know that WEF bloke who dresses up like a fucking Bond Villian has too many powerful people on his side.

To me, it's all about the centralisation v decentralisation of power.

And I find it breathing taking that no matter how much I bang on about that, certain people try to create a tidy siding into race and identity politics.

Many agree with each other that corporates get more powerful. You can see that trend.

I wonder how many are concerned about state entities and quangos accumaliting and pooling power? A number of people seem to dismiss as consipiracy theory.

Other's claim they hate the WEF, yet strangly are quick to make enemies out of differences that shouldn't matter.

Since this thread, is practically about the WEF, what can be done to fight them?

Because from where I'm sitting, setting up alternative ecomomies, with alternative structures, seems to be at least something!!!

You fucking unhinged weirdo, piss off back to wherever you came from. You and people like you are poison for decent politics.
An NFT really isn't subjective so it's easy to define.

I do know this.

Having a technology at my disposal that is censorship resistant gives me more power.

I don't need to define power to you for that to be true.
Pish. That doesn't give you authority or status, elements of power in eg weber's analysis of power. It doesn't enable you to bend anyone to do your bidding. How does it give you more power?
Pish. That doesn't give you authority or status, elements of power in eg weber's analysis of power. It doesn't enable you to bend anyone to do your bidding. How does it give you more power?
Because before there was someone or some people people that could shut me up.

Before, people could get the authorities to seize my domain and hosting.

That can't happen now.

A decentralised domain can't be seized, neither can files on IPFS.

If the people who have authority and status have less control over me, I have more power as I have more influence.

If you are going to squabble over things like this, it's no wonder that only the geeks are making a difference.
Because before there was someone or some people people that could shut me up.

Before, people could get the authorities to seize my domain and hosting.

That can't happen now.

A decentralised domain can't be seized, neither can files on IPFS.

If the people who have authority and status have less control over me, I have more power as I have more influence.

If you are going to squabble over things like this, it's no wonder that only the geeks are making a difference.
the opportunity to influence is what you're on about. you perhaps can't be shut up. but why anyone would want to shut you up when you do any case you're trying to make no favours, i don't know. that's rather an idiosyncratic claim of power though.
I'd say power is less about being able to speak, since plenty of people shout into the void and yet power remains unchallenged. It's more to do with the ability to speak and have other people act on your words.
I'd say power is less about being able to speak, since plenty of people shout into the void and yet power remains unchallenged. It's more to do with the ability to speak and have other people act on your words.

The first challenge is to get anyone to listen to you at all isn't it. What the big corporate sites do isn't enabling publication, it's essentially mediating an audience. Without using the blockchain it's really not that difficult to get your hot takes/obnoxious edgelordery out on the internet uncensored is it? There's any number of internet cesspits you can put it into. In general though, no one gives a shit about your reckons do they? Hence you need to find a channel that people actually might engage with and having some uncensorable blockchain based site doesn't do anything to address that. Hence why someone might persist in posting on here even when everyone thinks they're a tedious bellend - half a dozen people calling you a cunt is probably peak engagement for some.
Because before there was someone or some people people that could shut me up.

Before, people could get the authorities to seize my domain and hosting.

That can't happen now.

A decentralised domain can't be seized, neither can files on IPFS.

If the people who have authority and status have less control over me, I have more power as I have more influence.

If you are going to squabble over things like this, it's no wonder that only the geeks are making a difference.
back in the day the printing press was seen as something that could allow people to say what they wanted without state interference. but the problem is, as Monkeygrinder's Organ has pointed out, that you need to get people to listen to you if the opportunity to influence - which is all your so-called power consists of - is to be anything worth having. people's ability to influence demands that they have something which captures other people's imagination, and people with fucking 100 times your ability still struggle to find the audience their ideas deserve.
Pick an ideology. Any ideology.

Build build, spread the word.

Oh dear, you're not, winning, you've just been censored, you have no presence on Facebook, twitter or YouTube.

Oh dear, you've just had your bank accounts shut down.

Oh dear, that company that provides a vital service has just pulled the plug.

Oh dear, you've been infiltrated and now you're going to be liead about, with everything in tatters.

Oh dear You have no right of reply.

Oh dear PayPal won't touch you.

Oh dear, someone's run off with the money.

Oh dear, someone else has abused your trust.

Crypto stops all that. And you're telling me it's a con?

Fuck off. You know fuck all about fucking anything. You know absolutely fuck all.

Now. I build. And whatever I build, you can't censor, shut down or confiscate. No one can.
Fair play that's fucking hilarious but on a serious note, give me a blindfold and a sock full of sand and I'd give it 5 minutes before I have your keys and passwords and can censor, shut down or confiscate whatever the fuck I want. It's really not the magic bullet you think it is.
It's also just fantasy to think that if a technology becomes sufficiently problematic the ruling class can't shut it down. They control the physical infrastructure of telecommunications, if they really need to they can just switch it off. It's only the terminally online, who have no real concept of how the monopoly of violence and control of the means of production works, who think they can game the system into abeyance. The arms race over privacy and information control is a game indulged because it suits the economy and doesn't seriously threaten political power, not because the ruling class have no other option.
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Pick an ideology. Any ideology.

Build build, spread the word.

Oh dear, you're not, winning, you've just been censored, you have no presence on Facebook, twitter or YouTube.

Oh dear, you've just had your bank accounts shut down.

Oh dear, that company that provides a vital service has just pulled the plug.

Oh dear, you've been infiltrated and now you're going to be liead about, with everything in tatters.

Oh dear You have no right of reply.

Oh dear PayPal won't touch you.

Oh dear, someone's run off with the money.

Oh dear, someone else has abused your trust.

Crypto stops all that. And you're telling me it's a con?

Fuck off. You know fuck all about fucking anything. You know absolutely fuck all.

Now. I build. And whatever I build, you can't censor, shut down or confiscate. No one can.
yes, it is a con. and you've swallowed it hook line and fucking sinker. never mind SpineyNorman's home-made cosh, a few minutes with you, a length of paracord and a simple stick and you'd have spilled the beans and probably your guts.
back in the day the printing press was seen as something that could allow people to say what they wanted without state interference. but the problem is, as Monkeygrinder's Organ has pointed out, that you need to get people to listen to you if the opportunity to influence - which is all your so-called power consists of - is to be anything worth having. people's ability to influence demands that they have something which captures other people's imagination, and people with fucking 100 times your ability still struggle to find the audience their ideas deserve.
I agree.

But I'm not sure how that dooms any decentralised technology.

There's no point in decentralised search engines if there's nothing for them to search.

It's like you're saying l "Don't bother with that promising tech because it hasn't matured yet."
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