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Why the f-ck did anyone ask Klaus Schwab the time anyway

Technology is a tool though, its not liberating just by the fact of itself. Cheap AK's have been used for purposes of fights for liberty and for subjugation.
Fair play that's fucking hilarious but on a serious note, give me a blindfold and a sock full of sand and I'd give it 5 minutes before I have your keys and passwords and can censor, shut down or confiscate whatever the fuck I want. It's really not the magic bullet you think it is.
A one time pad is unbreakable. But! Fingers are not.
I agree.

But I'm not sure how that dooms any decentralised technology.

There's no point in decentralised search engines if there's nothing for them to search.

It's like you're saying l "Don't bother with that promising tech because it hasn't matured yet."
No it isn't
Because before there was someone or some people people that could shut me up.

Before, people could get the authorities to seize my domain and hosting.

That can't happen now.

A decentralised domain can't be seized, neither can files on IPFS.

If the people who have authority and status have less control over me, I have more power as I have more influence.

If you are going to squabble over things like this, it's no wonder that only the geeks are making a difference.

Blockchain also has the potential to be used for ever more invasive social control because every transaction you make is recorded.

In China it is being developed as a tool of surveillance and control.

I will do tonight. But I get the impression that many on the left just seem to want to crawl backwards into the sea rather than have society improved under capitalism.
tonight? takes a few clicks and a couple of seconds:

the language of devolution, of degeneration, puts you in some very dubious company eg max nordau. and how - precisely - has society improved under capitalism? do please spell it out for me
I will do tonight. But I get the impression that many on the left just seem to want to crawl backwards into the sea rather than have society improved under capitalism.
That's true. If you read a Marx he's constantly dismissing the revolutionary nature of capitalism and the essential role it plays in making socialism possible.

I mean, even if you'd only read the communist manifesto like your buddy Peterson you'd know that was utter shite.

You seem to get a lot of impressions and they're all a load of bollocks. Maybe reflect on why that might be?
tonight? takes a few clicks and a couple of seconds:
View attachment 356418

the language of devolution, of degeneration, puts you in some very dubious company eg max nordau. and how - precisely - has society improved under capitalism? do please spell it out for me
The sheer proliferation of technology. Not only are we better informed, educated and entertained, but a lot of our time is freed up, not to mention the deflationary effect that brings down the prices of goods and services.

Are you still saying that blokchains, crypto etc are a con?
Blockchain also has the potential to be used for ever more invasive social control because every transaction you make is recorded.

In China it is being developed as a tool of surveillance and control.

A huge state with no democracy, with all that power in the lap of one man.

Taking your argument to it's conclusion. Cameras are used to spy on people. So...

We're free for now, but if we don't adopt decentralised blockchains and use them to decentralise our structures, from a local level upwards, we are heading for the same trouble.
That's true. If you read a Marx he's constantly dismissing the revolutionary nature of capitalism and the essential role it plays in making socialism possible.

I mean, even if you'd only read the communist manifesto like your buddy Peterson you'd know that was utter shite.

You seem to get a lot of impressions and they're all a load of bollocks. Maybe reflect on why that might be?
Know what is shite?
Fair play that's fucking hilarious but on a serious note, give me a blindfold and a sock full of sand and I'd give it 5 minutes before I have your keys and passwords and can censor, shut down or confiscate whatever the fuck I want. It's really not the magic bullet you think it is.
I have a huge adavantage in that I embrace the tech and folllow it's development. You shun it. You're about 4 years behind and you don't have a clue how serious people would even go about storing their keys.
The sheer proliferation of technology. Not only are we better informed, educated and entertained, but a lot of our time is freed up, not to mention the deflationary effect that brings down the prices of goods and services.

Are you still saying that blokchains, crypto etc are a con?
No, how precisely has society improved under capitalism? Not post up some vapid bollocks which doesn't compare where we were with where we are. You could say that we were better informed, educated and entertained five years after the passage of the 1870 education act than we were in say 1869. But you don't even manage to hit that level of analysis. It’s frankly pitiful to watch you squirm out some auld shite as you do here. But I like a laugh so try it again. This time with feeling. And a spot of actual thought
I have a huge adavantage in that I embrace the tech and folllow it's development. You shun it. You're about 4 years behind and you don't have a clue how serious people would even go about storing their keys.
You haven't a fucking clue, you know nothing of the history of technology.
A huge state with no democracy, with all that power in the lap of one man.

Taking your argument to it's conclusion. Cameras are used to spy on people. So...

We're free for now, but if we don't adopt decentralised blockchains and use them to decentralise our structures, from a local level upwards, we are heading for the same trouble.
The point is no technology is a panacea. There may be benefits to the use of blockchain but there are also risks. It's naive to place all your hopes in this one thing.
The point is no technology is a panacea. There may be benefits to the use of blockchain but there are also risks. It's naive to place all your hopes in this one thing.
Probably a salient point at which to point out indelible records played quite a large part in the Final solution , collect my Godwin and fuck off.

Who looks at the world and all that's wrong with it and goes all this needs is an admin upgrade
Probably a salient point at which to point out indelible records played quite a large part in the Final solution , collect my Godwin and fuck off.

Who looks at the world and all that's wrong with it and goes all this needs is an admin upgrade

I remember reading that some Jews were saved because official records of their Jewishness were destroyed by archivists, although I'm having trouble finding a source for that right now. Still, point remains that an indelible decentralised ledger can be used for evil as much as it can be used for good.

Moving away from Godwin, and reiterating a point I made earlier, the malicious usage of indelible records can also come from non-state actors. There are websites like Kiwi Farms which are just full of people who have nothing better to do with their pathetic lives than troll and harass people for their own entertainment. Imagine coming under the attention of such perverts and finding it even more difficult, if not outright impossible, to escape their stalking of you because they can keep copies of your dox permanently out of the reach of legal authorities.
Anything can happen, but it's the only thing that I know of, if widely adopted, can defeat the forces of evil without violence.
"the forces of evil" ffs :facepalm:

You want to be taken seriously (you so clearly do) and yet you come out with that. It's like a party game isn't it, if you can't identify the forces of evil in your social circle, it's probably you :hmm:
I remember reading that some Jews were saved because official records of their Jewishness were destroyed by archivists, although I'm having trouble finding a source for that right now. Still, point remains that an indelible decentralised ledger can be used for evil as much as it can be used for good.

Moving away from Godwin, and reiterating a point I made earlier, the malicious usage of indelible records can also come from non-state actors. There are websites like Kiwi Farms which are just full of people who have nothing better to do with their pathetic lives than troll and harass people for their own entertainment. Imagine coming under the attention of such perverts and finding it even more difficult, if not outright impossible, to escape their stalking of you because they can keep copies of your dox permanently out of the reach of legal authorities.
We already live with computers. So your point is moot. If a future government decided to go after Jews, it could do so with centralised records.

Also, there are ways for people and good politicians to better safeguard data from future tyranny.

There is blockchain data implemented badly, but also blockchain data that is implimented well.

For example health. It's possible to devise a system where patient's data is encrypted but can only be UN-encrypted with the patient's permission, or with the permission of an ICE contact.

The same is true of ALL data.

So it would be like carrying your data around with you. Of course there a circumstances under which it could be forced off you, but in future, there will be all sorts of solutions where it can't be.

That's way better than a future tryannical government with the data at it's fingertips without your prescence.

Let's also remember, that centralised data now, is incentivising people with power to move in the direction of accumilating power by pushing forward with more centralised systems.

The ONLY way to reverse all of this, for normal people and entities to adopt as many decentralised systems as they can, including systems that self custodies data.
"the forces of evil" ffs :facepalm:

You want to be taken seriously (you so clearly do) and yet you come out with that. It's like a party game isn't it, if you can't identify the forces of evil in your social circle, it's probably you :hmm:
I'm not trying to get you to see things my way with one comment.
That one comment is like a turd in your punchbowl though. You can make as much sense as you want, that single phrase undermines it all because it reveals a childish, simplistic outlook that cannot possibly be taken seriously.
But it's the truth. I can't think of another non-violent way to stop creeping centralised power other than cryptocurrencies, blockchains and smart contracts. It's our only hope.

Of course, if you may think that a Chinese social credits system, controlled by a large state government is great thing and we all don't know what's good for us. That would be a different debate.
"the forces of evil" ffs :facepalm:

You want to be taken seriously (you so clearly do) and yet you come out with that. It's like a party game isn't it, if you can't identify the forces of evil in your social circle, it's probably you :hmm:
Not to mention that he thinks these "forces of evil" can be defeated by Activists On The Internet. Really quite astonishingly juvenile, naive and removed from any semblance of reality, while posturing as though he's a cynic. This is what's produced by the University of Right-Wing Youtube Talking Heads, unfortunately.
But it's the truth. I can't think of another non-violent way to stop creeping centralised power other than cryptocurrencies, blockchains and smart contracts. It's our only hope.
Seriously, you think "centralised power" is worse now than say, under roman emperors, or egyptian pharaohs, or the medieval papacy? And you refer to it as "forces of evil", as if any of us are not xapable of evil acts? I think fwiw that you need to focus less on your digital navel gazing and educate yourself on ethics and what power actually means.
Of course, if you may think that a Chinese social credits system, controlled by a large state government is great thing and we all don't know what's good for us. That would be a different debate.
Yes because there are only two options .. right? This, or that. Autocracy, or blockchain. Forget that blockchain serves perfectly the interests of autocracy anyway, is this really the limit of possibility for you? Really?
Not to mention that he thinks these "forces of evil" can be defeated by Activists On The Internet. Really quite astonishingly juvenile, naive and removed from any semblance of reality, while posturing as though he's a cynic. This is what's produced by the University of Right-Wing Youtube Talking Heads, unfortunately.
They can be defeated by society building an alternative financial system that isn't controlled by governments.

You really seem to get touchy about anything that involves people who happen to be right wing. It's like in your mind ALL the problems are created by the right. They ain't. The problem is centralised power. The solution is decentralised power.

To have decentralised power, we all have to get involved, both left and right.
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