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Why the f-ck did anyone ask Klaus Schwab the time anyway

The technology is here. It's just not widely used yet, but it's not "Mystic Meg" to assume that it would be used for both good and bad.
Since you're being so evasive, I'm assuming you would adopt the tyrannical stance, which would be to completly nationalise the internet (Corbyn style) and have it re-engineered so that only people with the correct digital ids and enough social credits can use it.

You didn't even bother asking me how I think the internet should be managed. Maybe you should try actually posing the question before jumping to conclusions?
You're on a forum where some of us are libertarian communists, we don't believe in centralised power :facepalm: :D

If you also think cryptocurrency and blockchain and NFTs are some sort of working class liberating technology, you're a cock. Didnt work out well for the internet did it?! Because capitalism will always subsume it and take control of it for class interests.

I don't remember saying that everyone on here had one viewset / ideology. I even repeatidly used the words "some of you" on a number of occasions.

It really comes back to what actually capitalism really is and i'm not sure I want to endlessly debate that.

Cryptocurrency and blockchain are liberating.

People can do what the fuck they want and if the authorities or the elites want to go after them, then the cost of persecution has a higher price, than a centralised power switching people's platform off at the flick of a costless switch.

Of course capitalism will try and subsume it but whether it does or doesn't really does depends on a number of things, but I don't think it will because there are already too many people involved.

I think you're scared of it, because the thought of children adopting entrepreneurial skills at an early age, terrifies you.

I hope it kills communism. It's a wicked and terrible ideology that has killed too many.

Communism wants to control the many for the benefit of the few. No one has the right to curtail the dreams and asperations of human kind.

Do you realise how much people hate you? You don't want to meet my eastern european friends who had to live under communism. Awful ideology that sets everyone up against each other.
I fucking well did sweetie!!!

No, you didn't:

Question is, are you going to accept that world or are you going to demand draconian changes to society to force it to shut down?

As well as being a false dichotomy, this question pertains to issues much wider than the management of the internet.

Are you ready for a world that works drastically different to the one you are used to, where extremists (both left and right) can say what they want, without their platforms being shut down, even if they are doxing each other?

Not a question about how the internet should be managed.

I've always been right wing. Why do I find myself agreeing with Russell Brand on so many things? Has he suddenly turned into a right wing "loon"?

Also not a relevant question.

You can go ahead and actually ask the question, if you'd like.
I don't remember saying that everyone on here had one viewset / ideology. I even repeatidly used the words "some of you" on a number of occasions.

It really comes back to what actually capitalism really is and i'm not sure I want to endlessly debate that.

Cryptocurrency and blockchain are liberating.

People can do what the fuck they want and if the authorities or the elites want to go after them, then the cost of persecution has a higher price, than a centralised power switching people's platform off at the flick of a costless switch.

Of course capitalism will try and subsume it but whether it does or doesn't really does depends on a number of things, but I don't think it will because there are already too many people involved.

I think you're scared of it, because the thought of children adopting entrepreneurial skills at an early age, terrifies you.

I hope it kills communism. It's a wicked and terrible ideology that has killed too many.

Communism wants to control the many for the benefit of the few. No one has the right to curtail the dreams and asperations of human kind.

Do you realise how much people hate you? You don't want to meet my eastern european friends who had to live under communism. Awful ideology that sets everyone up against each other.
Unlike that nice capitalism that makes people happy and will solve all the world's woes
No, if you disgaree with me, you need to give examples of how far is too far.
If you can't do that, you wouldn't be able to describe to me, what it is you want or see as an ideal society, what your political end game is.
Most non-woke people can tell you how far is too far, even if you disagree with them.
Example "I'm against mass immigration, but deporting people is bang out of order." - you see, that's an example of the "right" taking things to far. And no, that's not my view in quotes, as I can't see many people wanting to come to this country in 10 to 15 years time, we will have minus net immigration.
I don't want to describe to you my ideal society. You keep banging on about anti racism going too far. I want to know wtf you're on about.

Stop wasting everyone's time and spit it out.
Jordan Peterson: "Oxygen is important."
SpineyNorman: "Set the trees on fire!!!!"
Jordan Peterson: You can't even praise Charles Murray's bellcueve anymore without the woke moralists using authoritarian tolerance against you. It's a slippery slope to nazi Germany and we're all a bit like Hitler or something.
Stalker one: he's got a point though hasn't he?
Counter-accusations no longer work with you lot. You're a bunch of po-faced authoratarians and all you have to offer to world is misery.
Your answer to climate change is control and authoratarianism.
Capitalism will come up with the answers and tech to eat up carbon, rather than restricting output by the masses.
Up yours woke moralists, we'll see who cancels who

Well, if you want to be controlled, fine.

But is rather technology was used to actually solve climate change than control us.

Nuclear fission and renewable energy technology already exists. Other things would be nice to have, such as high-capacity batteries that don't depend on lithium extraction, but electricity generation accounts for a significant chunk of greenhouse gas emissions. So even if the only change we did was to completely replace fossil fuel plants with nuclear reactors and renewable energy sources, that alone would account for 73% of all greenhouse gas emissions. None of that requires people to eat bugs or become transhuman or whatever paranoid nonsense, we just need to transform the energy sector.

Unfortunately a major stumbling block is that the fossil fuels industry is both wealthy and politically well-connected, indeed entire countries such as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia are basically oil states. They all stand to lose a lot of money and influence if such a transition is to made. So they pull every dirty trick in the book to stave off that transition for as long as they can.

The solutions required are more political than technological. Chucking more decentralised tech into the mix doesn't address the matter of late capitalism's various tribes of oligarchs, whose unearned wealth and anti-democratic political power is more than enough to subvert any of the more idealistic intentions within a purely technological venture. Any solutions to the climate crisis would have to involve curtailing the political power of fossil fuels oligarchs at the very least, but as you might imagine, that's the kind of precedent that can make other oligarchs extremely twitchy.
Well, if you want to be controlled, fine.

But is rather technology was used to actually solve climate change than control us.
Yeah that's exactly what I want you've seen right through me.

I'd rather the means of production, distribution and exchange were held in common and run democratically along sustainable, egalitarian lines so that technologies can be employed and developed with the aim of environmental protection and human advancement rather than capital accumulation.

Stupid boy.
Well, if you want to be controlled, fine.
You are controlled, you numpty. The fact you're still here arguing the toss proves it. If you're so free then why not fuck off and enjoy your freedom? Me, I'm not kidding myself I'm free, I know I'm not. My world is too full of responsibilities, 'freedom' is a myth, a pipe dream I'll almost certainly never achieve except in my imagination. I certainly don't fetishise it, ffs what a recipe for frustration that would be.
Yeah that's exactly what I want you've seen right through me.

I'd rather the means of production, distribution and exchange were held in common and run democratically along sustainable, egalitarian lines so that technologies can be employed and developed with the aim of environmental protection and human advancement rather than capital accumulation.

Stupid boy.
I'll ignore your insult to ask you how that could all come about?

I say, people crack on and build those systems rather wait for political direction.
I'll ignore your insult to ask you how that could all come about?

I say, people crack on and build those systems rather wait for political direction.
Yeah I'm sure you think you're making some great point or this is some kind of gotcha. You're not and it's not. You've not even understood my post, if you had you wouldn't have posted that in response.

It's getting painful and cringe inducing to watch now.
I don't remember saying that everyone on here had one viewset / ideology. I even repeatidly used the words "some of you" on a number of occasions.

It really comes back to what actually capitalism really is and i'm not sure I want to endlessly debate that.

Cryptocurrency and blockchain are liberating.

People can do what the fuck they want and if the authorities or the elites want to go after them, then the cost of persecution has a higher price, than a centralised power switching people's platform off at the flick of a costless switch.

Of course capitalism will try and subsume it but whether it does or doesn't really does depends on a number of things, but I don't think it will because there are already too many people involved.

I think you're scared of it, because the thought of children adopting entrepreneurial skills at an early age, terrifies you.

I hope it kills communism. It's a wicked and terrible ideology that has killed too many.

Communism wants to control the many for the benefit of the few. No one has the right to curtail the dreams and asperations of human kind.

Do you realise how much people hate you? You don't want to meet my eastern european friends who had to live under communism. Awful ideology that sets everyone up against each other.
This is The Premium Stuff - the meandering internet political know it all that has his fingers in so many conspirtitoral pies but doesn't even know it. The absoloute opposite of rigour and investigation, the sort of "political outlook" that grows when there's no gatekeepers any more, and you think you can get an informed world view from your own relentless google searching. But it's not very informed. And it allows to grow and grow though lack of humility. The world is full of garbage takes. Sorry if I sound pesimistic. I mean read what he said back - carefully. Has any of it actually got a grain of meaning?

Sorry Ted, i think you should go back to teh drawing board.
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