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Why the f-ck did anyone ask Klaus Schwab the time anyway

Corruption works by people who have a mutual interest, coming together and pooling their powers to get results that are mutually beneficial.
Yes I get all that so how does that affect the UK parliamentary process? Is each decision made in parliament a result of WEF interference?
Yes I get all that so how does that affect the UK parliamentary process? Is each decision made in parliament a result of WEF interference?
Eventually, if each member is a WEF proponent.

Take for example CBDCs. Both Labour and the tories seem to be in favour. Only the Lib Dems are against.

But why should anyone trust politicians when we don't even have to?

Do you want to wait years and years to find out that all along the Lib Dems were actually in favour of CBDCs?

The Lib Dems promised the country a referendum on EU membership. WHen they got the wrong answer back from the public, now the Lib Dems would do anything to reverse Brexit.

I believe from the ground up, we should be building local DAOs (Decentralised Autonomous Organisations) within local communities.

A DAO can be setup for things that the local community would agree on - for example a DAO to protect the local park or playground and we work it from there, until there is a network of DAOs, some that are poltiically aligned, others not so.

I believe that local DAOs will become more common until eventually local authorities will find it much more efficient, democratic and transparent, that they become a DAO themselves.

None of this has to be "captialism on steriods" - and it cuts out powerful forces from local communities.

You believe big corporates get their tenticials into everything. Bill Gates is right stuck in there.

Only public immutable blockchains and smart contracts used properly and wisely can keep big business out of local communities.

For someone who doesn't care, you seem remarkably hung up on this apparent intolerance of different views. What were these views BTW? You can quote them I'm sure, since they've it's exercised you so?
And the intolerance is what, just telling people not to shop here.

Again, is that all you've got? A shop has told people it thinks are racist not to shop there. Is this the fucking distopia you're worried about. Get off the internet and find some real problems to get worked up about.
No. I've got loads. An no it's not the "distopia" I'm worried about.

The distopia I'm worried about is social media companies nuking people's accounts for all the wrong reasons.

If you think the Sainsbury's tweet is about racism, it isn't. Not in a million years is it about racism and not in a million years does Sainsbury's believe in racism anywhere near as much as it believes in dividing it's workforce with the most juvenille indentity politics and tokenism.
Isnt the WEF an open source forum, I.e. anyone can turn up and listen to them prattle on?
Not from what I gather. Used to know a fella who told me about how he got stopped by the Swiss police retinal scanned and told to leave Switzerland when Davos ws happening...was in a band on tour at the time
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All you seem to do is pump out so many proclamations that you put Goebels to shame.

And you asked me to run along and read some books rather than annoy the great amount of intellect and knowledge on this messageboard, so you're hardly a natural at debating
That's not what I said at all:
this is really really stupid tbh. yeh you have to learn but you don't need to bounce your belief off others, you don't have to have actual dialogue, you can sit and listen, you can read the great works of philosophy, history, literature. you can see silently how your views change when they come into contact with the likes of schopenhauer, nietzsche, hegel etc. this notion that you have to pipe up and piss everyone else off just so you can learn is so fuckwitted it beggars belief, especially since you don't seem to have learned a thing from what's been said to you in reply.
So your 'you're hardly a natural at debating' doesn't in fact follow from what I said or what you claim I said. I said you're ignorant, and by satan's seven balls so you are. You can educate yourself: or rather, one can educated oneself, I'm not yet persuaded you have the wherewithal to learn from reading.

Returning to my debating skills, no one is a natural debater. It has to be learned. Although maybe you're a natural mass debater, dealing with lots of people at once albeit very poorly. Tell you what, come back when you can post something that doesn't make it look like you've fallen down the stupid tree and hit your head on every branch.
That's not what I said at all:

So your 'you're hardly a natural at debating' doesn't in fact follow from what I said or what you claim I said. I said you're ignorant, and by satan's seven balls so you are. You can educate yourself: or rather, one can educated oneself, I'm not yet persuaded you have the wherewithal to learn from reading.

Returning to my debating skills, no one is a natural debater. It has to be learned. Although maybe you're a natural mass debater, dealing with lots of people at once albeit very poorly. Tell you what, come back when you can post something that doesn't make it look like you've fallen down the stupid tree and hit your head on every branch.
At least I can stay on topic.

Do you agree that the centralisation of power is a bad thing?
So why are you whining about companies being snarky to racists on social media? Prejudiced dickbags already have plenty of places where they can be pieces of human shit, thanks to that decentralised technology known as the internet.
I have my opinion on the matter.

I have my opinion on many things.

I have answered yiur question again and again.

I tell you my real beef is about the centralisation of power.

You keep talking about racism.

I guess it's because you're a racist.
Yeah this is an oncoming problem as well, as the people lapping up this expanded morass of ill-considered, misleading and self-serving output the most are disaffected young men, who have the motivation and tools to listen to confident-sounding grifters and loons who give them easy answers, but not to critique them.

Mm the issue is, essentially, abundance where once there was want. Rather than having a restricted amount of opinion directly mediated by State and Capital, with a side order of hard to find alternative views, now the trouble is wading through the churn of nonsense to try and identify a bit of sense. Which requires having a handle on things which a lot of people, for one reason or another, don't possess or lose in the process of being corralled into a particular ecosystem of views.
Tough shit.

People can say what the fuck they want.

They just don't realise yet and neither do you - probably because you're one of the people who doesn't have a handle on things.

Don't like it?

There's nothing anyone can do about it - people saying what they want, that is.
you're one of the people who doesn't have a handle on things
Don't take this the wrong way, but you telling anyone else they don't have a handle on things is like a worm telling a bird that they aren't seeing the bigger picture.

There's nothing anyone can do about it - people saying what they want, that is.
First off, lol of course there is both by the platform controllers and by state actors, and they in fact have exercised that sort of control many times over.

Second, identifying a difficulty that people like you have in navigating the information deluge inherent in modern society without going all Great Reset/crypto bro about it is not actually a recommendation for action, particularly. Though if I was to suggest action it would probably involve things like reversing the gutting of media studies in education, the rebuilding of communities to make them more robust and resilient against manipulation, the building of better media to counter the influence of capitalist, state and grift output, etc etc.
Don't take this the wrong way, but you telling anyone else they don't have a handle on things is like a worm telling a bird that they aren't seeing the bigger picture.

First off, lol of course there is both by the platform controllers and by state actors, and they in fact have exercised that sort of control many times over.

Second, identifying a difficulty that people like you have in navigating the information deluge inherent in modern society without going all Great Reset/crypto bro about it is not actually a recommendation for action, particularly. Though if I was to suggest action it would probably involve things like reversing the gutting of media studies in education, the rebuilding of communities to make them more robust and resilient against manipulation, the building of better media to counter the influence of capitalist, state and grift output, etc etc.
Fucking helll.

In effect what you're saying is that we should do what I think we should do except that the tools for doing exactly what we both want to do, are a load of shite not because I've spent the last 5 years researching them bu tbecauaw I've been listening to some crypto bros.

Sorry, but the very tools communities can use to rebuild themselves without outside help help, are cryptos / blockchains / distributed websites and apps.
Fucking helll.

In effect what you're saying is that we should do what I think we should do except that the tools for doing exactly what we both want to do, are a load of shite not because I've spent the last 5 years researching them bu tbecauaw I've been listening to some crypto bros.

Sorry, but the very tools communities can use to rebuild themselves without outside help help, are cryptos / blockchains / distributed websites and apps.
At least I can stay on topic.

Do you agree that the centralisation of power is a bad thing?
You show no signs of knowing what power actually is. Perhaps you should say what power consists of rather than thinking you've made a killer point by asserting against all the evidence that you can stay on topic. You can't argue for toffee, you haven't defined power and you're unfeasibly ignorant. Not a great trinity of failings.
Fucking helll.

In effect what you're saying is that we should do what I think we should do except that the tools for doing exactly what we both want to do, are a load of shite not because I've spent the last 5 years researching them bu tbecauaw I've been listening to some crypto bros.

Sorry, but the very tools communities can use to rebuild themselves without outside help help, are cryptos / blockchains / distributed websites and apps.
When you say you've spent the last five years researching stuff you've not actually been researching but just reading random shit on the Internet almost certainly written in most instances by muppets. Your second paragraph is fucking woeful, communities cannot rebuild themselves without trust as a prerequisite. Tell you what, come down to eg Whitechapel or welling or up to grimsby and tell the locals your prescription and you'll be responsible for an outbreak of aching sides before you're laughed out of town
When you say you've spent the last five years researching stuff you've not actually been researching but just reading random shit on the Internet almost certainly written in most instances by muppets. Your second paragraph is fucking woeful, communities cannot rebuild themselves without trust as a prerequisite. Tell you what, come down to eg Whitechapel or welling or up to grimsby and tell the locals your prescription and you'll be responsible for an outbreak of aching sides before you're laughed out of town
You have a point in so far that technology to the uninitiated is too good to be true, to someone who hasn't researched it, especially those who aren't tech savvy.

However, the fact remains, that DAOs have all of the properties that community needs to run a local project.

There is a certain level of trust needed and if people didn't trust each other, it wouldn't be a community.

When I say, "trustless", the community would no longer need to trust Fred with £3000 for example. Hhe simply can't run off with the money. However, when money eventually needs to be spent, the rest of the community has to entrust someone to buy something and to come back with a receipt. If they don't come back with a receipt, then no one votes for that person to have the money to spend in future.

If there is something corrupt going on, it's easier to see and close down transaction for transaction, rather than fighting for the best part of the year for someone to open up the books.

If a "muppet" claims something can be achieved, then simply research it, not by watching another youtube video, but by actually downloading software and reading the documentation.
You show no signs of knowing what power actually is. Perhaps you should say what power consists of rather than thinking you've made a killer point by asserting against all the evidence that you can stay on topic. You can't argue for toffee, you haven't defined power and you're unfeasibly ignorant. Not a great trinity of failings.
Yawn heard it all before. Old time wasting trick asking someone to define something, to endlessly squabble over where the borders / lines are. I'm not wasting my time defining something to someone who doesn't even have any answers to anything.
If NFT's were honest...

From cracked.com in February ...
Honest definition:

An NFT is a blockchain transaction following a very basic standard, that normally points towards a resource.

It's deliberately very basic, so it can be used for many purposes, some laughably awful, such as badly implimented ownership of art that points towards jpg files that are on fragile and centralised file systems when they should have been hosted on the IPFS, others being extremely useful, for example, censorship resistant domain names.
Yawn heard it all before. Old time wasting trick asking someone to define something, to endlessly squabble over where the borders / lines are. I'm not wasting my time defining something to someone who doesn't even have any answers to anything.
It's a valid question and not a waste of time. Philosophers have been trying to define power and its constituents for centuries. But to you its just "power init" and you haven't got time to define it because you have to do ImPoRtAnT ReSeArCh. Can't you see why you might not be being taken seriously?
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